The owners of the corporation that is doing business as the UNITED STATES are the stock holders. While their names are not published, we know that the stockholders of the Federal Reserve and the IRS are also the same criminals that own the stock in the corporate UNITED STATES.
We the People are the employees of the corporation and the Congressmen and women that are elected answer to the stockholders and not the employees. As long as our elected officials take their marching orders from the stockholders and not the people, our nation is destined to fail.
Replacing one set of corrupt politicians with new ones will not change anything as long as the stockholders are calling the shots. Eliminate the bankers and we can restore liberty to the land that once was free.
Anyone that has a social security card is at least a part-time government employee of the UNITED STATES corporation. Everyone that is registered to vote has affirmed that they are subjects to the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES and that they no longer have God given rights. They merely have privileges granted to them by the government.
That is exactly it in a nutshell. It's all one big staged event that has been going on for 100 years or more.A controlled take over of the USA. they are just rolliing the final stage out and there is no stopping them or at least that is what they think. All we can do is stand our ground.
freedom warrior said:
all these BAR member criminals are the ones behind the fraud. they created the fraud, continue the fraud, and is their job to conceal the fraud from the People.
Karl, The united States of America is the dejure union. The UNITED STATES (all caps, like your name on everything) is the 1871 defacto corporate body. Here are a few other sites to research...,,
Karl Norman Meyers said:
Correction - privileges granted by the corporation UNITED STATES OF AMERICA pretending to be our government. That is the biggest thing that people need to understand. When we have gotten mad at our so called "government" because they ignore the people and protect criminals, we can't say that darned government did anything. Its the foreign corporation registered in England called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that we need to address and do something about. Congress took an oath of office to support and defend the corporation UNITED STATES OF AMERICA against all enemies foreign and domestic. Congress is paid $174,000 a year to support the corporation, and ignore the people because the people are enemies of the corporation. Then after only serving one term, Congress can retire and will collect that same $174,000 a year for as long as they live. Its time to shut down the corporation from England and restore the organic constitution and the republic for which it stands!
There are big changes coming in the next few days. Their corrupt system is crashing. The Federal Reserve has been absorbed by the US Treasury, and the IRS as the collection agency for the IRS is going to be shut down very soon. There is a new global monetary system coming that eliminates the fiat currency system and empire that was put in place starting in 1913. The Federal Reserve had a 99 year contract which expired last August, and it will not be renewed. The world has had it with the Federal Reserve and their war machine, and the IRS. For those that think that the bad guys can do anything, any time, and keep doing their crap, wake up. The nightmare is finally ending. Good things are coming in the next few weeks we will see the launching of the new Basil III banking system that is a global one, and no its not a new world order system. The old world order is out of business.
Correction... the IRS is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve.
Karl Norman Meyers said:
There are big changes coming in the next few days. Their corrupt system is crashing. The Federal Reserve has been absorbed by the US Treasury, and the IRS as the collection agency for the IRS is going to be shut down very soon. There is a new global monetary system coming that eliminates the fiat currency system and empire that was put in place starting in 1913. The Federal Reserve had a 99 year contract which expired last August, and it will not be renewed. The world has had it with the Federal Reserve and their war machine, and the IRS. For those that think that the bad guys can do anything, any time, and keep doing their crap, wake up. The nightmare is finally ending. Good things are coming in the next few weeks we will see the launching of the new Basil III banking system that is a global one, and no its not a new world order system. The old world order is out of business.
Karl, I like your information. And I am sure you did the research . A lot of what you said I have had a idea was coming to its head. I just did not have all the facts, names, and places as you are saying. We need to plan for the shift and realize we are heading in a different , new direction. I like to call it "Our new global Honor system .'' We must make it to help our planet .. we must organize and share to defeat these parasites. Their game shall stop . To many are awaking . Look at Iceland , they told the Bankers , Stick It ?? good for Iceland for the courage . Good Blog Thanks Karl .
I was doing some research and talking to a legal friend we both are interested in Para-legal work. He was telling me that in most states, a Para-legal is able to represent a criminal or civil case. A Paralegal can go before the court and represent a friend , relative , etc. He told me that it is written in their Bar membership code or their rules. A Para-legal has a lot more power than most people understand. They can write legal motions, briefs , represent cases in court. He told me this as we talked today July 2, 2013 Can anyone comment on this ? I bring this up because if learned Para-legals can do that much a few million trained Para-legals could have the potential to make a serious dent in Bad Laws .. Redress of Grievous I also bring this up because Rhonda talked about the damage Lawyers have caused us .. a army of Para-legals will address issues the courts will not like Think about This !!
Tongue in check humor here. Yes the IRS is the collection agency for the IRS--They are a law unto themselves!! but can't even obey their own laws!!
Karl Norman Meyers said:
Correction... the IRS is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve.
Karl Norman Meyers said:There are big changes coming in the next few days. Their corrupt system is crashing. The Federal Reserve has been absorbed by the US Treasury, and the IRS as the collection agency for the IRS is going to be shut down very soon. There is a new global monetary system coming that eliminates the fiat currency system and empire that was put in place starting in 1913. The Federal Reserve had a 99 year contract which expired last August, and it will not be renewed. The world has had it with the Federal Reserve and their war machine, and the IRS. For those that think that the bad guys can do anything, any time, and keep doing their crap, wake up. The nightmare is finally ending. Good things are coming in the next few weeks we will see the launching of the new Basil III banking system that is a global one, and no its not a new world order system. The old world order is out of business.
