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Support Israel?

Supporting Israel would be the proper thing to do, if the government of Israel was supporting the God they claim to represent. Unfortunately the government of Israel is an enemy of God and the Jewish people. The government of Israel is a privately owned corporation controlled by International Bankers and is nothing more than a false-front for a crime syndicate. While most of the people in the United States are sympathetic to the plight of the Jews, they have been conned into believing that the nation of Israel represents the God of Abraham and the Jewish people.

The government of the United States kills thousands of innocent unborn babies every day and pretends to be a Christian Nation.The government of Israel pretends to worship the God of Abraham, but consistently violate the Ten Commandments.

Both the United States and Israel are international corporations created of, by and for the benefit of the financial elite. If we allow the government of Israel to sink or swim on their own we will no longer have the blood on our hands.

Rather than spending billions of dollars on bombs perhaps the United States and Israel should be building bridges to peace and understanding. As Christians we are told to love our neighbor, not to bomb the crap out of them.

By being Israel's ally we are selling our souls to the devil and becoming an accomplice to all of their crimes .

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I have to disagree with you on this one. Keep in mind there were 12 tribes and Judea was only one of them.


On this one I have to put in my two cents worth. We have to realize that it is the GOVERNMENTS of these respective Nation States which are corrupt, evil and out of line. The actual majority of the citizenry of Israel are normal everyday people who probably hate the whole damn thing, just like we do.

We the PEOPLE do not condone the actions of our own government any more than say the Chinese people appreciate what they have to endure. I don't believe you nailed this point down well enough. Just my opinion.

On this I do agree. It is not the people but the governments. I did not want to take any further to tell the truth. I love my country but I am ashamed of my governments as I am with almost every government. I do not think governments are doing their job because they are all corrupted.


Oh so true Kenneth.

I believe that the people living in Israel and the United States are ultimately responsible for the conduct of their respective governments. God gave us liberty along with the responsibility to govern ourselves. Due to the negligence of the people, evil and conspiring men have seize control of our governments. The people in both United States and Israel are victims of their corrupt governments.

Governments derive their power from the consent of the governed and ultimately we need to take responsibility for the behavior of our elected officials/

The government derives its power from the consent of the governed, so ultimately we the people are responsible for the behavior of our elected officials. A man can not become a slave without his consent.


The people of Germany allowed Hitler to do what he did. Do you think the people who allow a tyrant to kill millions of people are not partially to blame for what happened? The Russian people allowed Stalin to rise to power and the Chinese provided Mao with the authority to kill millions.

While the people did not pull the trigger, they are ultimately responsible for the actions of their leaders.


The people who give their government their consent are responsible for the decisions made by their rulers. With freedom comes the responsibility to respect the lives, liberty and property of everyone else on the planet.

I wonder what our Constitutional Founding Fathers would have thought? I believe they would not oppose Israel. Besides, God will separate " The Remnant" from the rest of Israel when he's ready. No man-made plan of national morality for Israel can do better. Until then, opposing Israel will hurt everyone and make the devil – who would have us abandon Israel – very happy. The carnage that would follow is precisely what we'd like to avoid. Every nation that opposes Israel pays. We are paying now, and will pay more as we continue to oppose Israel like we have been doing.

Like it or not, our national survival is linked to Israel and how we treat her. Our Constitution was inspired by ancient Israel. The rest of world is just ahead of us in a headlong rush into socialism and caliphism (with a brief flirtation at capitalism so that they can overtake us, and defeat us, along the way).

If you want to talk about nations and alliances that have sold their souls to the devil, just look at Israel's neighbors and their ISIS spawn. Look at the U.N. and look at how most nations disdain America and Israel. It's not because of our corruption. It's because they have helped us to weaken ourselves through corruption to the point where they are about to pounce.

... and since we have broken every part of the "PEACE, COMMERCE AND HONEST FRIENDSHIP WITH ALL NATIONS; ENTANGLING ALLIANCES WITH NONE" position you advocate abandoning Israel as evil? Something is missing from that argument if it is to make sense. What evil do you charge against Israel that other nations are innocent of?

Instead, I suggest we return to the original Founder position with regard to all nations. But know this. The Founders were mostly Christians. They would not have aligned America against Israel. Believe me, we are aligned against Israel now. The Founders would not push to limit settlements. They would know that Israel's rightful land lies between the Nile and the Euphrates. They would know that Israel is surrounded by evil and that to align with that evil would destroy us.

As for Israel itself, it will not be destroyed. It's current government might be, but not the Nation of Israel.

Woe , I can't curse enough at this cognitive dissonance ; the ignorance is surrounding us; so , I'm just going to shut up before I say something really rude

And keep your schekles , the Zionist don't need them, . Shhhht , I just did .


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