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Contrary to what you may believe, the united States is not a country. In July of 1776 the British colonies in North America declared their independence and formed a union of 13 sovereign nations. 

The Treaty of Paris signed in 1783 acknowledged that each of 13 colonies were separate and independent countries. The purpose of the Constitutional Convention was not to create a new nation, it was to create a more perfect union of the states that already existed.

Each of the 13 states had their own Constitution long before the delegates met in Philadelphia to amend the Articles of Confederation.


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at the very beginning after this current nation was formed a woman asked Ben Franklin what kind of government did we have he replied a republic if you can keep it.. But a nation was formed under the confederation. John Hanson (the nations first president)  was elected as first President of the Confederation Congress for one year in fact there were a total of 7 before President  Washington I would think you would look at the of the United states of America for at that time was a Federation of States. In 1871 the United States was incorporated, And became the UNITED STATES of AMERICA my question would be how long did we remain a republic?

A Republic is a society governed by natural law and not the whims of men. In a Republi the people have both rights and the responsibility to obey those laws that are just and to refuse to comply with those that are not.

In a republican form of government the people choose representatives to make important decisions in their behalf. All legislation must be consistent with the principles of natural law.


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