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In a pure democracy all of the people share equally in the decision making process. Every individual gets to vote on every issue. In the United States we have a Representative Republic under the rules of democracy, which means that the people delegate authority to their representatives in their legislative district.

If the number of people being represented is large and the number of Representatives is small, it is probable that the Representatives will hold a large amount of power and exploit the masses for their personal benefit.

For the people to be remain in control, the ratio of representatives to number of people being represented must remain relatively small, (Article I, Section 2, Clause 3). The larger the constituencies the more likely it is that the rich and powerful will become rulers rather than representatives.

Congress consists of 435 representatives who rule and reign over Congressional Districts that average over 700,000 individuals. In order to prevent the establishment of an oligarchy, our founding fathers proposed that a ratio not to "exceed" one representative for every 30,000, would prevent the representatives from abusing the rights of the people that they were elected to serve.

When a government is ruled by a single individual, it is referred to as a Monarchy. When all political power is vested in the hands of a few at the top, the government is referred to as an oligarchy.

Contrary to what we have been taught, our government is not a democracy, it is an oligarchy consisting of 435 rich and powerful individuals who masquerade as public servants and instead are pledged to foreign interests and represent nothing more than an oligarchy. 

The founding fathers knew that in order for the government to function properly the ratio of representatives to the number people being represented should not "exceed" one representative for every 30,000.

Today, legislative power is vested in the hands of 435 representatives and 100 senators. If we followed the advice of our founding fathers we would have over 10,000 Representatives and 100 Senators.

Our founders understood that when a few had the power to control the many, the few would have the power to exploit the many. Reduced constituencies are key to the distribution of this power. If you only speak for 30,000 people, your individual influence on the course of laws would be "watered down" as opposed to "representing" over 700,000 people and thereby holding all of the relative "power" associated with that number.

Congressional Districts are 15 to 20 times larger than proposed by our founders and the representatives have become modern day aristocrats who take their marching orders from the billionaire bankers and Wall Street corporations.

We don't need to re-invent the wheel, we simply need to follow the road map provided to us by our founding fathers.

Please share this article to your friends and neighbors and help me take down the oligarchy of the Wall Street bankers and corporations. 

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European royals killing naked children for fun at human hunting parties?

now whats with this captcha crap-hard nuff to enter n BE sure not oer 140

That is the very definition of a Globalist.

I talk to a family. They believe in corporate installed Oligarchies over nation-states. Trump may have pulled us out of TPP & the Paris Accord. That is one of the ways they take sovereignty. How can a message and policies be "populist" if we are supposed to be ran by the people?

The Globalist I talk to told me Obama did far far more damage than people realize. They were afraid liquidity would dry up after the 2008 crisis. It recovered nicely by 2010. Government dependence was more important to O than jobs and real growth. Now even if they wanted to releasing too much liquidity into our economy could cause hyper inflation.

He printed us to the end of our planned cycle in 2014. They were worried about Trump at first but after all their stunts pulled she said her father was repudiated as saying at the time, the die is cast, it doesn't matter if the Americans elect Trump things likely won't change at this point.

This is a Globalist publication and give a little insight into what they think. Listen to European leaders. They call us North America. I hope people understand how they create economic zones .Through the central banks and IMF.

There really isn't anything that can be done, even if they ended The Fed, the shock would still be felt all over the world and likely be an act of war. When McCain and Bush referred to the NWO they are referring to the creation of the IMF. They drain TRILLIONS from our economy and tax payer money through IMF. Apparently that is really where SS is too. If Trump or any other US POTUS did something about it they'd just be stripped of power or killed. I'm pretty sure JFK was killed over EO 111110.

She told me our dollar resetting was planned in 1964. Bush 41 was the first one to really sell us out though. In retrospect Reagan warned us. There are even speeches of him saying I don't want people in Brussels telling us how to run things, then he broke down what the Fed had done to our dollar in 1964! The year of his first speech on the subject. He warned us over and over again. People just don't understand our monetary system.

They shot at him too. Warning shot???


we r BEing BEtrayed by the robes n they act w/o the Consent of the governed, best read ur STATE Kort decisions as the robes r stacking all in favor of the STATE to lying cops or by DA's refusing to disclose discovery material or the rules to DENY a Right to a Remedy, FTG

It would NOT matter who gets elected if those that did and do obeyed their Oath of Office above all else. It is up to the people to force this to happen.

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Samuel Adams, cousin of John Adams, is called the "Father of the American Revolution." He incited the Boston Tea Party, signed the Declaration of Independence and called for the first Continental Congress.


“If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

That need is overdue, OVERDUE for WE THE PEOPLE to become one of those type of patriot.

Most of the people in this country that call themselves patriots have been manipulated into a sense of patriotism by the education system, the media, the government and other sources outside of their own experience... a makeshift patriot! Most practice the paradigm of God, family, work, entertainment, etc... country (if time is left). The duty of each and every one of us to be sure the contract between us, collectively, and the states that represent us is never breach has all but been manipulated out of us. The INSANITY of doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results has to stop and the paradigm of God, family, country, work, entertainment, etc... MUST become new to the patriots that will save our country from ruin.

Becoming someone who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests using skill or knowledge that is gotten ONLY by doing what it takes themselves to become more skillful and/or wise... an experienced patriot, means started to live doing something different and GETTING the results we must have.

