Is Social Security a Contract?
A private insurance policy is clearly a contract because the policyholder makes a promise to pay money to the insurance company, which in turn agrees to likewise pay the policyholder if certain contingencies arise.
These "promise to pay" elements are essential for a contract, but they simply are not present with Social Security. First, Social Security "payments" are not premium payments, but are taxes instead. Secondly, there is no corresponding and enforceable "promise to pay" from the Social Security Administration to its "beneficiaries."
As noted above, government contracts are very special and require an appropriation from Congress before money can be expended and a contract made. Regarding Social Security, the only "beneficiaries" who have any claim against the public treasury are those for whom Congress has already made an appropriation, which can last no longer than a year.
The rest of the Social Security claimants in America have no enforceable claim on public funds, and all they possess is a "political promise," upon which Congress can renege at any moment. If Congress decided tomorrow to cut off all Social Security, nobody would have any claim for payment.
Thus, Social Security has never been and is not now a contract.
See Flemming v. Nestor, 363 U.S. 603, 610, 80 S.Ct. 1367 (1960)("It is apparent that the noncontractual interest of an employee covered by the Act cannot be soundly analogized to that of the holder of an annuity, whose right to benefits is bottomed on his contractual premium payments");
Richardson v. Belcher, 404 U.S. 78, 80, 92 S.Ct. 254, 257 (1971) ("The fact that social security benefits are financed in part by taxes on an employee's wages does not in itself limit the power of Congress to fix the levels of benefits under the Act or the conditions upon which they may be paid");
Califano v. Goldfarb, 430 U.S. 199, 210, 97 S.Ct. 1021, 1028 (1977) (Brennan J.) (plurality opinion) ("Congress has wide latitude to create classifications that allocate non-contractual benefits under a social welfare program");
and United States Railroad Retirement Board v. Fritz, 449 U.S. 166, 174, 101 S.Ct. 453, 459 (1980) ("railroad benefits, like social security benefits, are not contractual and may be altered or even eliminated at any time").
And on a related subject: Watch the Video, then read
Cancelling Your(?) Number
Attention: By following these instructions you assume all responsibility and liability for your own actions ***
Namaste to all and of every political persuasion,
We are here today to inform you that you have the right to cancel your Social Security Number and birth certificate… And reclaim your sovereignty from the unconstitutional United States Corporation. Tired of funding these never ending wars and bank/corporate bailouts? Try this!
How to cancel your Social Security Corporation
1) print out IRS form 966: corporate dissolution
2) under the corporation name put MR/MS/MRS/etc as appropriate and then your full name IN ALL CAPS.
3) under EIN put you SSN
4) under return type, check Other and write in “1040″
5) the rest of the info you can figure out.
6) above your signature write “Without Prejudice UCC 1-308″
7) make a copy for your records
8) send it into the IRS
This next year… Instead of filing taxes… Cancel them!
Why does this work? Your Social Security Number is actually a corporation and a second you. This stems from the idea of “corporate personhood.” The idea of giving corporations the rights of natural humans may seem utterly disgusting, but under Black’s legal dictionary the definition of “person” is a natural human or corporation. This is because they are trying to fool people into self identifying as their SSN corporation! Hence the need to give your Statutory person the rights of a natural human.
Another reason why this works is because of UCC 1-308. Please look it up. This is the code that reserves natural human rights and opts out of the UCC that you don’t know about. This is critical to understand because if a judge were to ever ask you what that means, it is only valid if you know. That is to say, presenting this paperwork to a statutory court, and understanding it, means they don’t have jurisdiction… Not only that but you also then have the Constitutional right to have any and all cases seen by a court of common law…. Or have the case dismissed and compensation dispensed for your troubles. You can tell the difference between a statutory court and a common court because statutory courts use American Flags with a gold fringed borders.
-Congratulations, you are a sovereign citizen that has reclaimed your constitutional rights!
-Using or claiming to be your invalid SSN is fraud
-You have the right to have all debts be denominated in Constitutional Money: ounces of gold and silver.
-You have the right to work without a SSN
-You have the right to be paid in ounces of gold or silver.
-You have the right to be treated as a corporation without a SSN but only with discrete opt-in consent.
-Filing taxes would be considered fraud due to need to fill in your invalid SSN. They also only collect unconstitutional Fed Notes which is most certainly not constitutional legal tender: gold or silver.
