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Paying Income Taxes is Voluntary.

How to Legally Stop Paying the IRS

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It's already been explained Troy, in 26 USC 6013 (g)(4)(a) on the Click Here tab above.

I think you're allowing ONE concept to leak into all of those questions you have without understanding the original concept. You are an American National, not a government "Employee". That's it bottom line. This and a rescission of the "Voluntary Compliance' status is all you need. PERIOD! Stop confusing yourself with all the minutia, and go see 26 USC 6013 (G)(4)(a). Elect out.

Linda one of your God given rights is the right to engage in commerce. Any right that is unalienable does not require you to have permission from the government. By obtaining licenses we volunteer to become subject to the jurisdiction of the agency issuing the license.

We have a right to do whatever we want as long as we don't violate the rights of others.

When we obtain a license we are entering into a contract and forfeit rights that we would otherwise possess.

First of all Linda,

I'm not here to help each and every person solve every single question. I'm not even qualified to do that. If I try to offer some answers, you should be thankful that I tried and not expect that I am the answer man or even the author of this article. I'm just trying to help steer you in the right direction so you can solve these minutia issues yourself.

Second If I seem a little impatient, it might be because it seems like you haven't read the information presented here and been thorough enough with your own research in terms of your particular circumstances. If you have questions regarding the USC's or the Internal Re-Venue Codes, I suggest you go look for the details that apply to you.


Third, I've never mentioned any affidavit, nor have I seen anyone else mention the need for an affidavit, so I don't even know what you're talking about when it comes to that particular issue. And:

Fourth, I am about the most tactful person I know MOST of the time. But I'm human too, and I can get short with my patience like anyone else. You ask a lot of questions that we here are not really qualified to answer. Not if you want to get official answers.

We simply know how to read what's in front of us and so do you. We try to provide subject matter to our members that we think they should be aware of. The rest is up to them. As a member myself, I too have to wade through the minutia. No one is going to decipher it for me, but I do spend a tremendous amount of time trying to decipher it for YOU. Don't get on my case just because you don't like the structure of my answer. My answer was accurate and useful. You seem to know more than I do I think. I never saw anything that said you have to file some affidavit.

At this point I think you probably do understand what has been presented here and the rest of the answers, if they are not within reach here should be sought after by contacting someone at the IRS or a Law specialist. 

I am the Editor and Main Contributing writer here; and I do not get paid to do it. And I'm not a tax expert. I am learning this stuff myself; often seeing it for the first time just like you.

And what the heck is a RED Personality anyway?


For what it is worth I like what you ask and you are thinking...Don't stop. This stuff is DEEP and they master minded it that way to keep us in when we think we are out.

I just learned someone I've known for a couple years doesn't have a SSN and his ADULT daughter has NEVER had a BC or SSN. They left her alone all these years till just the last couple and now are after them because they don't "comply" with THEIR (cabals) rules, taking them into court etc. So all these people who claim "get out" and here you have people who have "been out" but are being stalked. How does anybody believe "getting out" is going to save you???? This is the actions of insanity. 

I think I am just ready to go. I try to make them (cabal) face their rules, codes, laws etc and put filings out for people to band together and jump in to support but nobody wants to take the effort. I don't see how that is going to get us anywhere. It is that thing called agape love. Seems like everyone wants to bitch but not do anything. I am a person who likes to think out of the box and use their weapons against them. (You know no weapons formed against me will prosper?) I have learned one thing if that works they WILL leave you alone because they don't want to be busted again. They figure if you found the key once you will find it again.  

sorry for the vent. anyway keep asking. We all have to realize we are on the same side and some days are better for us than others. brush it off and move on.

You are way off base Linda, You said:

"I also found it easier not allowing people to tare [tear] me down because I asked a question or two and to stand up for myself. Bullying me is NOT ALLOWED!!!"

No one is tearing you down or bullying you at all and especially not just because you ask questions, it's just that you ask way too many questions that can't be answered by us here. No-one here has time to do all of the exact research it would take to act as Proctor for you, nor should they be expected to, much less answer every single question you can come up with. You act as though we owe you all the right answers or we can go pound salt. That's just wrong. And I won't be bullied into feeling bad about that either. And also, You said:

"The second part to this is to get to know the people you're trying to educate and help them through the process according to their PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!"

First of all, we never claimed to be trying to "educate" anyone, just inform. You cannot expect anyone here at the Club to hold your hand and PERSONALLY guide you through every detail of your particular circumstances. You must do the research yourself. There is no substitute for doing your own homework when it comes to knowing exactly what to do with your situation. After all no one knows your details like you do.

Also you said:

"there should be someone who can help each of us on our journey according to our personal circumstances to take back our National Citizenship."

We never claimed to be "Mentors", but we can help guide you toward mentors perhaps, and I have done so many times in many of my presentations. Perhaps you have missed it. You can look up many names to help you with your citizenship. Hartford Van Dyke, Rich McDonald, Rich Iverson, are just a few to start you learning. There are many more. You can Google "How to secure my American National Citizenship" for names and even videos. There are of course many more names to be had, But don't expect them to be members of the CC.

