CaIifornia employees without a high school diploma at McDonalds and Taco Bell recieve $20 per houe and paying a skilled health care professional $5 less per hour is unfair.
For an assised living facility to provide excellent service they need to the best potential Med Techs available and reward them accordingly.
The residents should be allowed the opportunity to evaluate the job performance of their care givers/
The <ed Techs should be allowed to evaluate the job performance of their managers,
Compassionate Poor Fair Good Excellemt
Considerate Poor Fair Good Excellemt
Trustworthy Poor Fair Good Excellemt
Cheerful Poor Fair Good Excellemt
Conpetent Poor Fair Good Excellemt
Dependable Poor Fair Good Excellemt
Courteous Poor Fair Good Excellemt
Patuent Poor Fair Good Excellemt
Enthusiastic Poor Fair Good Excellemt
Oberall Performance Poor Fair Good Ecellemt
For each ranking of excellent score 4
For each ranjing of good score 3
For each ranking of fair score 2
For a ranking of poor score 1
Divide the total score by 10 to get the Med Techs rating
The base pay shall be $15 per hour
Level 2 techa shall receive $ 16.50
Level 3 techs shall receive $ 18.50
Level 4 techs shall receive $ 29 per hour