-Figuratively, all account linked to your statutory person are invalidated
-Technically, if gold or silver is offered and declined, the debt itself is nullified. This include mortgages, car loans, credit cards, student loans, federal and state taxes, etc.
-Anyone that calls to collect on an unconstitutional debt linked to your deceased “person”… asking to speak to you…. They are actually asking two questions… Do you still have a personal statutory corporation? And, do you still self-identify as your corporation? It would be fraud to say yes… As your corporation doesn’t exist anymore!
-You have the right to sign up for a new SSN
-No retirement benefits… As if they will be there when most of us retire. Lol
-You have the right to have all court cases seen by a court of common law or have the case dismissed due to the lack of Statutory Jurisdiction. Your corporate Statutory SSN straw-person is how all corporate statutory courts can claim jurisdiction and pull a fast one on us.
As of the time of this writing, most corporations do not accept gold or silver as legal tender. They are abridging our Constitutional Rights. This is why we must start actually going to stores with gold and silver and reclaim our Right to use this form of money.
Some stores accept gold and silver at US mint pressed denominations. This is tax fraud as they would be claiming to the IRS the face value of these coins instead of the IRS regulation of full trade value. These same stores do not recognize the face value of Constitutional bullion even though the face values are almost always present in the form of “one ounce .999 fine silver” or some such depending on the coin or bar.
When gold and silver are declined as tender, they are abridging their own and your own Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights. No one has the authority to abridge these right including store managers, managers in general, directors, CEOs, clerks, judges, and even the President of the (unconstitutional) United States Corporation. Btw, it was Nixon that took us off the gold standard even though he didn’t have the Enumerated Constitutional Right to do so.
It would be great to see #occupy-spend-silver gathering in places like Whole Foods, Target, Lowes, etc, etc. This would be a great way to regain this Guaranteed right.
As far as solutions go for foreclosures… The bankers are most afraid of the #Occupy-my-house aspect of the #occupy movement because that stops their unconstitutional fraudulent business model. FYI, every mortgage is fraud due to breaking double entry accounting standards during loan originations (accounting fraud), the lack of consideration [non-legalese: skin in the game] in every loan by every bank (contract fraud), and the money doesn’t meet the definition of legal tender (constitutional fraud).
All that said, how about our birth certificates? Well, these certificates are actually printed on financial bond certificates. On the back, there is a red number that defines the financial bond, that is you and is publicly traded!
That is to say, corporate personhood is fraud… So is our birth certificate.
How to cancel a birth bond:
1) print out a birth certificate change form; some financial birth bonds have a change form on the back.
2) enter these three field to be changed: State file id number, date of birth, and “name” as per stated on the bond.
3) enter the values as currently indicated
4) leave the change-to values blank
5) find a religious reason for cancelation. Reincarnation is a great reason. The soul is not born when the body is… It existed before and will exist after we pass on. Internet search for a reincarnation quote from a Zen Buddhist/Daoist master and print it out with a statement like “I am canceling my birth certificate because my soul existed before I was born”
6) above your signature write “Without Prejudice UCC 1-308″
7) make a copy for your records
8) send it in to your state location
This terminates the fraud known as the birth bond.
Rat fact: in Commonwealth states their birth certificates call the person a Subject! This is odd given that most people say that the term Commonwealth is simply antiquity. This term traditionally indicates that the territory is literally owned by the Queen of England. Given that Commonwealth citizens are defined as SUBJECTs by their birth bond…. The probability of the term Commonwealth being “just antiquity” is about zero. Subjects are only defined in relation to the Queen… Just like Canada. Non-commonwealth states use more typical terms like “child’s name” or “name.”
Hopefully this helps move things forward for the #Occupy movement.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this… And possibly spreading it around!
Be the love and peace you wish to see. :D
With peace, love, and respect, - Anonymous
What about those who are on retirement? Will they lose that?
Ya, explain that please Morton.
I removed my SSN from the treasury and through a retort on the treasury was able to keep my social security money, but as a payment for investment. I did not do this, a person in Phelps Dodge did it for me. As he was one of the elite and totally separated from the system.
That's what got me into this business in the first place as I had been a soldier in Vietnam and a member of an Army intelligence team flying opium from Cambodia to Saigon to San Francisco VIA Air America.
