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The European Union is Not a Country and neither is the United States. The European Union consists of 27 sovereign member nations that agreed to form a union for their mutual benefit.

Similarly, the 50 States in America are members of a Union of sovereign states. The United States is not the name of a country, it is the name of the "Union of States".

Like a Chamber of Commerce, the European Union and the government of these United States were created to be the servants of their creator.

The oligarchy of billionaires in America control the government, the schools and the media in order to control the people in order to make themselves even richer at the expense of the people/

The government of the United States is nothing more than an enormous crime syndicate and "We the People" are like sheep being sheared for the benefit of the financial elite.

The United Nations is another corrupt organization created for the benefit of the approximately 3,000 billionaires who rule the planet.

These facts have been hidden from the people so that the billionaires of the world can pick our pockets while we are sound asleep.


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