The earth was created by God and we are merely tenants on the land. Property is not the land it is that which men create. The house which we build is our property, but the land belongs collectively by the people.
All land within a Commonwealth is collectively owned. The people are both landlords as well as tenants. They own their homes, nut rent their land from their county.
Individuals renting small parcels of land will pay a nominal rent, while individuals who earn a profit on the land they rent will be required to pay a much higher land rent.
All of the rent collected will be used for the betterment of the community as a whole and surplus profits will be shared equally with all of the people in the community..
This land rent would replace all forms of taxation which would greatly increase everyone's disposable income while promoting peace, prosperity and freedom.
If God owns the land, who would be collecting the rent?. How would there be any better control of the use of that money than there is now with the IRS? I do not say this is not a viable idea, I just have doubts.