When the people comply with unjust laws they give their consent to tyranny. We have an obligation to obey laws which are just and a responsibility to refuse to comply with those which are not.
We were born with a conscience and the responsibility to respect the lives, liberty and property of others. Any law which benefits one group of people at the expense of another is immoral, unjust and we must refuse to comply with it.
Unjust laws enable the rich and powerful to exploit the masses. In order be free we must question authority and refuse to obey laws which benefit the few at the expense of the many.
For a truly free man the Common Law is all that is required, as in it are the requisites for an honorable man: faithfully perform to those commitments to which one has set his hand and be mindful that your rights end where your neighbor's nose begins.
A just law is consistent with the laws of nature and nature's God. Just laws do not benefit one individual or group over another. Just laws punish criminal behavior they do not seek to punish people for not doing what the government wants them to do.
True capitalism does not exist. What we have is corporatism. When the government permits certain corporations with right to have a monopoly this is not what capitalism is all about. It is morally wrong for the fruits of one man's labor to taken from him and given to an individual who has not earned it. Welfare is not charity, it is the legalized theft of a man's property/