The philosophical differences between those of two major political parties has made compromise impossible. The only way to prevent another civil war is to create two separate nations.

Rather than having one divided nation, we would be much better off having two  separate nations.  I think that California should secede from the United States and become the first state in a new blue nation and all of the states that woild like to join this new blue nationy should be encoiraged to do so., 

All of the remaining states would form a separate union of red states with a foundation built on the principles of republicanism while the blue states could pursue demicracy...

Any resident unhappy with the political ideology of their new state would be able to pack their bags and move to a state where their values were shared by the vast majority of the residents.


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I disagree, He has not accomplished anything in taking us back towards that which our forefathers planned. All that Trump has done is further the over spending and increased our military and its being sent all over the world to places we should not be.  He should be bringing troops home. He is deporting fewer illegals than Obama did. Don't buy the hype you are being sold. Trump did the exact same thing as Obama when concerning Syria. He may possibly overspend our budget and raise deficits beyond Obama if given 8 years. I wish it were not so because when I tell people the facts they just jump on the You hate trump and must be a liberal hillary supporter train wreck. Trump has put into his important cabinet positions the same old people that just keep getting regurgitated president after president. Yet he claims to not be part of the swamp, yet he hires the swamp.

so you are evidently saying that Trump is no good for the Country, so who do you have in mind to take over and return us to our original Republic?  or do you have anyone in mind?  Maybe you are much better informed than the rest of us or maybe know more than the rest of us, so please tell us of your plan for us to succeed.

I do not have any plan. I just discuss what I know and what I wish to learn.. Believe me their is much for me to learn. The sad thing is you need to realize this game played between the media and the president is just that a game.  If Trump was truly good for our country and not just someone placed by the powers that be to mislead us with false hope because he is great showman; he would be fighting to place the federal government back within the constitutional constraints. Even if he could not succeed he would bring this before the masses and make it known and hard for the ruling families to keep it hidden. Though if he did he would end up dead.  He could also bring home our troops and cut spending and in fact strip the military and disband it. Returning control back to the states the way the Constitution clearly states. This he has the power to do on his own. 

See what I speak of. I say Trump is not great for this country and he gets offensive and attacks me. This is the way all the trump supporters act. 

I have a plan Jim,

It's called 2020 Vision 4 America and I believe you are already a member if I'm not mistaken.

Let's get all of our state district reps to latch on to Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, or face impeachment and even federal charges.

This is factually correct,

But it  doesn't mean we can make him come around to our side by say, eliminating the FRB, for instance.

Also, I believe he could just be waiting for the right moment and the backing of a sufficient number of informed Americans behind him, before he takes on the banks. Right now he needs them and their "line of credit".

you are correct Robert

Considering ALL the powers against him and this country I think he's at least holding his own. The debt will NEVVER be paid off in my view, not by any ONE country. It is beyond belief. But I think it's intentional as well. I don't know what will be done about actual money but I am sure if we see it so doe our adversaries.  They likely have something in mind and we're not likely to  support it. However that will stop nothing.  Trump is only one man and Congress has done their best to cripple his efforts all of them.

But trump is not the problem, the problem is soooooooooo much bigger than him or any one person. 

Actually Robert,

It was the originally proposed 13th Amendment that disallowed lawyers. The first two proposed amendments, although approved by Congress were not ratified by the states at the time. Thus making Amendments 2 thru 12 the first ten (the Bill of Rights) and thus the original proposed 13th was the TONA (Titles of Nobility Amendment.)

Morton, can you tell me what the 11th and 12th amendments were supposed to be.


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