Everyone on the planet is unique as witnessed by the fact that no two individuals have the same finger prints. Each individual was born with a combination of strengths and weaknesses.
We come in all shapes and sizes and some of us possess great intellectual capacity while others do not. Some of us were blessed with exceptional physical ability and others have talents in music or art. Some of us have been blessed with many talents and others have relatively few, but we all have time and the opportunity to create goods and services that other people are willing to purchase.
The purpose of schools should be to help young people discover who they are and how they can best utilize their time and talent to compete in a free society.
The economic system embraced by our founders was based upon the idea that everyone should have the equal opportunity to compete for the bounties of life. They believed that no one should be given special benefits or privileges that would give them an advantage over their competition simply because they think their entitled to it.
In order to give a man a benefit he hasn't earned, we must first take something from the individual who earned it. The social program we call welfare, steals the production of one man to provide benefits to another. This process violates the property rights of the individual providing the benefit and robs the other of the incentive to produce his own benefits. Both the individuals become victims of the system that redistributes the wealth and production of the first man to benefit the second.
The role of the government should be to prevent individuals and corporations from creating monopolies. Hence our Anti-Trust laws. When a monopoly is created the corporation has no competition and as a result the corporation has no incentive to produce better products at a lower price.
When laws are written which requires that children in the public schools be provided FREE milk, the government has created a monopoly for those that produce milk. If a law is passed that requires everyone to wear a seat belt, the government has created a monopoly for companies that manufacture seat belts.
Virtually every law passed by Congress gives one industry or corporation a potential monopoly. Those who benefit will line the pockets of the legislators with campaign contributions to close the deal.
“The economic system embraced by our founders was based upon the idea that everyone should have the equal opportunity to compete for the bounties of life”
Is an indirect contradiction to…
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; …”
We The People are of one party ...the two party system is a dis-unification created by monetary pressures of the elites in our founder's day.
We’re all created equal under God, therefore we are always supposed to be equal …everything we are, are strengths …money creates weaknesses …"Pursuit of happiness" is simply a pursuit and attainment of satisfying career(s) ...Freedom can coexist with Democracy and vice versa, but attainable only in non-monetary naturally compensated society.
The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.
How do I secure the toilet paper I need if all I have is livestock? Money is required for exchange - you cannot have a metal based currency as there is not enough for even a few hours of total global exchange.
Money is not the problem - government is the problem. For to them, money is power to bribe voters, State and local government removing our free enterprise system and making us slaves in our own nation.
ie: talley stick, rocks, tablets, teeth, and such . . all the same as fiat currency - they are assumed to be a store of value. No such thing as community as we travel and trade around the globe just as in 1500.
the 5 w's> the best way to gain information. Who, what, why, when, and where> the journalists road to create a path for enlightenment to the world.
Oleg, then what your saying is we MUST get rid of printed paper money, is that correct? Because it's the only way to stop this crazy spending spree in the District of Criminals, and this would mean the end of the Federal Reserve Banking System in it's entirety and on a Global Scale as well. The only way that can happen is to trigger WWlll...Oh well it was a pretty good life while it lasted...pooof!
Eric, the only way that can happen is when We The People agree to do it ...such a project would start locally in every community (so that excludes most metropolises because money is the only reason everyone is there) ...so it is the most effective way to prevent war of any kind and with minimal effort, because natural compensation would provide independence for rural areas from the "blue code" of (or monetary dependance on) the cities and by extention D.C., so people would be attracted to communities through natural compensation (and that includes a compensated army through the compensated militias if need be).
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