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Everyone on the planet is unique as witnessed by the fact that no two individuals have the same finger prints. Each individual was born with a combination of strengths and weaknesses.

We come in all shapes and sizes and some of us possess great intellectual capacity while others do not. Some of us were blessed with exceptional physical ability and others have talents in music or art. Some of us have been blessed with many talents and others have relatively few, but we all have time and the opportunity to create goods and services that other people are willing to purchase.

The purpose of schools should be to help young people discover who they are and how they can best utilize their time and talent to compete in a free society.

The economic system embraced by our founders was based upon the idea that everyone should have the equal opportunity to compete for the bounties of life. They believed that no one should be given special benefits or privileges that would give them an advantage over their competition simply because they think their entitled to it.

In order to give a man a benefit he hasn't earned, we must first take something from the individual who earned it. The social program we call welfare,  steals the production of one man to provide benefits to another. This process violates the property rights of the individual providing the benefit and robs the other of the incentive to produce his own benefits. Both the individuals become victims of the system that redistributes the wealth and production of the first man to benefit the second.

The role of the government should be to prevent individuals and corporations from creating monopolies. Hence our Anti-Trust laws. When a monopoly is created the corporation has no competition and as a result the corporation has no incentive to produce better products at a lower price.

When laws are written which requires that children in the public schools be provided FREE milk, the government has created a monopoly for those that produce milk. If a law is passed that requires everyone to wear a seat belt, the government has created a monopoly for companies that manufacture seat belts.

Virtually every law passed by Congress gives one industry or corporation a potential monopoly. Those who benefit will line the pockets of the legislators with campaign contributions to close the deal.

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An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin

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There is a risk involved in an Article V convention, as any politician can and will lie to gain control over the Constitution. That's how the Original 13th amendment got over written with the phony 13th Amendment which we allow to be taught in Schools today; that is if they even teach anything about the Constitution anymore in Schools today.

That's how the 14th Amendment got in, yet it is very questionable if it was truly ever ratified. The Original 13th was ratified by the State of Virginia, who was the last one to ratify the 13th in the era in which it was created.

The 14th was created as part of the scam to overlay the Original 13th. And it shows too, why the phony 13th is lauded as the one which freed the slaves. The 14th essentially made all of us slaves equally. How's that equality thing working for you?

So now we are all slaves to the national debt; a debt that was never intended to be paid off, or should I say a debt which was a recent invention; dated back to 1913 when we allowed the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. Then the rest of the world followed us in creating their own Central Banks based on the model of our Central Bank, and we are living in the aftermath of that mess on a Global scale. It seems to me that bankers are historically behind a whole lot of wars.

The 16th Amendment was a fraud right from the beginning. It was not brought about with a full Quorum in Congress as required in the Constitution and the 16th Amendment effectively eliminated apportionment in direct violation of Article I, Section 8, Clause 1.

For sure, the Original 13th Amendment would have excluded lawyers from holding Public Offices, or from being a Citizen, or the right to vote. Sounds like a pretty good amendment to me. But the British didn't like loosing their foothold in our courts, so they tried to destroy the Original 13th, because if it were adopted, then we would be operating under American Law instead of English law.

This outraged the British enough to start the war of 1812 and they then tried to burn down the State Capitals in that era in an attempt to destroy the documents that founded this Country. Basically they wanted the States back under their thumb. They failed, but did they really fail?

Our Courts are all run by English law, which was to be Common Law, but do we have common law courts any more? No we do not, we have British courts for the most part, the British Accreditation Registry.

The B.A.R. as it is known today, rules our courts entirely now, and trying to get rid of the BAR system has so far been fruitless; and until enough real Americans wake the hell up, it will continue to be this way. 

You are 100% Right!!!

3 reasons a Convention of States will succeed

Posted by Scott Russell on February 13, 2015

There are dozens of reasons a Convention of States will succeed. We've picked the top three.

1. The time is right.

Americans are sick of Washington, D.C., abusing its power. And considering how easy it is to find examples of federal overreach, it's no wonder. The federal government has invaded the most personal areas of our daily lives, and irresponsibly spends our hard-earned money. It's time we use the tool the Founders gave us to stop the runaway train in Washington.

2. Our team is stellar.

We have the most amazing group of individuals working on the Convention of States Project. In all 50 states, volunteers have organized effective, efficient grassroots teams to spread the word about Article V to legislators and citizens alike.

We have great leaders in our State Directors, Coalitions Directors, Legislative Liaisons, and District Captains; and our volunteer supporters are engaged and responsive to calls to action. We couldn't be prouder of our teams in each state, and we look forward to pushing our application across the finish line.

