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Are You a Liberal or a Conservative?

The meaning words have changed over the years. Words that meant one thing years ago often have a totally different meaning today. The term liberal once was used to describe someone who believed in  the principles of liberty, equality and justice.

The word liberal today refers individuals who believe that principles upon which our nation was founded no longer apply. The modern day liberal believes that the government is the solution rather than the source of our problems. They do not believe that the our human rights come from God, They believe that groups have rights, but the people have only privileges granted to them by government.

The word conservative has also changed since the founding of our republic. A conservative referred to those who believe in maintaining the status quo. The conservatives of the 1770's were called Tories, while the liberals were referred to as the patriots. George Washington was not a conservative, he and the patriots were liberals. Isn't it ironic that the word liberal is derived from the word liberty.

 If you believe that the proper role of government is to preserve, protect and defend the rights of the people, you are a Classical Liberal,  If you believe that the government's job is to redistribute the wealth of the people you are oppose the principles upon which our nation was founded.

What is a Classical Liberal ?

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Liberal=Communism=totally destruction of society.

If you are talking about the modern day liberal, I agree with you, but if you are talking about the liberal who believes in individual liberty and personal responsibility I disagree.

I was sort of Liberal when I was 21. I stupidly fell a little for that Class Warfare Crap. When Our Lord Jesus revealed himself to me at 25 I became sort of Politically Aware and became a Conservative wading into Politics seeing Democrats as anti-christian. This is back when the Ten Commandments Cases were Happening. Then I read everything of Lysander Spooner, Ed Griffin, Herb Titus, Rousas Rushdoony, Edwin Vieira and many others and now I Absolutely Know the Liberal Conservative Spectrum of Politics are a Lie designed to distract from the Satanic attacks upon our GOD ordained Liberties. Politics is not and never has been Liberals versus Conservatives. Politics throughout History has always been Liberty versus Tyranny. And we will see at His Millennial reign that ALL Human governments are at enmity with GOD. We have a Warfare State Party & a Welfare State Party who agree on a Police State. Both are enemies of Liberty! One offers Security from the Boogey Man if you give up Liberty. But your Liberty is your only Security. The other offers you Security from Want & Lack if you kneel and suck that sour milk from the government Tit that never satisfies and leaves one perpetually in the grips of Poverty's Generational Curse. Once you qualify for the Welfare, the assistance comes every Month. After a while you become Dependent. Then you find that you're no longer Independent. If you're not Independent you're not Free! This is not the Security our Civil Governments are empowered with. Securing the Rights of the Individual is the power entrusted.

When people hear that someone is a liberal it is assumed they are compassionate, generous and open minded. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

The word liberal is derived from the word liberty, but those that identify themselves as liberals believe that individuals must make personal sacrifices for the greater good of the greater number. A modern day liberal is a socialist that is pretending to be something they are not.

A conservative is someone who wants to preserve a set of principles. A Constitutional Conservative is actually a Classical Liberal while a contemporary conservative simply wants to maintain the status quo.

People identified as Conservatives are often presumed to be selfish individuals that lack compassion.  

I am not a liberal or a conservative, I am a man that believes in individual liberty and personal responsibility,


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