States United For America - SUFA is doing something never been done before, using THE most powerful social media in the entire world, Facebook, as a tool to call its members to REAL action in Taking Back America. We already understand how hard it is to herd fish, especially in a tank this large. However, WE WILL motivate ALL true patriots to STAY on task and we will intentionally, believe it or not, try to, for lack of a better word, piss people off enough to leave or show their true colors.

States United For Americans (SUFA) Mission

We are finished with changing America to suit every anti-American whim. Americanism is the only moral system that guarantees to a person their individual liberty, and therefore the only valid political, economic, and social standard for pursing prosperity and peace.

It is not our intent to separate from any foreign King, nor to abolish or alter our Constitutional Representative Republic, but rather to restore it as the Supreme law of this land under which both the government and the governed must live.

Our mission is to end the march of democratic progressive socialism, which has become the most dangerous modern threat to American peace, prosperity, freedom and liberty and reinstate the republican form of self-governance guaranteed every citizen in the U.S. Constitution.

To accomplish this objective, the causes for the usurpation of the Constitution must be immediately removed, setting an example for future generations who must also be forever vigilant in the common defense of freedom and liberty.

The long train of abuses and usurpations must be brought to a swift end, or Americanism and the United States of America will soon cease to exist!

Our mission is just – it is moral – it is legal - constitutional and it is necessary…

This is not a call to overthrow entire institutions of government, or subvert the Law of the Land, but rather to restore those institutions to their honorable constitutional forms. As such, and under their oaths to the Constitution and the people whom they are sworn to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic, it is incumbent upon every citizen, veteran, soldier, officer and agent to use the tools of the people to protect the people and return our government to a Constitutional Republic of, by and for the people.

Let Freedom Ring! May the Creator, who endowed each of us with certain unalienable rights, among them the right to Life, Liberty and the individual Pursuit of Happiness free from government tyranny, bless this mission of, by and for the people of the United States, and may the Lord let freedom ring in America, once again.

We demand an end to government corruption, an end to despotic leadership in D.C., an end to the current assault on all decent and honest American taxpayers, businesses and honorable public servants of the people.

We demand the peaceful return of the people’s government, and we will remain resolute in the defense of the Constitution and the United States of America until the people can once again, feel secure in their nation and government.


Become a member of the 21st century version of the Sons of Liberty. Every contract is an offer, but until it is accepted by an acceptor, it means absolutely nothing. When a Public Servant makes an offer (taking the Oath Of Office) the acceptor is whatever branch or department they are being placed in. YOU are NOT a legal acceptor of that contract, therefore the offeror is under NO contractual agreement with YOU, just whatever branch or department they are being placed in. YOU have no standing for breach of contract when that Servant violates their Oath Of Office, unless YOU have legally accepted the offer.

States United For Americans - SUFA has the steps you need to Accept the Oath Of Office as a binding contract between YOU and YOUR public servants and begin saving our Americanism.

Join or re-join us, learn, then teach others how to STOP the insanity of ONLY getting the results of more progressive socialism and less Americanism, before the vain and aspiring kill it completely.

“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” --Samuel Adams, the true father of Americanism!

Just click on the state you reside in and could vote in and get ready to help save your country from ruin:
NOT the Facebook you are used to! Get ready to stop living from one crises to another and start doing something that prevents those crises-es in the first place.

What has been proposed in the past is the political break-up of the union into 4-5 Administrative Regions, each comprised of legislative representatives based upon the 1:30,000 ratio rule suggested by our founders. Each of those Regions would also elect a Regional Governor. Those Regions would be essentially self-governing except in those areas specifically reserved by the States to the general gov't. 

In turn these Regions would appoint an equal number of Regional delegates to the general government which would pretty much look like it does today, except that the legislature would be unicameral. All three federal branches would remain, but the Regions would have greater latitude in striking down/nullifying fed exec. and judicial edicts as well as administrative regulations.

Short of this remedy, the ONLY founder-sanctioned remedy is secession by the States followed by various independent confederacies which may well opt for a close economic/political/military alliance among themselves. Slightly different forms of government, perhaps, but each confederacy acting in its own interest.

Whichever remedy works best works for me. 

Reply by Jim Delaney

What has been proposed in the past is the political break-up of the union into 4-5 Administrative Regions, each comprised of legislative representatives based upon the 1:30,000 ratio rule suggested by our founders. Each of those Regions would also elect a Regional Governor. Those Regions would be essentially self-governing except in those areas specifically reserved by the States to the general gov't. (Think Swiss cantons.) And as the 1:30,000 ratio is exceeded, a Region is duly downsized by the incorporation of additional Regions as needed. 

In turn these Regions would appoint an equal number of Regional delegates to the general government the latter which would pretty much look like it does today, except that the legislature would be unicameral. All three federal branches would remain, but the Regions would have considerably greater latitude in striking down/nullifying fed exec. and judicial edicts as well as administrative regulations.

Short of this remedy, the ONLY founder-sanctioned remedy is secession by the States followed by the formation of various independent confederacies which may well opt for a close economic/political/military alliance among themselves. Slightly different ideologies, perhaps, but each confederacy acting in its own interest.

Whichever remedy works best works for me. But I hope one or the other occurs SOON!!!

Small republics can succeed in their mission to protect the lives, liberty and property of the people, but large republics always result in tyranny.


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