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 Back in 1776 the British Colonists in North America were divided into three classes. There were those that remained loyal to the king. those that remained neutral and those that were willing to pay the price of freedom.

Since 2012, I have dedicated thousands of hours to the Constitution Club website to educate, motivate and inspire those who love principles of liberty to take action to restore our Constitutional Republic.

For the past  seven years ago, I have dedicated over ten thousands of hours in an effort to educate, motivate and inspire the 4,000 plus members of the website to become actively engaged in the effort to restore our Constitutional Republic. 

Thomas Paine referred to the timid as summer soldiers and the sunshine patriots. Roll up your sleeves and take an active role in helping to restore our republic

Use the website to educate yourself and your friends, neighbors and countrymen on the principles of liberty and the Constitution.

I am asking you to share this website and its content with your friends, neighbors and countrymen. Restoring America is not a spectator sport.

 Today, Americans collectively pay trillions of dollars to support a tyrannical government, but virtually nothing to pay for the defense of our liberty and the Constitution. Please invite your friends and neighbors to join the Constitution Club and ask them to do the same.

To donate click of the following link

The purpose of political parties is to get your political opponents to pay for your free lunch. The democrats want the rich to pay tab, while the republicans want the poor to pay the price. How about the novel idea of everyone paying for the goods and services they want.

If you believe in the principles upon which our nation was founded please help the Constitution Club educate America 

The tax breaks and subsidies granted to corporations equal more than 1.2 trillion dollars.When the wealth of the rich is redistributed to the poor it is called socialism, but when the wealth of the poor is redistributed to the financial elite it is known aw Crony Capitalism.

In a Democracy the many plunder the few and in Oligarchy the few plunder the many, but in a republic no one plunders anybody.

Keith Broaders

1230 N Street Apt 510
Sacramento, California

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In the election of 1800 there were a little over 5 million people and only 67,000 white men actually voted. Over 98% of the people had no say.

Isn't it more that no one followed what they set up? The Law of Nature and Nature's God, in the Declaration, should have been the spiritual foundation for our laws about right and wrong, as well as the foundation for the culture. They gave us concepts, put in words, that no one cares about whatsoever. When was the last (or first) time that any Judge wrote about conforming to Natural Law? Our early laws cited scripture as their basis according to David Barton. When did that end?

The James Wilson Institute Manifesto on Natural Law puts it very succinctly—"We never had the right to do wrong."

Standing upon that foundation, abortion would never have happened, and neither would Obergefell have happened, nor pressuring Catholic Adoption agencies to force them to allow homosexuals adopt children. These horrors would not have happened. Nor would Judicial Supremacy have happened. Nor would illegal migration have happened.

Never, that I know of. Does everyone think those words are in there for absolutely no purpose? I do not understand. The only group that I know of that teaches that spiritual foundation is the Institute on the Constitution, David Barton and a few others.

The ideals that you refer to where all laws are rational and honest appeared in either a book or movie called 'Utopia'. The nature of man precludes us from ever visiting this place except in our minds.

Ha, maybe. My dreams, my circuitry is wired differently. Maybe because of my family and extended family. They knew the basis of right is God and the basis of evil is demonic.

When I grew up people didn't lock their doors. Neighbors watched out for neighborhood kids and told the parents if the kid did something. Police didn't beat people up. When I was 16, young and dumb, lost on the South Side of Chicago, needing to find I-55, I found a large ball park (summer) with two police cars, they were watching the games, keeping an eye out. I asked directions. They told me, "Follow me." They drove in front of me and led me to the highway, signalled to me where to get on, and took off. What incredible kindness. South side is still crime/mob laden.

Different culture. Different world view. Different morality. This was the early/mid 70's.

There aren't many in this country that are familiar with Natural Law.  That's a sad fact as I believe most of our founding documents are build on it.

From the text of the Northwest Ordinance

Art. 3. Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged. The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards the Indians; their lands and property shall never be taken from them without their consent; and, in their property, rights, and liberty, they shall never be invaded or disturbed, unless in just and lawful wars authorized by Congress; but laws founded in justice and humanity, shall from time to time be made for preventing wrongs being done to them, and for preserving peace and friendship with them.

Morality with law, that is what we had.

Why is it without failure, this government is described as a Democracy when it's a Constitutional Republic. I guess "mob rule,"  is what they're trying to mainstream, and they have been successful.


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