The reason why the world is in such bad shape is because the people have allowed unethical men and women to control positions of power in order to sell the liberty of the people to the highest bidder.
Unfortunately their greed and their lust for power have rendered them incapable of doing the right thing. They have become pawns in the hands of the financial elite and we have become their perpetual debt slaves. In order to satisfy their desire for wealth and power unethical men and women will do whatever it takes to achieve their objectives. As long as unrighteous men and women write unjust laws and we comply, we will forever remain in the prison the bankers have created for us.
By complying with unjust laws we give the government the power to enslave us. We must wake up the sleeping giant and take our country back. Everyone has the choice of allowing the tyranny to take root by complying with unjust laws or refusing to comply and follow the admonitions of Thomas Jefferson. In the Declaration of Independence he asserted that when a government becomes tyrannical it is not only the right, but the duty of the people to alter or abolish it.
If you believe that those in control of our government have strayed from the original intent of our founding fathers and the bounds of the Constitution, the time has come for us to stand up, speak up and send a loud and clear message to Washington that we collectively have withdrawn our consent. As long as we allow men and women to use their positions as public servants to line their pockets with our money, that is precisely what they will do. If we allow them to lie, cheat and steal we have no one to blame, but ourselves. "A man who is born free cannot become a slave without his consent."
- Keith Broaders
"Or how can anyone enter the strong man's house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house, He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters" Matthew 12:29-30, God.
This entire presidency has been built upon growing the national army which the president said was necessary,and the government has been built into a federal army fully separate from our military.Government agencies have more ammo than our army has used in the last couple wars,having bought billions of rounds of hollow point ammo which is not meant to wound and therefore eliminating any possibility of survivors being patched up to continue fighting.Their weapons are automatic as contrasted with the rifles that are available to the average citizen which are not.Armored vehicles are everywhere,and full body armor is issued to protect the federals from serious wounds.I believe America is extremely close to becoming a dictatorship as millions have become dependent on the government to live, although the money has not been earned,but simply paid out to guarantee loyalty and survival.Cutting our military,and getting rid of officers that oppose the white house is the norm,and the government media continues to support the coming regime.
Very wise words for a such a young man Glenn.
My birthday is the 19th brother. Born 1940; that's why I'm so patriotic and stubborn.:-}
Your a wise man, I get the feeling you have studied history quite a bit, because you sound like your seeing a replay of history right now as many people have forgotten what it's like to be in a World class state of mind through excellence in everything we do as a nation, much is demanded of it's leaders, right now I see a huge lacking in that respect as it is right now.
Some are waking up to this now. Many more will follow..
Good question Benny,
The answer is you take it back and refuse to continue to "contribute" to the madness. Stop using your SSN. Refuse to deal with ANYONE who "needs" it. That might have to include your bank, school, courthouse, police, or whomever else is out there telling you that "you", "have to" have one to do what "they" are telling you to do; like apply for a "Driver's" license. Meanwhile you don't fit the legal definition of "Driver". Do you see the conundrum?
Normally you have to "buy" back what is "improperly" sold. By improperly though, you really mean fraudulently. You have a lawful and "sustainable in court" duty to DISOBEY unlawful acts, regulations, rules, restrictions, statutes, codes, orders, proclamations or decisions by previous courts even when those acts are by your own government.
You have at the very least, no obligation to perform, under some kind of threat, duress or coercion, an act which violates the Constitution or your Religion or even a previous contract. "The Law That Never Was" should help explain some of the reasons why you cannot be forced by ANY law to participate in the Social Security "insurance" program. This book by Bill Benson is about the Sixteenth Amendment being unlawfully "declared" ratified in 1913 by then Secretary of State Philander Chase Knox, but is a good source of common sense and some good background on the whole rotten mess created and carried out mainly by the "Robber Barons" and FDR. A twenty to thirty year project that included changing the constitution, instituting socialism and stealing every ounce of gold they could get their greasy little fingers on, while making sure to create a couple good size disasters along the way so the people had no one else to turn to but government. Its like Raum Emmanuel said, "You never want waste a good crisis". I think that automatically infers that they never want to waste a good chance to create one from scratch either. It works to motive if you're an investigator.
This is all tied up into your SSN at this point in time however and now there is no separating the two issues. The bottom line is this is about your Citizenship status. More accurately, your "sovereignty" status. If your money, your retirement fund, your future security, etc. are in the hands of others, you're sovereignty is not safe. Close your bank account if they refuse to open one for you without an SSN. STOP using the number for ANYTHING! Refuse to comply; vote with your feet, vote with your wallet. Do what ever you can to separate yourself from the "Matrix".
THAT is what one can do to "correct what is already bought and sold improperly..."
We have to start holding the public officials in our local areas accountable to the people they serve first. When you clean house on your local area then other area's will follow. Then pretty soon you have whole states that are cleaned up.
Thanks for complaining about all the complaining, but I call it discourse. I think we need to all have a place where we can vent and sometimes the most valuable information is found in the most innocent and benign of comments. I agree with you about the need for action, but I believe whole heartedly in civil disobedience and then let "them" decide to break the law or force violence upon a people who simply refuse to comply with unlawful acts by their own government. I've seen it work. Let me tell you about some of the things you CAN do.
Bottom line; stop using their systems, schools, banks, hospitals, insurances, paper money, AND ESPECIALLY that ubiquitous SSN! Refuse to comply when "they" say you have to __________ ! Use your common sense, common good, common goals, Common Law brain and come up with ways to live "without" the "United States". You CAN do it. Close your bank account and demand a usable currency in pmt. instead from your boss. Tell the IRS that their codes do not apply to you. Tell the school YOU can teach your child what they need to know, as humans did for tens of thousands of years LONG antecedent to centralized, national governments of any kind. Demand control of and responsibility for your own life and value/sovereignty.
You CAN do it! Then no more complaining, eh? Not likely, but thanks for complaining anyway.
You do know that in Indiana and OHio the police or law enforcements are being given military equipment don't you. There have been a number of stories on that.. Hummers and that sort of gear.. What would the police depts. need with that??? I'm sure I have the articles saved on my computer but I don't have time to find them.. I'm watching them KILL my Dad ITERALLY..... I'm dealing with corruption in the courts and that means writing motions, pleadings, affidavits, etc etc etc. I wish I had this much free time.
But the part about equipping your local law enforcements with ARMY gear is true... and it is FREE from the federals left overs...Actually there was a story in my own county, they got some.
Isn't it something when a woman that voted six times addresses a democratic meeting as a hero.Eric Holder's crowd.
If you believe that those in control of our government have strayed from the original intent of our founding fathers and the bounds of the Constitution, the time has come for us to stand up, speak up and send a loud and clear message to Washington that we collectively have withdrawn our consent. As long as we allow men and women to use their positions as public servants to line their pockets with our money, that is precisely what they will do. If we allow them to lie, cheat and steal we have no one to blame, but ourselves. "A man who is born free cannot become a slave without his consent."
I think it's called elections.
The present military has no intentions of doing anything about the situation in America. Even talk of a coup is foolish and could never work because the decent people couldn't go along with it because they obey the laws.This government has been planned for many years and has finally arrived.The only ones to be upset will be the people who allowed it to happen and even supported it.
A little children's verse I have shared many times in the past still applies. "Ashes, Ashes; We all fall down." Those who thought they were creating a utopia, have destroyed their own futures because there has never been a dictatorship that allowed those close to the top to survive because they are the first threat against the leader. Just look at history.
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