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Natural Born Citizen

Not all children born in the United States are Natural Born Citizens of the UNITED STATES! If both of the child's parents are citizens of the UNITED STATES, the child is a Natural Born citizen, but if either parent was a citizen of a foreign county, the child is not a Natural Born citizen and is not eligible to run for the Vice Presidency of the UNITED STATES.

If one or both of the parents are not citizens of the UNITED STATES when the child is born, the child is considered Native Born, but not a Natural Born citizen of the UNITED STATES. 

A child born to a foreign tourist visiting the UNITED STATES or a child born to a foreign diplomat visiting the UNITED STATES is not subject to the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES, but is subject to the same jurisdiction as their parents.

A child born to American citizens while visiting Germany is not a Natural Born citizen of Germany and a child born to citizens of Germany visiting the UNITED STATES is not a Natural Born citizen of the united States. Children with parents from different countries are dual citizens, subject to the jurisdictions of two different countries allegiance and a divided loyalty to two counties.

Our founding fathers wanted all candidates for the Presidency to have an undivided loyalty to the UNITED STATES. Neither of the parents of Kamala Harris were citizens of the UNITED STATES at the time of her birth. Her father was a citizen of Jamaica and her mother was a citizen of India when Kamala was born.

Kamala was born in the UNITED STATES to a mother and a father who were not citizens of the UNITED STATES and she is therefore only a Native Born citizen, NOT a Natural Born citizen and is not eligible to run for Vice President.

In order to run as Joe Biden's running mate, the Secretary of State in each of the states should certify that her parents were both citizens of the UNITED STATES at the time of her birth. If they can do that, it would allow Kamala's name to be placed on the ballot in their state. If not, she CANNOT run for the office of Vice President.

Kamela Harris is not a Natural Born citizen of India, Jamaica  or the UNITED STATES, she is a Native Born citizen of all three countries.

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The location where a child is born makes them a Native Born citizen, but not a natural born citizen. As a native born citizen she was eligible to run for the senate, but not the Vice Presidency. 

That's quite a good talking point, however, just what is a citizen of the United States? What is the United States? If the United States is a corporation as defined in the U.S. codes, then how could a living being be born in the United States. The only thing that could be born in a corporation is that which the corporation creates, ie, another fictional entity such as the STRAW MAN ESTATE. That is the only thing that can be a citizen of the United States.

Obviously, this is a matter of interpretation.  We keep interpreting the 14th amendment to imply that it pertains to living men/women, however, it does not need the brainpower of a genius to decipher the fact that this de-facto regime has zero authority over the living beings unless there has been a damage committed against another living being, whereupon they may employ the Common Law to address that transgression.

All but the most naive know that Obama was foreign born and a contrived set of facts were orchestrated to attempt to legitimize his status to the American public. It would probably take a book to uncover all the deceptions relating to his presidency.

Lets face it, Its not our government. Its a de-facto regime and we have no, none, nada business busying ourselves with who that foreign owned corporate entity wants to place on its private list of available runners for office. By getting involved in that scenario we commit ourselves to be in favor of accepting Govco as being legitimate by the act of participating in the election process.

If you vote in this country, you have no valid reason to complain about how Govco treats you.

I still believe in the system as corrupt and ignored as it has come. I wholly feel this could well be our chance to turn things around. I will be voting Republican all the way and hope that Trump, with a team behind him, can make great changes. He already has eliminated many of the regulations that were hamstringing business. Imagine what he and Mark Meadows and Pense might be able to accomplish with a team behind them instead of obstructionists. Look at the changes in the Judicial branch. 

You are right. All persons born subject to U.S. jurisdiction are "U.S. Citizens at birth" (Cbs.) Those "Citizens at birth" born exclusively subject to U.S. jurisdiction are Art. II, §1, cl. 5 natural-born citizen.*

* An Art. II, §1, cl. 5 natural-born citizen, under the Exclusive Jurisdiction Theory, is a person born exclusively under U.S. jurisdiction, with no other foreign allegiances or civil attachments at birth.

Of course this short video is false. Shows the reporters ignorance of the Original Constitution. Harris was born in this country, so what ??  They stop there but her parents were not citizens at the time of her birth as others have pointed out.  She can't be VP on those grounds.  Obviously the actual LAW is not being followed as we had a non-eligible individual as president for eight years.  Obongo, and the rest is history.  Harris like BHO were and are 14th amendment subject/citizens.  We deserve what we're getting with all the fraud and lawlessness going on.

No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.

Most people stop at the words "Natural Born"  and leave off the fact that it says citizen.

I think this is a good point. However, if we could NOT get Congress or the states to even look at Obama's birth record, how can we expect them to look at a VP candidate who will only win by cheating?   Spitting in the wind.

Welcome, all. This is my first posting here at the Constitution Club. And, as you can guess, the issue of just who is an Art. II, §1, cl. 5 natural-born citizen has been the rabbit hole I have fallen into since 2008.

By the way, I know Publius Huldah quite well.

For my in-depth analysis of the subject, please go to "Why I am a Birther." 

Currently, I have been trying to get the following message to VP Pence:

At the risk of repeating myself, the issue of what constitutes an Art. II, §1, cl. 5 natural-born citizen ought to be addressed by SCOTUS. It is unfair to voters to have this unresolved question hanging over their heads at the ballot box.

VP Pence and Sen. Harris, as public servants, should amicably agree to bring this question before the U.S. Supreme Court for a decision for the common good of all. Congress could also use its constitutional authority to clear this matter up by specifically stating that "all citizens at birth are natural-born citizens."

But here is another point:

If VP Pence does file a case against Harris' presidential qualification before the election, and, God forbid, he loses, his case can still move forward. If he wins the case, it will probably be moot and dismissed by the court.

However, when Mr. Prence stands for the presidency in 2024 and should another unqualified candidate decides to run against him, he will have an established record of bringing suit against any such unqualified candidates. In other words,

"His reputation will precede him."

She is one more fraud upon our Republic, all while all of Congress and the courts, watch in approval.

This was a good explanation of Natural Born Citizen.  The woman does an excellent job at explaining the Founders.  However she falls far short concerning the 14th fraudulent Amendment.  The Founders never gave the government they created the power or authority to disenfranchise their Posterity and create their own citizen/subjects.  And in no way can government employees at the point of a gun force the States to pass some fraudulent amendment.  Too many reasons why the 14th isn't lawful to go into here.  Hopefully you understand the history behind it and the historical fiction from it we live with today.


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