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Conned by the Constitution

The men who met in Philadelphia to approve the Constitution actually represented the rich and well-educated elite. They wrote the Constitution to protect the financial interests of this "upper class" and their benefactors.

They did not write the document to protect the rights of  women, slaves, Native Americans and those who did not own property. The Constitution itself, was never a guarantee of equality. It was written to appear as though it were.

They created the House of Representatives to further the interests of their protected class. In the election of 1800 less than 2% of the total population even voted in the Presidential Election.

In the early days only rich, white men were eligible to serve as Congressmen and the Federalists wanted to limit the number of representatives in order to protect their financial interests. The founders hated democracy because it threatened the supremacy of their class.

The founders cleverly wrote Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3, in a way that would enable them to protect their interests by intentionally using ambiguous wording, such that, "shall not exceed" could be construed to be limiting the number of representatives rather than the number of inhabitants. Thus they concluded that this was a one way interpretation of the definition of the word "exceed". That exceed meant, "no more than".

By wording the clause as they did they created the potential to create districts  with a virtually unlimited number of constituents. A move toward total dictatorship that at any level is a tyranny of One over All. Always one group over another. 

The simple fact is, that districts which are too small, are too Democratic and benefit the majority at the expense of the minority, while large districts without limit are a direct attempt to create a Dictatorship which benefits a small minority at the expense of the majority. Both of these extremes are bad, thus the need for a compromise between the two and the intent behind the requirement "one for every thirty Thousand" in Article one.

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Check out the definition of constitutor. I believe the real purpose of the constitution was to determine who would be responsible for repaying the money borrowed to prosecute the war with England. Unable to do so after the 15 year grace period allowed, the federal govt. went into bankruptcy for 70 years in 1791.

The same banksters fomented the Civil War 70 years later to put the government back into another 70 year BR by lending money to both sides as usual. The winner who makes the most concessions to take place when the smoke clears is the one who gets the most financing, however, the winner is also charged with paying back the loans of both sides. 

Under the Reconstruction Acts the state governments were 'reconstructed' as federal sub-corps to make them liable under the New Constitution 'of' the United States for the ensuing new bankruptcy.

The so-called 14th Amendment was a stroke of genius as now they had all the folks they could con into believing they were U.S. citizens on the hook as debtors in the next 70 year BR. 

Thanks to Daniel Pendergast for this contribution.

The number thirty thousands refers to maximum number of inhabitants in a Congressional District. Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3 mandates that each state shall have 1 representative for every 30,000 inhabitants.

The wording of Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3 states that every state is guaranteed to have a minimum of 1 representative. but this statement is un-necessary all of the states had more than 30,000 inhabitants at the time the Constitution was ratified. 

It was the intent of the founders to limit the size of Congressional Districts to no state could have more than one representative for every 30,000 inhabitants. A state with with a population of 30,001 to 59,999 would be entitled to just one representative


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