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Is Building a Wall on Our Southern Border a Good Idea or Bad Idea?

Is Building a Wall on Our Southern Border a Good Idea or bad idea? Please give me your opinion in the comment section below.

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A wall sounds like a formidable obstacle in preventing unwanted people from entering the country. My guess is, that a wall would not be the topic of conversation if: 1). we had a border patrol that was not hamstrung from doing their jobs; 2). we enforced the laws that are on the books; 3) we quit giving the freebees to illegals for breaking the law [I don't blame illegals for coming across and taking what is being offered. It beats the hell out of what they have to look forward to in their own country]; 4) and hardest of all, prosecute the criminal international banksters who have set up this goat screw with full intentions to destroy our economy and the social fabric of this country.

Yes, but I would add that we also need to address the Mexican cartels, currently terrorizing every Mexican citizen.

Now you're referring to the supply arm of the CIA. Trump seems to have some big problems with the CIA. Perhaps he is on the right track but, then, my opinion is not controlling. His rejection of TPP, etc. certainly points in that direction. Either he is who he claims to be or this is one of the slickest schemes in history to appease that large segment of the population who, through the internet, is finally getting the picture.

What business is it of the united (sic) States to address Mexican cartels?

It's not. Never said it was. It's just another part of the problem. But if you really want to debate the merits of the problem, we do bear some responsibility for the problem. We are doing business with these cartels.

Christians should blame criminals for being criminals. And illegal aliens are criminals who need to be punished according to just laws.

This is a slick con-job by the Shadow Government that has been controlling WDC for 100+ years. If Drumpf (his original name) was a Constitutionalist, then he would be restoring control to We the People. He would be giving the good People control through our entity that is necessary for a free state -- i.e., the well-regulated Militia. But Drumpf's position paper on the 2A did not even mention "the Militia of the several States." If the People do not take control back, our youth have no future but continued -- and worse -- economic enslavement.

Someone might ask, "why would they bring in someone who appears to be diametrically opposed to their position when they are in control?". I think there is a lot of fighting in the background that we are not privy to and they know they are up against some deadlines to pull off the NWO and they are not quite ready. I have some serious reservations about what is taking place. I hope I'm wrong.

We need to get rid of public policy enforcement which has been set up to fleece the public and move to real "law" enforcement commensurate with the provisions of the Constitution.

I am for a wall. Not too confident about the federal government doing anything correctly lately. So I will default all authority to each individual state to do protect their people.

On another slant. Do you have a lock on your front AND back door of your home? Why do homeowners build a fence around their property? Is it OK for strangers to enter YOUR house, open your refrigerator and eat your food? Is all forgiven if they break into your home, but then cut your grass, because its not a job Americans like to do? Hey, they are doing you a favor by breaking into your home!

Let's answer the bleeding heart liberals who say everyone has Rights to come to America. I agree, all are welcome to come here, but to BECOME Americans, by-the-book! No, we don't welcome those that break our laws to sneak in, and we certainly don't welcome those who wish to kill us. Until one has become a LAWFUL American, none have ANY Constitutional Rights. We extend OUR Rights as a courtesy to all who VISIT as guests or those with a visa. But they are courtesies and NOT Rights. Only lawful Citizens HAVE protected Rights.

The same goes for Americans as we travel to foreign countries. We must respect foreign laws, and I can't think of one country that would hesitate to imprison or deport us for the smallest infraction.

What about the untold numbers of illegal immigrant that have voted? What would happen to an American who illegally trespassed on a foreign country? Even our friendly allies. What would Mexico, Russia, or Canada do to illegal Americans? What would happen if an American voted or collected illegal benefits abroad? Yeah, it would be an international incident! No doubt about the outcome if it were turned around.

Why is this so hard to comprehend? Unless one has reason to have our country infiltrated and to dilute our culture and sway elections and overturn our government into a Socialist or Communist nation.


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