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The income tax is a direct and un-apportioned tax and is and always has been, unconstitutional. The compensation that you receive from your labor is not a gain and therefore, not income by definition. In fact, income is the profit one receives from being a government employee or from profits from corporate activity. If a man pays you in watermelons for mowing his lawn, are the watermelons considered taxable income?

The fruits of one's labor are the product of one's time and talent and this is not the same thing as income. Whether your compensation comes in the form of watermelons or dollars, it really doesn't matter. Neither the watermelons nor the dollars that you receive as a result of your labor, are income.

For further evidence to support this I direct you to other articles such as;

Income Taxes are a Direct Unapportioned Tax

The National  Debt and The CAFR

The Fed's Big Secret

Income Taxes are Unconstitutional

The Law That Never Was

Taxation Without Representation

Comments? Questions? Replies? Links?

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I live by the universal declaration of human rights, their constitution's are rewritten every ,20 ,years, it's actually a corporate charter and I didn't sign it, congress redefined the word person in 1864, tricky bastards
I didn't know the word person was redefined so long ago. When that happens, does it change the meaning of every use of the word before that time?

Did the people give Congress ANY authority to change vocabulary? Can't find that listed in their employee handbook! If not, I think their deeds are null and void, as it's not in their job description. Like so many other things. We need to call them out on these things.

The word "Person" didn't change, nor did its meaning. It has always meant or been defined as, a "Persona", a fictitious entity, a character or caricature of a "real" human. Not real, made up, theatrical representation of a real human. A FAKE!

I disagree with your assumption that being paid with FRNs makes one liable for the Federal Income Tax.

I have been dealing with the IRS going on 4+ years now and have learned a great deal about THE CODE!

For starters...let's put the name of the tax into perspective.  It is a TAX on FEDERAL INCOME, i.e., Federal Income Tax.  So...this plainly states that one must be receiving income that is federally connected in some way, i.e., a federal employee, an officer of a federally owned or controlled corporation, someone doing business with or investing in the federal government.  If you do not fall into one of these, you are not liable for the Federal Income Tax.

Also, when it comes to DIRECT and INDIRECT taxation, Direct taxes must be apportioned IAW a census while Indirect taxes are EXCISE taxes also known as PRIVILEGE TAXES.  The Federal Income tax is a privilege tax, in that, it is a privilege to do business with the Federal Government.  It's the activity that you are engaged in that determines whether or not you are liable for the Federal Income Tax.  If your activity is in any way federally connected, then you are liable for the tax.  Just earning money does not make one liable for a tax to the federal government.  The income tax is completely legal but it only applies to those who choose to engage in a federally connected activity.  If you work for yourself and not doing business with the government or work for a private sector business or corporation, then you are not liable for a tax owed to the federal government.  It all comes down to definition of words used within the tax code.  For example, the only reason a W-2 for should be filled out and submitted is to report 26 USC 3121 or 3401 defined "wages".  3121 wages pertain to anyone who works in a federal territory such as Guam, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Etc..., and working for the federal government or federal corporation.  3401 wages are defined as earned by an "employee"; well, the term "employee" is defined (c)Employee

(c) For purposes of this chapter, the term “employee” includes an officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing. The term “employee” also includes an officer of a corporation.

Basically, anyone working for a private business or Corp. should not have a W-2 federal form filled out or any of their "non-taxable" earnings reported to the IRS.  Private businesses are committing fraud in that they are reporting earnings to the IRS are are not taxable thus committing fraud.  Now that the IRS has received these 3rd party submissions, unless they are rebutted by way of a Form 4852, the IRS will assume they are legitimate and assess a tax.  Our government and the IRS are in bed together and have concocted this scheme to fleece the American people.  The problem is, the American have no idea what the tax code says and that includes the CPA's and anyone involved with taxes.  It's one BIG sham.

In the older instructions for the income tax forms, they clearly stated that only 'citizens of the United States' are subject to the current income tax.  The courts have made it clear that a 'citizen of the United States' is a fed citizen via the 14th amendment.

The laws and rules are written to be in compliance with the constitution[s] but are often enforce outside those limits. The current income tax, for instance, does not apply to those people that are only citizens of their state and in now way tied to the United States / fed gov.

I agree that the tax code is written in such a way that it conforms to Constitution limitations, however, the definitions that I spoke of above...this is how "they" dupe the American people into thinking that their "wages" and "income" is subject to this tax.  At no time does anyone mention that these words along with many others words and phrases are specifically defined and no longer have their general meaning.  We are lead to believe that wages, income, employee, and trade or business mean any and all but in fact, they do not.

The IRS also spreads false information by stating in their pamphlets that the 16th Amendment granted Congress new taxing powers wherein all "income" from whatever source derived is now directly taxable.  Trust me, the IRS, the FRB and our own government are all in cahoots and working around the clock to keep the fraud alive.

It sickens me, after serving in the Navy for 20yrs, to learn that our government has been so corrupt and out of control for so long.  There has got to be a silver bullet that can penetrate this wall of deceit & corruption perpetrated by the IRS.  No matter what I send them, they ignore it and continue sending the next notice or letter claiming I owe.  I've been levied numerous times by them with no end in sight.  They claim I owe numerous $5000 penalties simply because I tell them my private sector earnings are not taxable.  I collect a military pension, which is taxable being that I was a federal employee when I earned it.  I need the harassment & unlawful extortion to stop!  You got any silver bullets?

Actually Yes,

I think you may find some help with staying out of their "courts" right HERE.

Then if you wish to engage and perhaps even start getting involved in arresting criminal judges, prosecutors, Attorneys General, etc. until the rats begin to abandon ship and the "house of Cards" begins to fall, then try  Rule of Law Radio, (see the TAB at the top marked "Radio Shows), with Randy Kelton including Eddie Craig on right to Travel and a host of guest appearances by experts of many colors.

Let me know if you need more. I also would suggest taking a look through our "Forums and Folders" Tab for your subject of inquiry.

Please be careful with these poorly thought out theories. It is still up to the gov to issue passports. People cannot 'stay out of the current courts'. The only defense recognized is to stand on a challenge to jurisdiction. This can be done directly with a filing called a jurisdictional challenge or it can be done with a demur. In a demur, the accused is saying that even if the facts are correct, the court has no authority to proceed and then you say why.

There are due process statutes and much case law to support this action. Please be aware all trial courts are communist controlled by an agency out of DC and to protect status quo, trial court judges will not hesitate to ignore the law in order to enforce communist policy.

Things are really bad and getting worse.

"People cannot stay out of the current courts."?

Sure you can. Just don't go.

Then they simply put out a warrant to order the police to drag you into the court. We are not dealing with a passive occupying communist force.

Stop jumping to final conclusions without review. I didn't say "not going" is ALL you have to do. You should look at the tab links I gave you, THEN reply. You sound like you didn't even look at the information. And also;

"No warrant shall issue, but upon probable cause"

Probable cause of a CRIME! NOT A Summary Offense!


Check the tab links. I believe you called them "poorly thought out theories". We have COMPLETELY redone our website and our focus. Try to catch up. The info is there. Right at the top of the page. Check the new Forums and Folders Tab.


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