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According to the First Article of Amendment proposed in 1789, the states would be entitled to one representative for every 30,000 people until there were 200 representatives and from that day forth each state would be entitled to one representative for every 50,000.

Today we have 435 Congressional Districts representing 320 million people. The average Congressman represents over an average of over 710,000 people. Because the states we are so woefully under represented our voices can not be heard in the halls of Congress.

For this proposed amendment to become law it must be ratified by the  legislatures of three fourths of the states. Eleven states have already ratified the  pending 28th Amendment and 27 more state legislatures are needed to restore adequate representation to the House of Representatives.

The ratification of this amendment will take the power away from the puppets of the Wall Street bankers and corporations and return it to the states and the people.

It is obviously a lot easier for the lobbyists representing the Wall Street Bankers and corporation to influence the 435 corrupt politicians who are sequestered in Washington D.C. than it would be to control over 6,000  Congressional Representatives serving in over 3,000 counties. Rather than being surrounded by thousands of lobbyists, the representatives would be surrounded by the people they were  elected to serve.

If  you think that the ratification of the pending 28th Amendment is a good idea,  please like this post and share it with all of the  people on your email list. Call them first and tell them you are sending them an extremely important email and ask them to forward the email to all of their contacts.

If we can share this message with a enough people we can restore the power to the American people.

To educate yourself on the principles of liberty and individual responsibility go to the Liberty Tree University

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I agree and it is doable if the word goes viral.

I think the point that is being skipped over here is that BECAUSE a representative is representing so MANY people, the office of Representative automatically carries a BOATLOAD of influence and embedded POWER. So:

  1. THAT is what  makes the office worth more.
  2. THAT is what makes it harder and more expensive to be elected to the office and:
  3. THAT is what promotes and almost even necessitates the need for BIG MONEY to get involved and political influence and bribery to occur on a large scale and:
  4. THAT IS THE PROBLEM we are trying to correct. Yes?; this appears to go right along with the Club's ambitions- that is to back up the phoniness of the USA.


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