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The States created the National government when they ratified the Constitution. When Abraham Lincoln invaded the Southern States, he violated the Constitution and the sovereignty of those states.

According to the 10th Amendment, any power or authority "not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

In 1775, the 13th colonies decided that rather than endure the tyranny of King George, they would declare their independence. In 1861, eleven of the twenty three states exercised that same right and formed a new government. and in their Declaration of Independence, established that when the government becomes abusive of those rights it is their right and their duty to alter or abolish it.

When Lincoln was asked why he did not let the south go in peace, he allegedly said "If I do that who will pay the taxes?" Even though only 30% of the people lived in the south, they were paying approximately 80% of the taxes.

The Civil War was not fought over the issue of slavery, it was fought over the same issue as the American Revolution. The American people supposedly won their freedom as a result of the American Revolution, but then lost it as a result of the Civil War.

In the aftermath of the Civil War the financial institutions and corporations  took over. Instead of being the masters of our freedom, we became "subject to the jurisdiction" of an abusive central government.

We won the first battle for American independence, but unfortunately we lost the war.

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When asked why he did not let the south go in peace, he allegedly said " If I do that who will pay the taxes."

Even though only 30% of the people lived in the south, they were paying approximately 80% of the taxes.

Even today We The People 'pay' for the Rights that are granted unto US by The Constitution Yet Our government[s] - local - state - federal continue to 'take away - abuse' those rights that are Legally Ours. 

The Constitution does not grant us our rights, they are an endowment from our Creator. Our rights to life, liberty and property existed long before the Constitution was ratified. The Constitution was written to govern the  government.

True our 'Rights' are Endowed unto US by Our Creator

However not every country believes this

The United States of America's Constitution plainly states that We The People Have those 'rights' in writing not 'in thoughts only' & can freely exercise those 'rights' any time or place We choose

As Long as the Government says we can    :-)  

The Constitution grants to the government a short list of delegated powers. Any power that is not enumerated is prohibited. The Constitution tells the government what they can do and the Bill of Rights specifically tells/enumerates our rights.

When we investigate history and recount the facts, new questions emerge. Do we still have a Constitutional government, or any government or country at all? Or have we had a hostile takeover, if you will? What happens when the government itself violates the Constitution? What's the penalty when the government break the rules? We all know what happens when We The People break the rules, but what happens when the other side does?

Now for some fun. If the civil war was about who's going to pay the taxes, and we lost, are we still obliged to pay the taxes? The thought of fighting the government doesn't paint an uplifting picture. Is there any reason we couldn't attempt the non-confrontational method and have everyone NOT pay any federal taxes? They can't lock everyone up. At some point the media and non-believing sheeple have to ask WHY we choose not to pay our fair share. Use the situation as a teaching moment. Naturally, this will only be successful if a large enough portion of the population has the gumption to NOT cave under pressure and threat of retaliation from our loving IRS and the not-so-bright jackboots with badges and weapons. With all the governmental mayhem and lawlessness happening on a daily basis, will the ignorant sheeple get-it when some brave soul speaks up and points out that the Emperor hasn't any clothes?

The facts are the facts. WE didn't make them up. History has a way of revealing hidden clues and writing it's own next chapter. The outline and facts are already recorded, so what new twist is this novel going to take?

Couldn't have said it better myself Mike.

And I have said these same things myself Mike. I even used the same euphemisms. I love the "King wears no clothes" analogy.

As to what happens when the government itself violates the Constitution? The Constitution itself provides the solution. The Declaration of Independence provides the reasons. The simple answer is that we are at 1776 again. We have still not sent the bankers and their "bought and paid for" government Nations, packing.

I have, but I'm the exception to the rule. It's not easy to do the right thing when everyone around you thinks you're crazy for doing it. They tell you to "fly under the RAdio Dection And Ranging, (Radar)". They say "why don't you just think about yourself and your happiness instead?" "Forget this Sovereignty thing," they say.

Well now for some fun.

No we are not obliged to be punished for wanting some order to our existence. And you're right. They can't arrest ALL of us. We outnumber them. They own the "Fear Factor" though. Their are many "brave souls" already standing up and declaring the King to be naked. Unfortunately, their voices along with yours and mine are not yet loud enough, nor well disseminated enough to be common knowledge as the information should be.

And "their is nothing new except what has been forgotten." I have no idea who said that, but it turns out to be true. History truly does repeat itself and those who refuse to learn from that are not only doomed to repeat it, but be victims of it as well.

No state shall convert a secured liberty into a privilege and issue a license and a fee for it .

Murdock vs. Pennsylvania , 319 U.S. 105

If the state does convert your liberty into a privilege you can engage that right with impunity .

Shuttlesworth v. City of Birmingham , 373 U.S. 262

Linda, the Founders used Vattel's The Law of Nations; or Principles of the Law of Nature for commonly questionable definitions.

Linda, the Founders used Vattel's definitions (as reference) and (moral and Judeo-Christian) common sense in framing the gov't ...not in framing common sense.
Driving requires following universally accepted man made rules, therefore it's a profession, thus a privilege reflected by a license to drive.

LINDA  , when you walk to the store you're traveling ; you can travel anywhere you like , but you can't drive anywhere you like . YOUR RIGHT TO MOVE ABOUT CAN NOT BE MESSED WITH .

Have a great 4th .

You're welcome Linda :-)

Linda , those are supreme court decisions ; are you nitpicking ?


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