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People have been taught that in order to succeed in life it's necessary for us to compete with others for the  bounties of life.  Unfortunately, greed has caused many embrace a win at all cost mentality.

As a result many producers engage is unfair practices in order to gain an advantage over their competitors.

Competition can be a great benefit to society  When it is conducted in an honest and ethical manner.

Whenever  men are engaged in competition there will always be winners and losers. Unfortunately the number of winners are few while the number of losers are many.

The role of government should be to punish those who compete unfairly. Unfortunately the government that was created to protect us has become partners with the banking institutions and corporations that seek to benefit at the expense of others,

When men compete on a level playing field, they are rewarded based on how well they utilize their time, talent and resources. When the government intervenes in behalf certain businesses, the quantity and quality of the goods and services  go down and the prices go up.

The survival of the fittest applies in the animal kingdom, but as humans we are accountable to our Creator to respect the lives, liberty  and property of everyone on the planet.

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Animals usually don't run out of anything so they hardly compete ...people run out of everything so they need a gov't god.
only the few that (can) have all the money can have everything, except a heart they compete even more viciously, why? to stay number one, and because they've a shit bucket for a mind, the world is on their strings.
   of $8,600,000.oo per day to zionisreal by US Aid to a country with WMD = $31,390,000,000
   AIPAC budget of $65,000,000
with a $475 million annual budget, and the World Zionist Organization.
   Deduct the $2.3 trillion dov zahkeim stole from the pentagon from US Aid to zionisreal
  1. 9-11 Research: Missing Trillions


  3. The Comptroller of the Pentagon at the time of the attack was Dov Zakheim, who was appointed in May of 2001. ... Estimates of the sums of money missing vary wildly.

  1. Missing Trillions - 911myths
    CBS Reports Pentagon Cannot Account for $2.3 Trillion ... Huge sums of defence budget money have gone missing. Simply admitting this was not an option.

  1. Yahoo Money’ The Daily Ticker is reporting that is has discovered a Reuters investigation that reveals $8.5 trillion – that’s trillion with a “T” – in ...
  2. The missing money came from the ... the government of Iraq turned over about $3 billion of the money to the Pentagon to help pay for contracts the CPA had ...
  3. Donald Rumsfeld annouced that more than $2 trillion in Pentagon funds had gone missing. ... Huge sums of defence budget money have gone missing.
  4. Solari | The Missing Money
    Trillions of dollars are missing from the US government. What's going on? Where is the money? How could this happen? Where are the checks and balances?
  5. Kurt Nimmo July 27, 2010. The Defense Department is unable to account for $8.7 billion of the $9.1 billion in Development Fund for Iraq monies it ...
  6. Oct 24, 2006 · Pentagon admits $2.3 Trillion missing and Rumsfeld calls it a matter of "life and death."
  7. Estimate $3.3 Trillion Missing From U.S. Treasury By Buddy Grizzard August, 02 4-7-6
n all them dual isreali to PNAC, er DHS;

Is DHS Worth $60 Billion a Year? " Liberty...

   Seems THEY r milking the golden teet far to damn long, at a cost to We the Ppls Liberty Right to live in Peace
Architects of 911, ME Wars, looting  of the pentagon, paiot act, NSA to DHS to sandy hook to boston
Zionist Architects of Iraq war
 chertof, rahm, geinther, feinstein n others r missing from the LIST
like your gawd video above states, often we're forced to steal to be on the side of righteousness only looks like Zionists are stealing to anti-Zionists like you.

  By their acts THEY r known, ashkenazi;

to their just rewards

It won't be hard to find somebody on this planet to agree with you, so you don't even have to try.
People need to get rid of.


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