Yeah, thanks. Yes, I have done lots of research. The people of Iceland woke up to the fraud and they fired their entire corrupt government said not only no, we are not paying your phony IMF/World Bank debts, they said hell no! The same thing will happen here very soon. The cabal is out of business. They tried so hard to start WW3 but its not going to happen. They tried to kill us off with GMO's and chem trails and fluoride and aspartame, but people are waking up. Their plan was to piss us off so much that they hoped we would riot in the streets so they could use that as the excuse for martial law, but the people have woken up as never before. It is interesting that there have been world wide demonstrations in Brazil, Japan, and Turkey, but not much of that has been on the Zionost owned media. Even that is breaking up and we will once again have true investigative media instead of paid liars. Everyone should turn OFF the TV news and meditate on peace, and harmony and Love every day.
Demetrios JP said:
Karl, I like your information. And I am sure you did the research . A lot of what you said I have had a idea was coming to its head. I just did not have all the facts, names, and places as you are saying. We need to plan for the shift and realize we are heading in a different , new direction. I like to call it "Our new global Honor system .'' We must make it to help our planet .. we must organize and share to defeat these parasites. Their game shall stop . To many are awaking . Look at Iceland , they told the Bankers , Stick It ?? good for Iceland for the courage . Good Blog Thanks Karl .
I know for fact that there is going to be a WW3. We just don't know when, for sure, so don't get your hopes up too high. Past prophets of the Lord have testified of it, and one of them said it would be over oil. They are all dead now, but when a true prophet of the Lord speaks in the name of the Lord, you had better pay attention, and have a 2 year food (and other necessities) supply put away. The chemtrails have not stopped yet either. I am still dealing with the respiratory issues brought on by them doing it over my place.
Well sorry to disappoint you Wayne but when did prophets ever care or worry about motor oil? I get my information from higher sources than the Tell a Vision news. We have several different ascended masters whom have channeled information to us now that says we are entering the Golden Age, It took Earth about 29 thousand years to get to this point again where one age is ending (Kali yuga) and a new one begins. A world war would only benefit the greedy Zionist bankers who are out of business. There are also several extraterrestrials from several parts of our milky way that have said the same thing, and they will not allow any more nuclear weapons to be used on Earth. I know it is a reach for some people to believe in ET's and ascended masters, but Jesus is an ascended master, and he is saying the same thing. What you are hearing is from the Zionist bankers who want yet another war for banking profits, but that won't happen. Are you ready for a new paradigm of world peace? What you are getting is also known as fear porn. You probably get that from your Tell a Vision news? Turn it off Wayne. The TV has been the most effective brainwashing tool ever invented. They want you in fear because you can be so easily controlled while you are in constant fear and think this war is going to start. It won't. I suppose you are also one of those people that thinks this war must be the USA attacking Iran? That is Zionist propaganda and the Zionists are from Israel. Heck, they own the cable TV companies and the newscast people are paid to lie to us just like the day after 9/11 when everyone who worked for Associated Press (AP) was told to stop talking about, showing, or discussing any bombs that went off on 9/11. The next day they all did stop talking about bombs to keep their jobs, and look what happened. No one heard about all those explosions that happened on 9/11. They did such a good job of controlling the media, that 60% of people in New York City didn't even know that building seven had come down. All of that is changing and no, we will not have another world war. If you want one bad enough the ET's or ascended masters can send you to a planet like that where you can kill people and blow things up, but that is not the plan for our dear Earth.
I will make a reply to your first couple sentences. I did read that much. Since when does a prophet have to care about oil to make a prediction about the future? And I don't get my info from the tell a vision news either. That's all I have to respond with.
Karl Norman Meyers said:
Well sorry to disappoint you Wayne but when did prophets ever care or worry about motor oil? I get my information from higher sources than the Tell a Vision news. We have several different ascended masters whom have channeled information to us now that says we are entering the Golden Age, It took Earth about 29 thousand years to get to this point again where one age is ending (Kali yuga) and a new one begins. A world war would only benefit the greedy Zionist bankers who are out of business. There are also several extraterrestrials from several parts of our milky way that have said the same thing, and they will not allow any more nuclear weapons to be used on Earth. I know it is a reach for some people to believe in ET's and ascended masters, but Jesus is an ascended master, and he is saying the same thing. What you are hearing is from the Zionist bankers who want yet another war for banking profits, but that won't happen. Are you ready for a new paradigm of world peace? What you are getting is also known as fear porn. You probably get that from your Tell a Vision news? Turn it off Wayne. The TV has been the most effective brainwashing tool ever invented. They want you in fear because you can be so easily controlled while you are in constant fear and think this war is going to start. It won't. I suppose you are also one of those people that thinks this war must be the USA attacking Iran? That is Zionist propaganda and the Zionists are from Israel. Heck, they own the cable TV companies and the newscast people are paid to lie to us just like the day after 9/11 when everyone who worked for Associated Press (AP) was told to stop talking about, showing, or discussing any bombs that went off on 9/11. The next day they all did stop talking about bombs to keep their jobs, and look what happened. No one heard about all those explosions that happened on 9/11. They did such a good job of controlling the media, that 60% of people in New York City didn't even know that building seven had come down. All of that is changing and no, we will not have another world war. If you want one bad enough the ET's or ascended masters can send you to a planet like that where you can kill people and blow things up, but that is not the plan for our dear Earth.
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