Morton Thomson Jr.
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  • Greensburg, PA
  • United States
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  • Alicia Lutz-Rolow
  • Clara Schoneveld
  • Walter Myers
  • Quisno Rodonovich
  • Keith Broaders

Morton Thomson Jr.'s Discussions

Understanding Our Slavery - Etienne De La Boetie

Started Apr 24, 2020 0 Replies

Here's a video everyone should see. This lays it all out, the truth about Republics and government, from the Freemasons and the Prussian Educational Model, to the Media, the Federal Reserve and the…Continue

Tags: Pure Democracy, Karl Marx and Frederik Engels, Democracy Versus Socialism, Communist Manifesto

SSN - Request for Waiver

Started Dec 14, 2019 0 Replies

Request for Waiver for Reasonable CauseThis is a letter designed to be sent from any prospective "employer" to the Secretary of the Treasury to request a waiver of the penalty for missing information…Continue

Tags: Request for Waiver, Taxes and the IRS, SSN Not Required

Message to The Membership

Started Aug 19, 2019 0 Replies

The Constitution Club was established in November of 2012 and has since amassed a membership of over 4,000 individuals. Unfortunately, the vast majority of our members rarely even visit the website.…Continue


Started Jun 30, 2019 0 Replies

List of terms used to describe"The Rothschilds".A cabal of rich and powerful London bankers and their associates.billionaires who own and operate the central banks and the corporations who steal the…Continue

Tags: The Rothschilds

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At 11:36am on October 12, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 3:40am on August 18, 2024, Keith Broaders said…
red Discussions

The European Union is Not a Country

The European Union is Not a Country and neither is the United States. The European Union consists of 27 sovereign member nations that agree…

Started by you in The Online ProfessorLatest Reply

He Didn't Save the Union, He Destroyed It

Abraham Lincoln claimed that it his goal of invading the South was to preserve the Union. but his hidden aganda was to turn the union of…

Started by you in The Online ProfessorLatest Reply

How Our Republic Became a Democracy

The most hotly contested debate at the Constitutional Convention was over how the people and the states would be represented. in Congress…

At 12:34am on May 28, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 4:42am on April 20, 2024, Alicia Lutz-Rolow said…

Agree. Although I know giving back anything we stole or usurped from any nation Keith, is never going to happen as ALL nations are now under the control of the bullshit Freemason satanic-driven psychopaths who have been slowly planning the takeover of the ENTIRE world. The takeover of America aka Babylon which is the nation leading this humanity extinction madness, is quite near and as I watch this Biblical End Times prophecy manifest, I remind myself that we are , God's Creations, and as such, we are NOT of this world.  This world belongs to that fallen angel lucifer, who is on a mission to keep as many Jesus Christ believers and followers from entering the gates of our most Holy Creator. These times we are living in are daunting to say the least, and the choices we make during this time, as well as how we handle ourselves during our final  exits from this planet, is what I believe, will determine our eternity.  Just my own humble opinion.   

At 1:32am on April 20, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Racism is not natural, it needs to be taught and the seeds of racisn were planted by the Christian Pastors in when the British Colonies were established in North America17th Century.

It was when Columbus returned to Spain  he sought permission from Pope Alexander to claim all of the land he discovered for Spain and to subjugate all pagans, saracens and Non Christians in the lands he dicovered.

It was the position of the Church that White Euriopean Christian were superior to all other races. religions and creeds..

The predominately  Christian Nation  embtaced  the Papal Bull known as the Doctrine of Discovery issued by Pope Alexander and the rest is history.

The Constitution was written by a wealthy oligarchy of white Christian men that wanted to maintain their positions in the socio-economic heirarchy for themselves  and their posterity.

For hundreds of years the men and women from Africa who were  imported to the Unted States to labor in the fields of the financial elete were considered to be property rather tgan people. 


At 5:43am on March 28, 2024, Alicia Lutz-Rolow said…

Looking forward to exchanging information Morton...

I am so sorry about your injury...It's always freaking something, isn't it?  I wish you a speedy recovery because at the speed of light rate these masonic-satanic-driven New World Order Boot Licking Sons of Bitches, who dare call themselves our elected representatives...AS IF... are moving forward with their treasonous agenda, we will be enslaved in a totalitarian world that looks nothing like America...Be safe and Stay vigilant...We're going to need all Patriot Hands on deck 


In Solidarity & Freedom


At 12:22pm on March 27, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 11:56am on March 15, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

In 1930 Pennsylvania had  a population of  9,631,350 and had 36 Congressional Representatives or 1 representative for every  267,537 constituents.   

Pennsylania has a population of 12,964,000 but today Pennsylvania only has 17 Congressional Districts. If Pennsylvania were as well represented today as they were in 1930 they would have 44 Confressional Districts.

At 6:37am on November 13, 2023, Keith Broaders said…

Since Comgress first met on March 4th in 1789 Congress has passed over 30,000 Federal Laws and/or statutes for  an average of 128 legslative acts per year. I wonder how much legislation would have been passed if we didn't have a limited government?

The House of Representatives has averaged 146.7 "legislative days" a year since 2001 During that period Congress passed an average of nearly one bill per day.

John Adams, James Madison and James Monroe each issued just one Executive Order while FDR issued 3,721.

By General Orders No. 141, September 25, 1862, Lincoln subjected protestors to martial law and the suspension of habeas corpus. The suspension of habeas corpus was one of Lincoln's most controversial decisions.
Executive Order 9066
On February 19, 1942, FDR issued Executive Order 9066, which led to the forced relocation of approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans living on the West Coast. More than two-thirds of these people were native born American citizens. They were confined in inland internment camps operated by the military.
At 3:12pm on July 15, 2019, Quisno Rodonovich said…

no problem mort put it where it can best be used.


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