Are You a Victim or an Accomplice
A man who supplies the weapon to a man who uses it to commits a murder is is just as guilty as the man who pulled trigger.
If you give money to a neighbor who uses it to kill another human being, you are an accomplice to the crime, If your tax dollars are being used to fund abortions,you share are partially to blame.
When Congress votes to allocate money to fund programs and projects that are clearly unconstitutional, and you do nothing about it, you are part of the problem. You and your country is in debt because we have allowed Congress to send money we don't have on things we don't need and can't afford.
Where in the Constitution is Congress given the authority to assist in terminating the lives of unborn babies and asks you to pay for it, you are an accomplice.
Did you know that in order to promote World Peace the United States dropped over 26,000 bombs in Middle East in 2016., while the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize was still in office. See the numbers in the comment section below this article.
Loaning your credit card to a thirsty alcoholic is a very bad idea, but continuing to re-elect Congressmen and women spend your money as recklessly as they do should spend their next term in a federal prison,
It is my position that no Congressional incumbent should never be re-elected. Those who serve in Congress are paid mercenaries working for the bankers and Wall Street corporations. Their job is to serve the people they are supposed to represent, but they number one goal is not to serve, but to get re-elected.
The Wall Street bankers and corporations spend hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase the seats in the Senate and House of Representatives for men and women who are willing to repay them with political favors.
In case you haven't realized it, the system is broken and replacing your old Senator for a new one is like changing the bedroom furniture in a whorehouse.
The time has come for us to alter or abolish our form of government. Due to our ignorance and apathy we have allowed our country to be taken over by a gang of thieves.
A just man will refuse to obey and unjust law. Any law that takes the fruits of one man's labor to give another is wrong, It is our duty to funding the tyrants who use our own money to enslave us.
If you like what I have written, share tit with the editor of your local newspaper. Share it with your facebook friends and anyone else that loves liberty and wants America to once again be the home of the brave and the land of the free.
Also please consider helping me share the Gospel of Liberty by supporting the Constitution Club,
Please Support the Constitution
Replies to This Discussion
All the Personal Income Tax money paid to the IRS (an agency of the United States, the "United States" being the name of the federal government) is, by operation of law, considered a gift to the United States. Those who give are no longer connected to the money, have no means of recovering the money and are not responsible for the manner in which it is used by the recipient, United States. To conflate any spending choice of congress to the gift giver is shameful. You, Keith B., and I have but one choice to make in that regard: either continue to participate in the IRS taxing program or separate yourself from it. I have separated myself from it permanently. Have you done that or do you still contribute to the fund which funds programs with which you disagree ? Don't you dare insinuate that I am an accomplice to killing. Participation in IRS taxation scheme is 100% voluntary. Those who got in and remain in do so voluntarily.
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