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Mount Rushmore has become nothing more than a shrine to Presidents who the people revere. In my opinion the men whose images are carved in that stone, all violated the Constitution and don't deserve to be put on a pedestal.

Before the ink on the Constitution had even dried, George Washington violated the Constitution by helping to establish a central bank which was not authorized in the Constitution.

Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France who had stolen the land from the northern American indigenous people. He did not make the purchase of the stolen property because he had a moral right to do so, he did it because it was, in his opinion, a great deal.

Abraham Lincoln did not save the Union, he destroyed the Nation, ignored the Constitution and stripped the people and the states of their sovereignty. He was responsible for the death of over 600,000 of his fellow countrymen.

Teddy Roosevelt was largely responsible for the acquisition of foreign territories and helped to turn the United States into a world power. He believed that he had the power to do anything he wanted as long as the Constitution didn't specifically forbid it. With that kind of power in hand, he also established the First National Park - Yellowstone; and his power grabbing didn't stop there.

In my opinion the so called heroes on Mount Rushmore were four of the worst Presidents when it comes to upholding the Constitution. I love the principles upon which our nation was founded, but I believe that we have failed to hold our elected officials accountable and are paying the price for our ignorance and apathy.

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Keith Broaders

  1000 S. Gilbert Street #54
Hemet, CA 92543

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The first two men you speak of were writing on a blank page.  They had little to go on as an example of how a republic should be governed.  I think they did a marvelous job.  Lincoln and Roosevelt should have done much better.

They had a rule book. There had been plenty of discussion about central banks. I can't believe Washington did not know that what he was sneaking in wasn't wrong. Jefferson had to make a decision about sharing the continent with another power or expand the area of these United States.  This was not really clearly defined in the rule book. The other two were tyrants. There is no reason in the world to excuse ignoring the rules when they knew what they did was wrong.

Was Washington right in violating the Constitution by establishing a central bank. It was either right or it was wrong to violate the Constitution.

Purchasing land stolen from the indigenous people was either right or it was wrong..

Who in our fair land has not purchased land that was taken (not stolen), from indigenous people?

Indigenous people had no concept of property ownership and they took from the land what they needed. Some tribes warred on other tribes and even held captives, as slaves.

I am sure you know history much better than most, as I have learned much from you. I love history and now realize how distorted it becomes in the retelling, from generation  to generation and agenda to agenda.

I worry about those of the Islamic faith, with fifteen kids, by three wives, out producing us and using the very Constitution that was designed to protect us, to destroy us.

We have allowed our culture to degrade and become so diluted with the influx of other, non- assimilating cultures, that the only hope of going home again, will probably require the force of arms and a helluva lot of bloodshed.

Personally, I am too old for this crap and the extent of my physical involvement will necessarily be limited to the defense of my family and home.

Banking, like sex, can only be appropriate, between consenting adults, but the issue of a nations currency should only be, by the government and closely monitored for corruption. Fractional banking (creating currency out of nothing is fraud) should be taboo, as it is a form of counterfeiting.

It is always WRONG to violate The Constitution! I disagree however, with your premise, that land was stolen from anyone, prior to it being sold to the U.S. from France.

Texas has been claimed by six national entities, as have other states, then consider Europe and the Middle East. How far back, into antiquity do we go to establish rightful ownership?

I never thought about the fact that every home  owner purchased land that had been stole the land from the indigenous people who were the rightful owners.

Friedrich Rehders;   I agree with your statement that it is always wrong to violate the constitution. However, without the 'One subject at a time act', "Representatives" are hard-pressed to get anything accomplished. Therefore they should be fighting to get nothing done, instead of making the compromises that are made. , 

Hind-sight is a great thing, and the "Constitutional Experts" are such, just a waste of time. The men on Mt. Rushmore did a lott for the growth of our country, and I wonder just how these 'experts" and "arm-chair" Patriots of to day could measure up to them. Could you have done it better? I doubt it. It's easy to sit back and be critical of them, given the technology we have and in-sight we have available today, but doubt  these modern day geniuses could have done better at the time. Instead of these  negative posts, why don't you get off your asses & post something that would strengthen  & unite our country. Just what are you doing along those paths/ What are you doing to unite the country, stop the riots, protect, your families, loved ones and our country? How about we stop these negatives and start posting some positives!? There is enough BS out there without you adding to it. You speak more like an anti-American than a Patriot!

Gregory, I am defending m y country and am not making excuses for a corrupt government. A Patriot is not someone who waves a flag and supports the government, a patriot loves, liberty and obeys natural law not the governmental edicts that enslave us. I support the government when it follows the Constitution, but refuse to comply when it does not.. We have become a nation of sheep and are about to be devoured by wolves, because we collectively tend to think that we must believe and do whatever the government command us to do. That is not the definition of freedom, it is the foundation of slavery.

Gregory Lesniewski;  Discussion and Educating We The People is Patriotic and Positive.  Learning history can prevent many future mistakes. I wholeheartedly agree with Online Professor.

The native Americans believed that the land was the property of the Creator  and the people were  the caretakers of the land. They did not believe that land was private property, they believed that the earth (land), was collectively a gift from God. The Native Americans did not believe that humans could own the air the land or the water and that man's property consisted of the things that he was able to produce using his time, talent and labor.


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