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Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence were initially opposed to the ratification of the Constitution. In fact only six of the fifty five signers of the Declaration even attended Constitutional Convention held in 1787.

They feared the government created by the Constitution gave far too much power to the National government. They felt the Constitution would plant the seeds of tyranny and the new government would one day enslave the people it was created to protect.

The Constitution was written to control the government, not the people or the states. The National government was be the servant of the people, not their master. The powers delegated to the central government of the united States were few and well defined and any power not specifically granted to the government of the united States was reserved to the states and the people.

The Anti-Federalists wanted a small central government with limited powers while the Federalists want a large government with virtually limitless power. The battle between these ideologies was the reason for the Civil War. The war was not fought to free the slaves, it was fought to enslave the states.

Before the Civil War the people were sovereign and had unalienable rights, but after the war their God given rights were converted into privileges granted to us by the government of the united States. The Constitution which was written to protect the rights of the people became a tool in the hands of the financial elite to enslave the states and the people.

The government created of, by and for the people is now the government of the lobbyist, by the lawyers and for the bankers.

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Agreed.... The militia is of and for the people.

I don't recall hearing that only six of the signers of the Declaration attended the Constitutional Convention. That is astounding. And spot-on concerning the War of Northern Aggression . . . and I'm a Pennsylvanian. The South will indeed rise again.

The signers of both documents included Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, James Wilson, George Read,  George Clymer and Robert Morris.

Where was John Hancock, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Edmund Randolph, Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine and George Mason?

President Trump I think is a true American Patriot, but like so many other Patriots across the Nation he will not prosecute any of the thousands of traitors to our Nation that operated openly "in some instances" during the Obama administration.. Is he afraid the left will succeed in impeaching him if he Tries? Is he afraid of a 2nd US Civil War? I don't know the answer to that question, but I do know he said Hillary Clinton was a good person and had been through enough, he said that after the election! That statement alone crushed my hopes for a great leader in Donald Trump.  I think he may be a good President if he will stand his ground against the left and their snowflake supporters! But, then again it may not matter what kind of President he is, the socialist/globalist left supported by their millions of snowflakes across the Nation are not going to stop doing what they do. They are pushing for a 2nd American Civil War, and it's very likely they will get it! The tensions across the US from sea to shining sea is higher than I have ever saw it and I've been around for awhile. The Civil Rights movement comes to mind as the most tense time I can remember in our Nation, I'm sure that WWII was very tense, but it was a tension brought on by the possibility of a foreign invader, and I wasn't around for WWII anyway.. Todays tension is brought on by socialist/globalist right here in the US. They truly believe that they are right, just as we believe we are right! There is no compromise! They will have it their way, or no one will have, it is their way of thinking! They would rather see the US destroyed before conceding or compromising! Just as we are determined to have our individual freedoms, they are determined to take them away and replace them with globalism.. So where does that leave us? Are we willing to concede to the left to prevent a 2nd American Civil War? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Therefor, I suggest you check your preps, prep more, and be prepared for what's coming our way!

Preparation is the key to survival


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