Actually I guess I should write a book on my life's experiences but then I'd probably be running for the rest of my life.
Very interesting! I would very much like to hear a response from the author of this 'remedy'; i.e.- has the author actually filled out the IRS Form 966 and submitted it and if so, did it work or what response did the author receive in response to this? Please expand on this a bit. Thanks.
Russell B.
Please don't take this seriously.
I have prepared 1,000's of people's tax returns since 1966. I was and am an advocate to abolish the I.R.S. even before that. Constitutionally, the IRS is illegal, but only applied force from all tax paying people can eliminate it. People with all kinds of technical jargon and quoting law have led tens of thousands to death and destruction and financial ruin over the years.
Even law abiding Congressmen were jailed for even advocating abolishing the I.R.S. Tariffs are the only legal way to fund the federal government. Don't fall for the flat tax either; it doesn't do anything to rein in the I.R.S. It takes two seconds to compute your tax currently, with a flat tax it would take two seconds. What takes all your time and privacy is figuring out what constitutes income; whether it's wages, rents, interest, capital gains, business net income, pensions, sale of property and a myriad of other sources. The flat tax doesn't change the source issues and you are still under the thumb of gun toting criminals.
That's exactly right Dan.
They can ALL disappear at a moment's notice or even WITHOUT notice. I keep trying to convince people to get their wealth out of someone else's hands and into something tangible, like land, food, silver and gold, etc.
If your money is in someone else's possession, it is not safe.
If you want to know who owns your property, stop paying your property taxes and you will find out who the real owner is!
Thanks for the outline of how to be sovereign. I have only ONE caution. Halfway down the article it states' "Congratulations, you are a sovereign citizen ...".
Our government and the DHS had invented a new definition a few years ago. The term "sovereign citizen" is defined on the new-and-improved domestic terrorist list. My own state representative read an official DHS letter to a gathering of people. His message was essentially to warn all of us that we are being attacked from within. (Some of them are finally getting it!)
Secondly, the sovereign citizen term is also used by the corporate judges to trap us under their jurisdiction. Just by declairing you are one, you become a ward of the state. Because the definition alone is an oxymoron. One cannot be sovereign and ALSO be a citizen, so the judge declares you insane for your own good, and unable to "represent" yourself and appoints corporate legal council. Hence, the corporate lawyer binds you even further out of his own ignorance of everything we discuss here.
Thirdly, our police are now being instructed to arrest anyone claiming to be a sovereign citizen for the above mentioned DHS definition. Never whisper the words "Sovereign Citizen"!
Additional information:
Please be wary of any forms that have check boxes where they ask, "Are you a US Citizen"? There is no such thing, and it places us right back in their jurisdiction. The trap is usually found when we apply for drivers licenses, passports, SS, voters registration, etc. We need to cancel or correct all of those fraudulent forms and applications or WE have commited fraud by allowing it. We are however state citizens, which IS "lawful" and Constitutional.
In the same context, federal, state, and business forms have instructions informing us to enter our full names using ONLY capital letters. That little slight of hand has us creating and using our strawman corporate identity. Keep in mind, absolutely EVERYTHING that demands our signature is a contract.
I attempted to use the UCC 1-308 when I renewed my drivers license and they wouldn't allow it. I couldn't write "without prejudice" either. They had my original signature on file and would not allow anything but that. Moments later, a supervisor appeared with a pre-prepared document explaining why I couldn't use the UCC or without prejudice with, or instead of, my signature. Interesting that my state DMV were prepared for us ahead of time! I kept their dated copy as documentation they prevented me from protecting my Rights "under duress". I'd rather NOT have a license at all. Still working on it.
That's right Mike.
That's exactly why you will never see me with a license or any other kind of Adhesion Contract. And; I have always said that NO ONE can MAKE YOU SIGN YOUR NAME on ANYTHING!. PERIOD! Because that does constitute a contract as you have said.
A hopeless country, when the good guys don't get it.
I assume you mean us Robert,
But I'm at a loss. What is it exactly we're not getting? Enlighten us.
Refer to my comments on page one and the conversations that follow. I'm a veteran of domestic wars since 16. That's 56 years no medals no special benefits no recognition and not without costs. What's going on here is a pleasant chat room that will never restore our Republic and may lead others to destruction.
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