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There are thousands of organizations and many millions of people concerned about a myriad of problems, such as gun control, abortion, immigration and gay marriage, public education, taxation and deficit spending.

The issues listed above divide the people into competitors and make it impossible for us to defeat the Wall Street bankers and corporations. It's the old "divide and conquer" tactic.

In order to restore our Constitution and the principles of liberty we must stop quibbling and quarreling with each other and come together in order to defeat the forces of evil, or "we will surely hang separately".

The Friends of Liberty United is an organization created to unite individuals and organizations which share a common desire; to return to the principles upon which our nation was founded. Individually we are weak, but collectively we are strong enough to defeat the forces of evil.

Only a people who are obedient to the Laws of Nature and Nature's God can maintain their freedom. A virtuous people are governed by God and the Laws of Nature and necessity, while the unrighteous are governed by tyrants.

We can not expect government officials to honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution unless we are willing to hold them accountable.

When we obey the unjust laws passed by Congress, we give our consent to be governed by tyrants.

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The problem is that an immoral people keep electing immoral men and women to represent them. As a nation, we must collectively become a moral and virtuous people.

Truth crushed to the earth is truth still . . .: They have more ...



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