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Support Israel?

Supporting Israel would be the proper thing to do, if the government of Israel was supporting the God they claim to represent. Unfortunately the government of Israel is an enemy of God and the Jewish people. The government of Israel is a privately owned corporation controlled by International Bankers and is nothing more than a false-front for a crime syndicate. While most of the people in the United States are sympathetic to the plight of the Jews, they have been conned into believing that the nation of Israel represents the God of Abraham and the Jewish people.

The government of the United States kills thousands of innocent unborn babies every day and pretends to be a Christian Nation.The government of Israel pretends to worship the God of Abraham, but consistently violate the Ten Commandments.

Both the United States and Israel are international corporations created of, by and for the benefit of the financial elite. If we allow the government of Israel to sink or swim on their own we will no longer have the blood on our hands.

Rather than spending billions of dollars on bombs perhaps the United States and Israel should be building bridges to peace and understanding. As Christians we are told to love our neighbor, not to bomb the crap out of them.

By being Israel's ally we are selling our souls to the devil and becoming an accomplice to all of their crimes .

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Mr. Broaders, how can you single out the Israelis for performing abortions when Americans are at least as guilty? And again, lying and cheating for political benefit is a way of life within the ranks of our own government!

Your final point regarding racial apartheid, however, is very misleading! The Jewish people have been instructed by God Himself to keep themselves (their Jewish bloodlines) ethnically pure for the sake of their survival!

Back in the day (under the Mosaic Law), it was considered a grievous sin to intermarry outside of Judaism; this had absolutely nothing to do with the concept of "racial superiority" as practiced elsewhere in the world! Their custom of only marrying other Jews is the singular reason for the endurance of the Jewish people throughout their two thousand years of not having a country of their own! Had it not been for their following of this commandment, considering how the Jews have been dispersed throughout the world, they would have been completely absorbed into the world community and their Jewish race would have died out altogether!

For this reason, it is patently unfair for you or anyone to compare what the Jews have practiced in order to survive as a people with Gentiles who practice racial discrimination based upon pride, ignorance and flat-out wickedness!

Apples and oranges, Mr. Broaders!

You are correct that the United States commits a far greater number of abortions than anyone  else. It was not my intention to imply Israel funds abortions with tax payer dollars. I was simply trying to point out that both governments are not adhering to the principles of the scriptures they claim to embrace/

Really? Why the Jew hatred?  Got nothing better to do? Any more of this and I'm gone from here.

I don't hate anyone. However I do support the principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility.

I detest the actions of a few unrighteous individuals who have violated the human rights of others. It is wrong to condemn an entire class of people due to the diabolical agenda of a few.

Most Jews are the victims of Zionism.

Mr. Broaders, your article has completely missed the point regarding Christians who, like me, support Israel. We stand in strong support of the Jewish people, not the Israeli government which does not necessarily represent the Jews any more than our own federal government represents the majority of Americans!

God Almighty begot His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, in the land of Israel as a Jew, and during His earthly ministry, our Lord taught all believers that we should bless Israel and when we do, our heavenly Father would in turn bless us. If we curse Israel, we would incur His wrath upon our own heads!

In your article, you have mistakenly lumped the Israeli government and the Israeli people together, which you might want to reconsider for the sake of accuracy!

It would be good for you to remember that it was the Jews who brought the Holy Scriptures, the inerrant word of God, to this world and actually gave birth to Christianity....and in doing so, you might see how unconscionable it is for you to suggest that it would be immoral for Americans, particularly believers, to stand in support of Israel!

I hope that you will come to understand the error of your article, and God bless you!

If it is immoral to support governments that promote the killing of innocent men, women and children, then supporting the government of the United States and the government of Israel is immoral. Supporting nations who violate the laws of God in favor of the laws ot men are sowing the seeds of their own destruction. A nation that professes their love of God with their lips and then violates the Ten Commandments is a hypocrite. How much sin will God tolerate?

I agree with the general sentiment to not fully support bad government (and not just because it/they kill people), but if we don't at least try to reform and improve our government, where are we going?

ISIS doesn't have what you would call a government and they kill people, so can they not be condemned because there is not a government behind the killing? If our government was a horse I would shoot it, but it's the only remaining figment of representative democracy left in the world, and we better try to preserve and improve it or we will end up in chaos like the members of ISIS!

So let's try to keep religious considerations from clouding our judgment regarding government, and at the same time keep the faith!!!

I was using ISIS as an example of a non-government controlled group who kills people, to illustrate that it is not always a government that does kill people. My point however is that if we don't support (reform and improve) our present government we will wind up with something far worse. Also, it goes without saying that the good Lord knows who is responsible, and their day of reckoning is coming!

What you quoted that I said is a rhetorical question!

ISIS or any other group of terrorists having been created intentionally to do as they are doing is a real stretch for me!!!


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