If I Ran for Congress
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If I were to run for Congress, I would only serve one term, (government should be service, not a career). I would represent the people, NOT a political party or the Wall Street bankers. All of my votes in the House would support individual liberty and the Constitution.
While all of the other Congressmen and women would be busy spending a large portion of their time scrambling for donations to get re-elected, I would use all of my time to honor my oath and always remember to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution."
In addition, I would;
Also I would like to point out that I would not necessarily just be running for the purpose of trying to win. My goal would also be to educate the voters and my political opponents on the importance of adhering to the Constitution and the Laws of Nature and Nature's God.
Read About the Unholy Alliance!
Federal Assets and Liabilities
So there's my list. How about yours?
Questions? Comments?
Tell me! I tried to send it to fakebook and it went into the ozone, I suppose!
Edward, have you read The Declaration of Independence? Have you read The Constitution? The Ten Commandments were brought down from the mountain top, by Moses. They were The Law, used at that time to control the people, from all manner of negative behaviors.
What is it that you continue to call a"rag"! Is it our founding documents, or our flag that you deplore? You are welcome to your opinion, whatever it is. I disagree with a great deal of my governments actions, but I must remind you, Our flag represents us and who we are, so when you insult it, you insult us... at least most of us. Politicians are a sleazy lot, here and Canada, Germany, France, Britain, and certainly the rest of this f...ed up global mess.
How do you know what G-d said? How do you know that our founding documents were, or were not inspired by The Almighty? You are pontificating with one finger in the wind and another finger up your ass!
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