And the information we provide here is not a one-size-fits-all panacea. Nor is it to be considered a complete and perfect answer to all of the questions that can arise.

And this last one really burns my britches:

"No-one wants to donate their time to help their fellow brother/sister out. SAD. What is this mentality "WHAT IS IN IT FOR ME"??? How about the simpleness of feeling good that you were able to help someone from the heart, and not from your damn POCKET???"

Every single minute that this site remains up and running is due to Keith Broaders DONATING his time AND MONEY, simply because he believes in the cause of freedom and sovereignty in America. He is a true Patriot and only tries to get others to help because it is very difficult to keep up with the bills. To do that he has had to take a second job on the side just to survive.

As for myself I too dedicate MANY HOURS A DAY, EVERY DAY, so that all may benefit from the YEARS of RESEARCH that I have done to bring everyone here, NOT JUST YOU, closer to the truth and freedom in America.

I have personally studied and read books and publications for over twenty years now trying to locate the truth AND the solution; And I HAVE NEVER BEEN PAID A SINGLE PENNY to do it. And, I don't have to this job, nor should I have to be admonished for doing it the best way I can, to the best of my abilities.

SHAME ON YOU!; for accusing anyone here of being a bully or not babysitting you or being greedy. SHAME ON YOU! You owe us all a great debt, a nice thank you and an APOLOGY!

BC = Birth Certificate.

I've always said the people who think they know everything are as good as they are ever going to be.... They already KNOW everything...

and we all know some...... AND that was NOT meant toward anybody in this club. So PLEASE don't go down that road. 

How does one pay "income" taxes with a unit of currency that changes it's values daily and by the hour? So in essence what you owe in the morning turns out to be even more then it was the last night! That's an extreme example, but if you watch the value of your dollars over the course of say two months, and the prices in your local grocery store are an excellent example of how much FRN's fail to hold their supposed value. Inflation's yet another form of taxation. Most People just don't see it that way though, but it is there,  and right in your wallet.

Seriously, how can anyone ignore this unstable currency on a daily basis let alone in the long term markets? If you watch certain markets, say like Gold or even base metals prices, over the course of say two months, your base metals are an excellent way to gauge the costs of manufacturing durable goods. Say like a dishwasher that costs $350.00 to manufacture in one month can go up say $365.00 to make in two months vs the price it was just 60 days earlier. Did the value of the dish washer go up even though it is same product it was 2 months ago? Hell no, it's the same machine with just higher cost to manufacture. So the price goes up, and you get less value for your dollars. This is no way to operate an economy based on faith, and make no mistake, this is how the Federal Reserve Bank bases our economy, one look at even a penny and the motto is "In God We Trust" this is an open declaration of what our money is based on: Faith.

Now if one can keep their faith in such a monetary unit as a dollar, then good for you, however most of even the most faithful can see what lies ahead, and it's not good for us, the end consumer.

That motto is a sign that we must trust in God for our economy to work, how's that going to work when the People loose their faith in the Dollar because it is getting more unstable with each passing day? I know this sounds extreme as an example, but that is really the way it is. We loose value daily, for example I went to the grocery store yesterday, and I bought a box of Cat litter and a box of canned cat food, and those two items cost $27.10, however a year ago those two items cost around $19.00. And even that is excessive for cat food and cat litter, but I love our cats, and won't abandon them, but this shows how unstable the value of  FRN's really are. Coffee prices are another way to watch the value of your FRN's plunge through the floor of the worlds markets. You really can watch the commodity markets on a daily basis, and over time you can easily watch the dollar fall through the floor in a very perceptible way. If you don't watch the costs on a daily basis in a large scale manufacturing metals fabrication plant, you will go broke. And that's not a theory, it is a fact.

Car manufacturing is a great example of what can go wrong in just a year's time nowadays. Every time you make a deposit in your bank account, you are loaning the bank your money, and they then loan it it out to someone else, and they reap the profits with your money, and your lucky to get even 2 % of that back in interest, mean while the banksters make off with an additional 6% on top of your 2% for a total of say 8%, and they still make far more then you did. This is a ponzy scheme by any definition you care to make. Pretty good money, considering it wasn't their money to begin with.

Some here will laugh this off as an extreme example but step back and see the bigger picture and scale your spending up, and then you'll see that bigger picture isn't going to hold up under real economic pressure.

You can take the red pill or you can take the blue pill, but you will take one of those pills sooner or later...and both of them are bitter to the very end.

some information i found may help, called "STATUTORY VS. CONSTITUTIONAL CONTEXTS"  SUMMARY OF CITIZENSHIP STATUS  v. TAX STATUS    Title 8 of the 
US Code, title 26 of the US Code 

check link

on the    whyanational webpage you will find everything you need to know about tax status

Hey Troy,

If you want people to see what this site has to offer, I believe I have the link that will do it. Try the Link HERE and see if that's good enough to get the info and point.

This is one of the best shortest versions of the 10 Commandments I have ever seen. You can play thru to the next one. I really really enjoy these. I listen to them over and over. Great for kids too.


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