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Governing the GovernmentAllowing the Supreme Court to rule on what is and what is not Constitutional is like asking the c… Started by Keith Broaders in The Online ProfessorLatest Reply |
Necessary and Proper ClauseNecessary and Proper Clause All legislative powers are either lawdully delegated or they are Constitutionally prohibited. The idea that t… Started by Keith Broaders in The Online ProfessorLatest Reply |
The Real Cause of the American RevolutionContrary to what you have been taught, the primary cause of the American Revolution was not "Taxation without Representation" as much as… Started by Keith Broaders in The Online ProfessorLatest Reply |
Who is the Enemy of We the People?If you think Russia, China or the Islamic Terrorists pose the greatest threat to the survival of our nation, you are sadly mistaken. Our gr… Started by Keith Broaders in The Online ProfessorLatest Reply |
Taxation is TheftStarted by Keith Broaders in The Online ProfessorLatest Reply |
Guilt by AccusationDoes the President have the Constitutional authority to order the murder of the leader of a foreign country? Is it not true that a man is p… Started by Keith Broaders in The Online ProfessorLatest Reply |
Which Country is the Most Evil One on Earth?Of all of the counties in the world, which one has invaded more than 50 other foreign countries since 1945? In the past 20 years, which cou… Started by Keith Broaders in The Online ProfessorLatest Reply |
Billionaires Rule the WorldWhile there were a total of 3,194 billionaires worldwide in 2022, 756 lived in the United States. If "We the People" collectively understoo… Started by Keith Broaders in The Online ProfessorLatest Reply |
War CriminalsStarted by Keith Broaders in The Online ProfessorLatest Reply |
Does the Bible Condone SlaveryThe meaning of words change over time, In the American history books it says that a slave was considered property just like a cow or a hors… Started by Keith Broaders in ReligionLatest Reply |
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