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The Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence affirmed that all men have rights which were granted to them by their Creator. One of the most basic rights is the freedom to choose what to buy and who to buy it from. 

When engaging in commerce, the buyer and the seller enter into a voluntary contract. In order to  facilitate the exchange both parties must agree on the terms of the transaction. Neither the buyer nor the seller can be compelled to buy/sell anything without the mutual consent of both parties.

The government has no lawful authority to nullify the rights of either the buyer or the seller.

We discriminate every time we go to the grocery store.  Some of us choose Cheerios and others select Rice Krispies. Some of us choose Coke and others choose Pepsi. The right to choose what to buy and where to buy it, is one of our God given rights.

If the government can force you to buy Coca Cola at a particular market, the government would be violating your freedom to choose. 

A man who makes cakes has a right to sell his product to whomever he wants and the man desirous to buy a cake has the freedom to select the vendor of his choice. It would be wrong to force the customer to buy the cake from one particular vendor and it would be equally unfair to compel the baker to sell his cakes to people he does not want to serve.

Laws which rob individuals of their freedom to discriminate violate the very principles upon which our nation was founded.

If a baker wanted to sell his cakes to only left handed albinos, I believe it would be his right to do so. I believe that by limiting his market he would have a difficult time succeeding in his business.

If a gay baker wanted to sell cakes only to gay customers, he should have the right to do so. If a heterosexual baker wants to limit his sales to heterosexual customers he too, should have that right.

A righteous man does what is right because it is right, not because he is compelled to do so. If the government has the authority to compel us to buy our products from a particular vendor or requires the vendor to sell his products to whoever wants them, our God given rights have become privileges granted to us by the state. 

If I knew a business owner refused to serve people because of their gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, I would personally boycott the man's business and I would encourage all of my friends to do the same.

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A man's right to choose who he wants to do business with is unalienable. The man doesn't need to justify why he does not want to do business with an individual. Freedom does not come with rules, regulations or limitations. Both the buyer and the seller have equal rights and must voluntarily decide to do business with one another.

If a man wants to be treated like an equal (as in a moral man), he must treat equals equally ...otherwise he will be discriminated against.

Byron, I do not understanding what you are attempting to say. Your final sentence you saud

"you contradicted every this else you said." What does this mean?

There was a time that IF you borrowed $ or applied for a Grant from the Federal Government that would apply.

However, when a man opens a store or any other business, he "was" free to hire anyone he chose to hire due to their skill-set, education, etc. 

Bryon, you brought up an important point that I wish you had elaborated on.

NO ONE that I know cares to ask:  

"Are you gay?

Are you "______" religion"

"Are you a trans-sexual."

However, I would ask you,  "Why would anyone ANNOUNCE, "I am a trans-sexual, so you better serve me or I will file a law suit!"

A Black Poet once visited Dallas.  He was my daughter's friend.  He wrote a little poetry book that is very difficult to find because there are so many books by the same name...."On the Road To Damascus."

I think this ONE sentence describes many different groups of people.

He said, "Blacks hate themselves for being Black so they project their hate onto White People."

NO ONE CARES if you are gay.  That is your business.  Don't try to force me to make it any of my business  IN ORDER TO FORCE ME TO APPROVE..

You have an admirer.

Oleg....the article ends up stating that it leads to Marxism.

Elaine, not if individuals do the discriminating does lead to marxism if the state does it leads to preservation of freedom if We The People do it.

We live in a topsy-turvy world, it grows down upon us in-spite of US growing up naturally.

Obama sure is working on motivating people to discriminate against white people.

All moral and religious people must UNITE, to do that We The People must shed false "morality" from false "religion ...much of the orthodox "religion" is no less corrupt than a sodomite of the sheeple and/or creeple kind, hence an easy target of SUBMISSION to islime.

Otherwise, sooner than later We The People will find ourselves between a rock and a hard place ...not unlike Israel.

There you go misusing that adjective " elite "again. Just because something is culturally acceptable doesn't make it morally acceptable. And if that very unelite Adolph was still in charge your so called elite would be driven out of Germany. At the least. 

Like acid rain, recycle elite shi'it to the top and it will poison the waters.


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