Of all of the counties in the world, which one has invaded more than 50 other foreign countries since 1945?
In the past 20 years, which country and their allies have dropped more than 337,000 bombs and missiles on other countries to make the world safe for democracy?
Which world leader won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 and ordered 26,171 bombs to be dropped in Afghanistan in 2016?
An average of 72 bombs every day or an average of three an hour were dropped in 2016.
During the invasion of Iraq, which U.S. President and his Nato Allies dropped 29,199 bombs and killed over 120,000 innocent men, women and children?
During the unconstitutional war in Afghanistan who ordered that 7,362 bombs be dropped in 2018 and 7,423 more be dropped in 2019?If youe guess was Donald J. Trump you were correct.
Which country spent $800 billion dollars on their Military Industrial Complex in order to make the world safe for democracy?
Which country in the free world has the most people in prison and which country leads the world in abortions?