Is the man who supplies the dynamite to a terrorist as responsible as the man who lights the fuse?
Hitler, Stalin and Mao could not have risen to power without the financial support on the International Bankers.
Every county that engages in war depends of the loans supplied by the International Bankers. If the banks were prevented from loaning money to governments, the never ending wars that would come to an end.
The profits of war are measured in dollars and the cost are measured lives.
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The US government is easily the greatest terror state in the history of the world, and has committed more war crimes than all other countries put together!
In 1913 Congress violated the Constitution and gave consent to establish the Federal Reserve. This act gave the International Bankers the authority to issue our money and regulate its value.
Congress is directly responsible for turning the American people into a nation of debt slaves. Virtually all of the money collected in taxes goes to pay the interest on the national debt. The funds needed to fund the annual budget comes from the money borrowed from the Federal Reserve.
If it is true that the borrower is always a slave to the lender, it is obvious that countries that borrow money from the bankers are slaves to the lender. The men who own the banks control virtually all of the nations in the world.