The income tax is a direct and un-apportioned tax and is and always has been, unconstitutional. The compensation that you receive from your labor is not a gain and therefore, not income by definition. In fact, income is the profit one receives from being a government employee or from profits from corporate activity. If a man pays you in watermelons for mowing his lawn, are the watermelons considered taxable income?
The fruits of one's labor are the product of one's time and talent and this is not the same thing as income. Whether your compensation comes in the form of watermelons or dollars, it really doesn't matter. Neither the watermelons nor the dollars that you receive as a result of your labor, are income.
For further evidence to support this I direct you to other articles such as;
Income Taxes are a Direct Unapportioned Tax
The National Debt and The CAFR
Income Taxes are Unconstitutional
Taxation Without Representation
Comments? Questions? Replies? Links?
Actually Frank Brushaber represented in court a group of foreign investors who actually WERE liable under the laws for taxation, so Frank lost his case, as he should have.
Well now, Here I am two years after this discussion started, and the financial world is a twitter with instability and the typical rumors of fiscal collapse of Greece, the Euro is in deep trouble with the Grexit though default on it's debt. Ireland and Portuagal are in line to be next, with Spain, Italy, and France, waiting with the rest of Europe standing in line as well. Germany is taking a shellacking over it too. Russia has been making some interesting real estate pickups as well.
The Dollar is still a better bet on the money markets, but those markets are not one iota better then nothing because unless the instruments of exchange are just bits of paper, or electronic transfers of numbers, in the digital age these world banks just transfer wealth with 0's and 1's electronically, no need to wait till the ink is dry from the printing presses at the world's treasury any more and shipping paper is expensive. Rumors are flying over operation Jade Helm 15, and then the biggest rumor at least to me is the end of CASH on a global basis.
It seems that the dollar with our tremendous national debt is rumored to be one of the first to go when this cashless world economy gets launched as rumored this September/October. But overall, it's the same old crap just a different day from what I can see. It's the stuff nobody but the power elite knows that bothers me, and it's getting worse daily. Let's face it, printed "money" is just script, as has been pointed out in this discussion. It always fails because of market manipulations by the biggest of the "too big to fail" banks. Bust the FED and the rest of those countries who followed the U.S. into the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time called the Federal Reserve Banking system will soon follow.
This is exactly what the Rothschilds have been using, to manipulate the financial markets for their own gain ever since they created the FED in the first place. Gold is looking tempting even more so now, along with silver and the PMG's; hell even copper is very important as it is such a crucial base metal for electronics, but given rumors of EMP's used as weapons of war could render copper almost valueless in a dead electronic world market place. Life is about to get interesting in a Chinese sort of way isn't it??
Thanks, I try to keep up on this sh-t but with 24 hour a day markets it is hard to do. Just wait and see is what we all have to do, and in these changing times, it's even harder. Keep your "powder" dry with just about anything but FRN's. Paper wealth is just that. It can be destroyed with the flick of a bic. And that's NOT wealth at all.
Exports are dropping and appear will continue to go lower/ 30% of our GDP is from exports so we will possibly slide back into recession.
Reuters: China stock market freezing up as sell-off gathers pace.
So I see you you get what's going on, that's GREAT! I have been watching this shell game for a long time now, and I am a concerned citizen who is just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Come the events of September/October is when many are expecting a HUGE change in the world economy, as to what that may entail is speculative and the rumors are flying aren't they?
So we wait and see and is GOING to get interesting soon enough.
This just hit my email box:
This is now happening, they are blaming it on a technical problem, but really, is it?
Better hit your bank account up now just in case....Take it out in paper, convert to metals.
Yeah, it's time for a CHANGE WE the People are in control of for once, it won't be easy, but it must be done. With the New York Stock Exchange stopping trading over a computer error, is it really?, I am naturally suspicious of such claims, and this was just announced this morning, and the impacts are instant in the global markets. Computer networks as we know are subject to cyber attacks and this sure could be one of them.
With the recent Chinese cyber attacks on the IRS, and the Federal Employee data base, it sure looks bad on the Chinese, and their own stock market is bleeding all over the place, this could be a way to stifle our own markets couldn't it? Is any one asking the the same questions here on this discussion? United Airlines grounded all of it's flights this morning too...hmmm hmmmm hmmmm?
Here's a theory about the NYSE shutting down. If the Chinese stock market tanks and it has been, then what better way to balance the books then to hack the NYSE network, and shut it down to create your own "market correction". Foolish idea? don't ask me, contact the Chinese embassy and ask them...
Linda, the AMA , aka American Medical Association is not a branch of the Government, and thank goodness for that or we'd all be dead! Or if there is a connection between the two, then they are working on it, and soon enough we will be!!! dead that is...Obamadoesn'tcare is a more accurate phase to use in regards to our health care as far as he's concerned.
Some how it doesn't surprise me. The FDA gets lots of money from big Pharma to use us as test tubes for their experimental drugs. The AMA is interconnected with both. We have all seen the commercials where the drug companies are required in their advertising to tell us about the side effects of these controlled substances which are quite frankly as dangerous or worse then street drugs are. So if the drugs your getting from your Doctor are as bad or worse then street drugs which are illegal in the first place, but can lead to side effects far worse then a plant I can now legally grow myself, then why do we need these drugs in the first place?
Good one Linda, and quite accurate too. Like certain over the counter drugs such as proton pump inhibitors and the resulting loss of bone density which can lead to hip fractures and broken bones. Is that what you mean by dis-eases? I think that meets your description..
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