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Trillions of Dollars are Hidden in Secret Accounts

The financial position of the United States includes assets of at least $269.6 trillion (1576% of GDP) and debts of $145.8 trillion (852% of GDP) to produce a net worth of at least $123.8 trillion (723% of GDP) as of Q1 2014.

The federal government also owns 24.67 percent of the land in the District of Columbia.

Yes, the federal government only owns a small amount of land in some states. This, however, can still amount to a chunk of land. For example, the federal government owns 1.57% of the land in Alabama. That is still 513,913 acres.

In addition to all this land, the federal government owns 411,415 buildings with a total of almost 3 billion sq. ft. of building area all acquired at a cost of about $327 billion. The federal government also has 59,036 leases on 45,261 buildings with an annual rental cost to the taxpayers of just over $6 billion.

What is all this property used for? The majority of federal land is controlled by the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture. Forest and Wildlife account for 30.42 percent of the land, grazing accounts for 22.2 percent, and parks and historic sites account for 15.5 percent. Only 2.16 percent of federal land in the United States is used for military purposes, plus only another .06 percent for airfields. The cost of acquiring all this land: only $24.5 billion.

Even the world is not safe from the tentacles of the federal leviathan. The U.S. government owns approximately 1.5 million acres of land outside the United States. There are 4,437 buildings sitting on this land that occupy over 35 million sq. ft. of building area. The U.S. government also has 12,738 leases on 12,446 buildings on foreign soil with an annual rental cost to U.S. taxpayers of over $523 million. The United States leases property in 167 foreign countries.

Why does the U.S. government lease 733,627 sq. ft. of building area in Bolivia and 790,704 sq. ft. of building area in Colombia? Is this necessary? Do any members of Congress know about this? Do any members of Congress care about this?

To say that our government is too big would be the understatement of the century, but that is really the most accurate way to describe it. Yes, the federal government is too wasteful. And yes, the federal government is too expensive. And yes again, the federal government is too intrusive. But these things are true in a large part because the government is just plain too big.

The first step toward taming the federal leviathan is to confine it to Washington D.C. Nothing short of the largest land sale in history will bring this about.

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The Federal Government collect a little over 3 trillion dollars in taxes and earned over 14 trillion on their stock market investments. In fiscal year 2015, the federal budget is $3.8 trillion. The Federal government collected a little over 3 trillion dollars in tax revenue and another 14 trillion on the return of their assets invested in the stock markets

With over 17 trillion dollars in revenue only 3.8 trillion was allocated to the budget and the remaining balance of over 13 trillion dollars is hidden from public view.The Federal government does not need to tax the people. In fact there hidden surplus could pay off all existing mortgages and student well as providing free health care for everyone.



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