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"The Constitution of No Authority"
The people are sovereign and have the lawful authority to govern [themselves and their posterity.] the government. They can give their consent to form a new government and have a right to alter or abolish [it] their government when [and if ] it becomes tyrannical.
A cabal of rich and powerful London bankers and their associate [The Rothchilds] bankers have [unlawfully] seized control of our government and replaced it with a [monetary based] crime syndicate.
The Constitution was [much like a compact agreement or membership Charter when it was] a contract ratified by [in] 1788 by [vote of the several] states and before the ink on it was dry[,] the contract was breached and the contract [therefore,] ceased to be anything more than a meaningless piece of paper. [valid].
Since the contract that was created to limit the power of government has become a cancer that is being used by the financial elite to redistribute the wealth of the people and regulate nearly every aspect of their lives.
The current members of Congress are [may be] elected by the people, but take their marching orders from the Wall Street [Rothchilds] bankers and the corporations [they loan money to]. Instead of being the servants of the people, they have [our servant government has] become puppets of the [Rothchilds banking family]. financial elite.
We will continue being the victims of tyranny as long as we allow the [bankers] tyrants to rule and reign over us.
The Constitution for the united States no longer [exists to] governs [restrict the behavior of] the government. Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the people and any government that [which] functions without [that] consent of the people is illegitimate [on its face and therefore, null and void, ab initio, in perpetuum].
In the Declaration of Independence, the right of the people to alter or abolish a [their] government was recognized as a natural right of the people and we need to decide if that [the] time has [now] come [to] exercise that right.
In the Declaration of Independence the right of the people to alter or abolish a government was established as a natural right of the people. Allrighty, let us abolish the crooked current government and set up a new one based on the original Constitution. We have the needed people and the brains to make this happen.
we need people to make this a reality, let us make it so!
That's exactly what 2020 Vision 4 America is all about.
Check it out!
we have always had the people. REMEMBER the Boston Tee Party?
that was true at one time but now with the government paying for the living of many of the people we no longer have the people. we must reeducate the people and get them to realize just what the goal of the government is, control of all aspects of their lives!!
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