This is straight from the SSA's Website and has some very interesting statements in it. See if you think this "Non-Citizen" status applies to you.
From pamphlet (EN-05-10096)
Does a Non-citizen need a Social Security number?
Unless you are a non-citizen who wants to work in the United States, you probably do not need a Social Security number.
Generally, only non-citizens authorized to work in the United States by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can get a Social Security number. Social Security numbers are used to report an individual’s wages to the government and to determine a person’s eligibility for Social Security benefits. You need a Social Security number to work, collect Social Security benefits and receive some other government services.
Lawfully admitted non-citizens can get many benefits and services without a Social Security number. You do not need a number to get a driver’s license, register for school, obtain private health insurance, or to apply for school lunch programs or subsidized housing.
Some organizations use Social Security numbers to identify you in their records. Most, however, will identify you by some other means if you request it.
We cannot assign you a Social Security number solely so you can get a driver’s license or a service that requires a credit check. Although many companies, such as banks and credit companies, may ask for your Social Security number, you generally are not required to provide one if you don’t have one.
So, it would appear that if this (Non "Citizen") status applies to you, then you can see that there are some very confusing things being said here. It seems there is a lot to qualify or define in law/codes in order to completely understand whether or not YOU need this number for anything other than a means to acquire "benefits".
I knew a man who took his new kids out WITHOUT filling out the SS forms. They were TRIPLETS, and Mom carried one, Dad the other two and they just walked out like they had a right to, which of course, they DID! They never heard from the hospital or law enforcement about it. The kids are about 10 now.
That's fantastic Randal,
We have a member who accomplished the same thing, but with much more pomp and circumstance.
Leldon was his name. I'm sure he would not mind you knowing. He is standing up for his rights as the creator of the child. It's truly the ONLY time we get to "play God".
No one has a right to ANYTHING you produce, PERIOD!
That's the America I see!
Yes the IRS says that however, they don't remind you that first you should determine if you have "income" which, in the IRS Codes is a term of art and not the dictionary definition
If you didn't have "income" you don't need those deductions, and don't need SSN's for your children.
You are mistaken if you think your tax return is 'illegal'. The Federal Income Tax is our friend, we just have been misled in understanding how it works.
Get the facts and information:
Well gee, if you truly want to educate those who don't know it all, perhaps you might consider being less insulting.
No insult there Sharon, just the confidence that what she's saying is fact and not to be taken lightly as some passing comment. She knows where the information is. Go there. Buy the book. Get 'er done. Stop feeling insulted. Just get the bastards who stole your money.
Lori, Check with Lost Horizons again.
YOU are not likely to be one of the "Taxpayers" so often referenced in the IR Codes and MIS-harmed by the IRS. The IRS is NOT a legal entity, having actually NO authority in CONUS.
They are a territorial bunch, based in Puerto Rico. The stuff they send in the mail is misrepresented as coming from the Department of the Treasury. WRONG! They are NOT associated with the Treasury. They are associated with the International Banks. They are the collections arm. They need to be removed.
Along with the federal reserve, which is one of the International Banks and which, it would appear, has REMOVED all the Gold from our Country and replaced it all with worthless Fed Reserve "Notes". They need to be replaced with a real precious metal system, based on a bi-metal core. That will maintain a STABLE currency system.
-Randal I must applaud you; you figured it out. Yes they are based in Puerto Rico. Their IRS courts are not officially the courts of this nation, but they still operate like the children division courts are not actually legal courts. They have misled the people into believing them such.
That requires a vast organized effort to make changes, Randal.
Individuals can take steps NOW to stop feeding the beast (the 100's of 1,000's of UN-elected administrators operating to restrict liberty, while securing the best for themselves) and recover earnings that were improperly withheld from their pay.
Sharon, there was no insult. Few on this site respond to suggestions to read Cracking The Code, the Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America or the Lost Horizons website.
It appears many here believe the only return to liberty is by exposing the rule-breaking done by teams of bullies (politicians, lawyers, courts, etc), as if magically they will settle down and play cordially. Or to replace the game board with a different one, never changing the fundamental basis by which the bullies continue growing in strength, at your personal expense.
With factual information about the Income Tax, and encouragement from others who are standing up for the truth, you (in situations where you do not have taxable 'income') can collect your marbles and excuse yourself from a game you are not qualified to play.
Thank you Lori,
I felt that trying to allay Sharon's fear of supposed aggression may just put me into a combat situation. Touchy feely is the new world we live in. It makes no difference in ones thoughts, only presentation.
I find when dealing with something like the vaccination fiasco, that many people have interesting vocabularies to uphold their views, but upon confronting common sense with full word usage, deleting all references to body parts and toilets, those respondents stumble and fall at their own lack of knowledge as to the English language.
Nothing against you Sharon but how does a man approach a woman whose ire has been kindled by non committal replies?
And once more I allude to the Hegelian dialectic which is the mover of our social order with the very thoughts in today's world taught to us by our benefactor the One World Super Elite?
any debate here?
Hello Quisno, I took a fall last night and got a pretty bad bump on the head so nothing in your note makes sense to me at the present time. I am taking Lori's advice and getting some of the books. Hope that clears up any misunderstanding you may have.
Thank you for your return. I want to say that I hope you are not hurt from your fall and I don't wish you to think im critical in my response, as im only wanting to establish that I Know of no one on here that wants to create any form of vilification of any one or to form any combat position
I pray you are not too hurt Sharon.
"...replace the game board with a different one..."
Ah, yes. They keep ranting about 'Fair Tax', and 'Flat Tax'. My constitution says NO TAX! At least not a tax on my labor (or yours). An EXCISE on a privelege, yes. That's the Corporate tax. Which WE ultimately get to pay, but there is no coersion to BUY from that corporation, and so you can't be forced to PAY it. That one is PURELY voluntary so far as it pertains to US!
Imposts Duties, and Excises are the means through which the government was to pay its bills and saleries. Sadly, the CONgress found that the mis-used 16th amendment along with the 'Victory Tax Act' of 1943 supplied more 'money' than it had ever seen, and so they repealed the Duties and Imposts'. And so, HERE WE ARE! Obeying an order which did not apply to US in 1943, and does not NOW because we actually thought that it would win the War!
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