If any of you are drowning in debt or have a need for financial assistance please let me know. As members of the Constitution Club we are members of a community and as Benjamin Franklin once said "We must hang together or we most assuredly will hang separately."
I would like to ask those of you who are able to read the requests from the members of our community, help those in need to the extent that you can.
I will need your name and email address and a little biographical information as well as the reason for your request. Let me know how much is needed and how soon you need it. Please call me so that I can post it on the website.
There was a time when people who needed help could count on their friends and neighbors. Today we have been taught to compete with our neighbor rather than loving our neighbor. A true Christian understands that when you serve a less fortunate brother you are following Christ.
If you or someone you know has need of a helping hand please post your story by clicking on the following link.
To receive donations you will need to use either Pay Pal or Pop Money. You will need to provide your email address.
On April 18, of 2015, I was arrested for excersizing my 2nd Amendment right after being threatened. I have retained an attorney but it's eating into my retirement fund. I'm 62 years old, partially disabled and a Vietnam era veteran as well as retired. I started a GoFundMe campaign and it was shut down after 4 hrs. I was cited under Va. Code 18.2-282. The second sentence of the code is my defense. My attorney indicates that the disposition of the charge will be solely dependent upon the mindset the Judge has about our 2nd Amendment. If it goes against me, I'll be filing an appeal and my costs will exponentionally go up. Any assistance towards my current legal expenses as well as potential future expenses would be most appreciated.
Please call me at (951) 282-3271
The Mind Set of the JUDGE.
That is total bull crap.
If the lawyer carries ESQ behind his name he is not your friend in court
Find the document "Fraud on the Court . PDF File" on internet.
It is almost certain the Judge will commit Fraud on the Court and should be nailed immediately under challenge. Judges cannot stand a challenge or they loose. Challenge the Judge on his oath of office if you have a sound case. If he refuses to make it a part of the case folder, then demand he recuse himself.
There are many other ways to control Judges. Read up on the subject.
Vet at age 73 - Several Fights with Circuit Judges.
I do, roof needs serious work ftgfarm@yahoo.com r 701 317 6438 I applied with the USDA on Honey Bee habitat & was DENIED. I have 42 acres I wanted to place in Bee Habitat that costs $1000 per acre n with Flow Hives I would have work, aboot the last job am physically able to do
Please call Keith Broaders at 951-282-3271
Here is an example of FLORIDA LAWYER WORK.
Florida Statutes on Home Owner Associations.
(a) A meeting of the board of directors of an association occurs whenever a quorum of the board gathers to conduct association business. Meetings of the board must be open to all members, except for meetings between the board and its attorney with respect to proposed or pending litigation where the contents of the discussion would otherwise be governed by the attorney-client privilege.
No one has answered the question , "is there any “proposed or pending litigation” on this subject?" (My Comment: Discussion is respect between two parties to disagree. Litigation or pending litigation is legal notice of disagreement.
Lawyer was asked for opinion on HOME OWNER ASSOCIATION Sidewalk Maintenance. Attorney (with title of nobility ESQ) response.
Supreme Court of Florida Web: What is The Florida Bar's official government status? (Response from Fl SC)
COMMENT: Now, this poses the issue of Corporations including those of the Courts, the Florida BAR, and the relationship of a lawyer in court with his BOSS that approved him to be a Florida BAR Lawyer setting on the bench. Kind of a CONFLICT of INTEREST at the most gravest of all levels.
Search of the Division of Corporations for Florida BAR:
"The Florida Bar serves as the official arm of the Supreme Court of Florida to administer discipline of persons admitted to the practice of law in this state. As a self-policing entity, THE FLORIDA BAR, AN UNINCORPRATED ASSOCIATION, 651 EAST JEFFERSON STREET, TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-2300….. "
Government cannot be self-policing...... The Supreme Court of Florida is the third branch of the Florida GOVERNMENT. If the Governor is a Agent of the United States, Inc, does that make the Supreme Court Justice of Florida an agent of the United States, Inc (CORPORATE Control of our legal needs and issues is not justice served).
The attorney making the CLIENT-ATTORNEY PRIVILEGE statement is quite misleading at best and now appears to have an integrity problem! (But is that lawyering in reality?)
This is just a simple example of what you are facing when you hire a lawyer these days - and face off in a CORPORATION COURT in your County.
I have had the occasion within the past month to meet an Honest Lawyer. And, he did not have ESQ behind his name.
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