As long as the money from wealthy individuals and corporations is used to elect dishonest poluticians we will contunue to be exploited by the gangsters we elect.
I suggest we identify the top 10 Constitutional scholars in each of the 67 counties in Florida and put their names in a hat and draw the name of county's next representative in the state legislature. This would guarantee that every county would be eqyally represented.
If all of the candidates were equally qualified it really wouldn't matter which candidate was chosen.
This system would eliminate political parties and would take the corrupting influence of money out of politics. Being represented by 67 Constitutional Scholars rather than120 career politicians.
The current political system was created by the financial elite to control oir lives, liberty and property. The system serves the financial elite at the expense of Floridians. Currently the members of the Florida State House of Representatives are not the most knowledgeable or honorable men and women in their respective districts. They are simply potential millionaires hired by billionaires to keep us penniless. Politicians masquerade as public servants while they collectively pick our pockets for their own benefit and the bankers they represent.
As long as money is needed to fund elections, only the financial elite and their agents will have the opportunity to be elected. By selecting the best candidates in each District based on their Constitu tional knowledge rather than on how much money they have to promote their candidacy.
Keith, serving with no compensation is an ideal concept but I don't think that power, housing, food, insurance, medical, transportation,ect. companies would forgive their bill because I am volunteering to serve our government. I do not thing they should be able to stay there, have life time medical coverage, their own retirement for life, drivers, inside information to monetary deals and so on. A simple pay structure while you serve for 2 or 3 years with SS contributions, medical coverage contributions and so on just like the average person. It is not a punishment but fulfilling a duty to your country. I whole heatedly agree that the present corruption is totally treasonous.
And the above dilemmas and dichotomies show why money must be abolished and replaced with natural compensation ...endless loopholes and dead ends are two of the endless reasons, if for no other reason, then at least to take out loopholes for the mind ...and eventually brain cavities.
This is a great idea and could be put into place by Amendments to the Constitution. A lot of Amendments.
What would moving the funding of our Representatives from the Fed to the represented States do for controlling the votes of these State elected Reps and Senators. I believe the current system, does not control the votes of the elected because there is not recourse from the State and citizens that sent them.
That would require less Constitutional changes.
Bill Molitor
Bill, following the path you mentioned would require states to print money or better yet each community or better yet everyone prints their own money ...because no man wants another man to be in control of his life. The further away money comes from, the lesser is the effect of "control", so more and more and eventually all people falsely "accept" that form of "invisible" control, what's worse by default the control is by fewer and fewer and then by just a handful of damned devils and one satan, like today. So as you can see the choice in monetary societies is statism or anarchy (the bad kind)*, hence always a choice for the better of two evils, but the badder one eventually (as in imperceptibly) and always wins ...a choice for the better of two evils is an invisible choice for the worse (because it has the frog in hot water effect).
In short two choices, monetary society or natural compensation society ...eventual hell on earth or God's way ...actually there is a third choice, but we would have to bring back the buffalo and expect little to no progress (still an anti-universe away from the choice of "better" evils).
*Genuine democracy is anarchy by people with good intentions.
Oleg, The States paid their Representatives and Senators before the remuneration policy was switched to the Federal Gov't. The reason was that some of the States were not collecting enough tax dollars to pay their Congressmen. States can afford to pay for their delegates now. The objective of State payment is simply to control the delegates so they vote according to the majority opinions of that individual State. Congressmen can be recalled to their home State or be contacted by their home State to be reminded that the opinion of the populace is what they are to push and not their own opinion.
That is what I meant to convey in my comment earlier.
Federal subsidies are the only reason states can afford to pay for anything today, so in effect the fed pays for them in a round about way.
Governors recalling illegal setting Representatives and Senators (No forum existed at start of civil war to establish a validity of Congress to reconvene) and reappointing through the State Congress would give States Control of the TAXING Authority of the Feds.
Collect the Income Tax, but have people send it to the State Coffers and the Governors filter out what they think the FEDS Needs. This would put such a tither in the Fed Government that it would blow their pea brained mines.
Mines intended.
States cannot survive without the feds, this "manna" always comes from the top / feds, not the people is the eventual lack** of funding that unites the state governments and then nations into the NWO (where only the top deals within itself in gold and bitcoin) eventually secession is the state's only option ...and that nearly always means less resources for the few with the purse (similar to segregation within the eventual NWO), hence what's known today as war, in the days of NWO will be more like "state" population obliteration.
**it's a base property of rare metals and money to be static, or non-fluid, therefore irrelevant of available quantity it requires constant dilution for self propagation.
The point was, don't give the Feds the Tax Dollars from the States.
They cannot survive without the money. States will do quite well.
A dollar is a federal note, if it doesn't return to the feds they print more and make the note worth less that much faster.
Not if you take yourself out of the Birth Certificate for borrowing program. (Check it out).
I was born at home, and no federal number on my BC. My son was born in 71 in a hospital in Nebraska. he has the 7 Digit Fed Number, a Pencilled in number for accountability, and the Bank code of the Bank of Chicago owned by Rockefellers at the time. SO, they borrowed 1 Million against his Birth Certificate with him as Collateral. he fooled them though by passing away long be fore they amortized their loan.
So without collateral, we screw up their book keeping.
I have started (being a graduate in Accounting).
It has never had much value, just a piece of paper! It has been researched and written about on the net quite a bit that there is no gold in Fort Knox, so where is it? HMM. Germany asked for their great amount back, we agreed to give them back less than 10% of it and it still has not been returned. What does that tell you? In the past, we have stored gold for many countries, not one has gotten any of what is theirs back when asked.
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