It is my understanding that Barrack Obama's first Executive Order was to seal his college records. I also understand that he received a Fulbright Scholarship reserved for foreign students and that he was known at that time as Barry Soetero.
Should President Trump revoke this Executive Order so we can obtain answers about Barrack Obama's past/
I believe, that, it should be investigated. The American People have a right to know. We have had, eight years of a government, that has done nothing else, but to fill their pockets and say to hell with the people that put them in office. Obama, has do all he could do to destroy this Country. These Senators, we have, been stuck with (McShame, Flac), in my opinion, have helped. Have a great day and God Bless. Throw the B____ Hilary in with the lot of them. For a side note, Sheriff Arpio, has done a bunch and look what is Happening ti him
Democrat Paul Penzone has ended controversial Arizona lawman Joe Arpaio's 24-year tenure as the sheriff of Maricopa County. Arpaio has faced multiple legal challenges to his stance on immigration; the loss comes despite raising more than $12 million from donors.
I believe he got shanked by the establishment in Arizona ; remember Mc Cain , who I used to refer to as the Arlan Specter of the West ; the water was getting very dirty down there .
Lots of good opinions so far. Mine is, yes, Trump should unseal all Barry's records, the court challenges, the DNC unlawfully vetting him AND the icing on the cake...
...prosecute the entire Congress that has been in session for two terms. They all knew the scandal and none of them defended, protected, or honored the US Constitutional law where it comes to the eligibility of the Presidency. They are all guilty of violating their oath of office. Let's also add-in all the judges who allowed Barry's eligibility suits to slip past their courtrooms.
If we loose most of the present Congress, Trump can clean house, hold an emergency election, and replace them with an entirely new batch of so-called representatives. Hard to tell who we'll get. We are damn sure we know who we are stuck with right now. Socialist/Liberals and RINOs! Trump can wipe the slate nearly clean and have the "possibility" of a Constitutional Congress. When the emergency election comes around, the Citizens of America, of all parties, should have a refreshed view of how we allowed traitors to take up residence in Congress.
And we should be voting with paper ballots and "state" ID.
This is drastic, but I'll gamble with hitting this Congressional "reset button" these days. And we thought this past election was crazy!
A little side note. It was suggested that OBummer didn't pass E-verify when he ceremonially signed up for OBummerCare. A staff person had to force little Barry into the system manually! Hmmmm, makes Ya wonder. Yeah, open those school records where he applied as a foreign student.
AMEN Keith, if there's ANY member of U.S. government that should NOT be able to cover up or hide their background--it's the U.S. President AND Vice President--those positions require a higher level of importance as well as a higher standard than that of ANY member of Congress or Judicial Branch of government.
The truth is Obama isn't a honest person. Every thing about him is a fraud. Yes-Yes-Yes- then prosecute him and hang him.
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