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Dear Mr. Broaders,
I am writing, not for myself, but for a person that has showed courage in the face of oppression, humiliation and threats as he presses on valiantly to prove that the Sandy Hook Shooting event was a drill and by all appearances and the proof provided so far from a multitude of very capable sleuths, it certainly looks like all of America and the world were taken to the cleaners once more as a lot of people sent in cash, check and made credit card donations totaling millions of dollars to fund a hoax which was used as the catalyst to grab-up all the guns in America for a NEW WORLD ORDER takeover.
If you go to this site, you will see all the recent events that Mr. Halbig has experiences so far, you will also see two videos that have unbelievable analysis's of everything that just doesn't sound or appear right.
You will also find his site URL, which is and if you wish you can call him anytime during the week between the hours of 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.only, not on weekends. He is going to be returning to Connecticut on June 4, 2015 for the 2nd round of a FOIA hearing where he is fighting for all of us as many feel this would be a game changer because something this despicable being played out by a massive group of players is just about the lowest thing anyone has done in history but given the types we are dealing with-nothing is sacred to them. It would involve numerous corporations, almost every department and agency in Washington D.C., some of those in Congress, perhaps the Supreme Court but most assuredly, the White House, FEMA, Homeland Security, the FBI, the Justice Department and the Dept. of Defense plus the entire Town of Newtown, Ct., many state officials, police departments from all over the state and New York also and perhaps many, many more.
Thank you Mr. Broaders for you taking time to read this.
Mr. Halbig needs financial support, he invested in an attorney months ago, but it turned out that he was working covertly it seems with the opposition. He now has a woman attorney, who's a real go-getter and knows how to play hardball, I fear for their safety because many of the individuals they are dealing with are dangerous and caution is the keyword but Mr. Halbig is brave and he wishes to pursue this. May God watch over both of them and may the Lord guide all Americans who want to save and preserve the Republic show us the way and keep all of us safe, especially are young people so they may have the benefit of living in a great land as we did. Mr. Halbig has a donate button on his site so if you can tell your members, if they wish to help him, they may do so, donations of any kind will help, regardless of the amount-all donations no matter how small or large will be greatly appreciated and will be going for a good cause.
I'm also including the body of an email that I had sent to Mr. Halbig today below:
George Mandell

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Does Wolfgang have a Pay Pal Account? If he does people can donate to him by clicking of the Pay Pal button to send money and then entering his email address and submitting a donation.


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