3. The process is sound.

In their wisdom, the Founders included the Convention of States option in Article V to stop an out-of-control federal government. They made the process safe -- 34 states are required to call a convention and 38 states to ratify any amendments. This is an extremely high threshold, and ensures no amendment is ratified that does not represent the will of the people.

But they also made the process possible -- when the time is right, and when the right people are organized, the states can call a convention to restore the correct balance of power between the states and the federal government. The states control this convention, it can be limited to a single subject, and each state only gets one vote.

It is for these reasons -- and others not mentioned here -- that we like our chances to call a Convention of States to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.

Only one question remains: will you join the movement?

The illegal aliens did not destroy the middle class, Nixon did the deed in 1970.

EPA History

Love Canal

Born in the wake of elevated concern about environmental pollution, EPA was established on December 2, 1970 to consolidate in one agency a variety of federal research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activities to ensure environmental protection. Since its inception, EPA has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the American people.

Origins of EPA. Learn about when and why the Agency began, how it was initially organized, and the origins of the EPA seal.

Historical Topics. Find resources about the history of environmental statutes and regulations; disasters and emergencies; and other environmental topics of historical interest, like DDT, Earth Day, and noise pollution.

Historical Photos and Images. View photos from EPA's Documerica Project (1971-1977) and from non-historical environmental photo collections.

Other sources of materials on EPA history.

Read this and all can see that the GOVERNMENT and the WWII waivers of all environmental concerns just make stuff now we will clean it up later - - well the Federal Government dumped there, the Army dumped there the city operated a dump there all before the Chemical Company purchased the dump. They sold the site to the School district [city] with full disclosure and the city built schools and permitted home construction fully knowing the dump was there.

This over blown incident of Government errors on errors built the EPA up to having the power to force steel mills to close,  mines to close, factories to close, auto part sent to offshore. Yes my friends your government KILLED 50 MILLION MIDDLE CLASS JOBS during the next 40 years. And the worst environmental disasters are still there today and nothing is being done to restore the lands - they are Government sites, bomb sites, uranium manufacturing sites, gas warfare sites, chemical making sites - all government operated and owned.

So now you know the truth of the matter - let not one doubt remain the EPA killed the middle class - 50 million good paying jobs gone to clean the air and water - except it did not work.

Hey, That's my cousin you're talking about there Magnus.

But you're right he did do all that and opened trade negotiations with China too. What a Putz. I'm embarrassed to be related to Nixon.


You have Nixon and I have Alexander Hamilton - want to trade? Never liked his paper on Manufacturing and Necessary and Proper? he he

That's a tough one Magnus. I think although Nixon was a dupe, Hamilton knew exactly what he was doing. I'll keep the useful idiot. You can have the traitor.

What an amazing title!  In just a few words, you cut through all of the argument..We need Billboards like that all over the Nation.

Elaine Morris sounds familiar  were you a member of the tea party patriots? 


Keith, you're so naive, that you're almost cute.

You apparently are forgetting the reality of our founding fathers; a lot of them were slave owners with huge holdings. It was actual practice in America in the late 18th century, that famous phrase:

"..All men are created equal..." well that was true for so-called white men who owned land.

So to argue that the founding fathers upheld the idea of equal economic opportunity for all is ignoring the FACTs of life in 18th Century America with it's institution of slavery and unmitigated genocide against native Americans.

That's why our Constitution is a LIVING document. That's what our country's "journey" has been about; creating a reality where ALL Americans are created equal (in the "eyes" of YAHWEH[GOD]) and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights...these being the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness (doesn't mean you are going to "catch" happiness, but no government can take away your right to pursue it)

So I do beg to differ sir; I hold that ALL human beings are in FACT created equal. We are ALL equal in our person and our property. The problem of course is people who have a lot of money AND they put love of money before love of GOD. They assume that because they have a lot of money, that they are "more" equal than others.  I needn't go into any examples from history, we all know that this is true.  We really can't do anything about those people except pray for them. We can however, through our constitutions mitigate the role of money as it relates to our GOD GIVEN rights which NO GOVERNMENT can take away.

I take a HARD stance on this. As an Oathkeeper, and a Marine I swore to uphold and defend our Constitution against ALL enemies foreign and domestic. Anyone who tries to argue that American citizens are not equal in terms of our constitution; I view that person as an enemy of our Constitution.

I appreciate hearing your opinion while I disagree with much of what you had to say. I agree that those who wrote the Constitution were interested in preserving and protecting their lives and liberty and were not concerned about the rights of everyone else. However, your statement that we should be equal in all things makes no sense.

Some men are born with greater intellectual capacity than others. Some men are physically superior. We are all unique individuals with different strengths and weaknesses. The equality we should be pursuing is equality under the law. Everyone should be held accountable to the same standards.

Do you believe that a man who picks 10 bushels of apples is more productive than an individual who picks three bushels? Do you believe that each should receive the same compensation?


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