If you were told for your entire life that this was a picture
of a black vase you probably would not see the two faces.
If you were told this was the profile of a young lady,
you may not even notice the face of the old woman.
What do you see?
Do you see a man blowing his horn or the face of a woman?
Our government does a masterful job of painting pictures for us. Only those that are observant can see that what we are taught is not necessarily so.
A Quick Guide to What’s Fake: Everything That’s Officially Sanctioned
Neofeudal financialization and unproductive State/corporate vested interests have bled the middle class dry, yet we accept the officially sanctioned narratives. Why?
Let’s cut to the chase and generalize “what’s fake”: everything that is officially sanctioned: narratives, policies, statistics, you name it–all fake– massaged, packaged, gamed or manipulated to serve the interests of the ruling Elites.
Anything that might introduce a shadow of skepticism or doubt about the sustainability, fairness and transparency of the status quo (i.e. anything authentic and genuine) is recast or repackaged into a fake that can be substituted for the authentic when everyone’s gaze is distracted by the latest fad/media sensation/scandal.
ObamaCare: fake, a simulacrum of insurance and healthcare.
The National Security State: fake, a cover for global Empire.
The Patriot Act: Orwellian cover for state-corporate fascism.
Student loans: parasitic, exploitive loan-sharking enforced by the Central State for often worthless “higher education.”
And so on.
And of course don't forget MONEY the Greatest Hoax on Earth... the federal reserve note.
The people in control of this country have been concentrating on doing so for a long time. And they did it with our money and blessing. When we were attending our first day of school, they were in process of gaining full control. When we first wrote our name, read Dick and Jane, hid under our desks to avoid the 'bomb', played on the playground for the 100th time, took our first science class, kissed our first friend, attended college for the first day and the last, married our true love, conceived our first child, on and on, they were planning a take over of the first American experiment. And they have gained success. But we were in the stupor created by many different points of view. If we wanted to see the young woman, that is exactly what we saw. We were completely content with fat, dumb, and happy. We simply chose to not take the red pill. And the condition was we must give up our freedom. Well, we made this bed, now we will have to lie in it, or be ejected into the primordial ooze. And most today fear that red pill, and will never take it. Fat dumb and happy is fine with them. And when it is too late because somebody thinks the population is too great for the Earth, they will be eliminated. But they were happy right up to the end. As clueless as the unborn child 30 seconds before the abortion begins. So be it. This too shall pass, as Men become more intelligent. But today, unfortunately, Mankind is as dumb as a box of rocks.
Trust in the government pictures never in my vocabulary! My truths come from the Word of God, never government!
Foreground is mostly physical and background is mostly non-physical ...when viewing outside the box there's only one translation, both are right ...when viewing inside the box there's only one translation and both are half right, so neither is right, hence the term half wits
Yes, I totally agree. We are starting to live in a world of surrealism. I was shocked to learn something on History Channel. Climate Change was being promoted. Everything I was ever taught by teachers and professors is being literally "re-written", BOLDLY, before our eyes. What History Channel is saying now is the reason why Rome fell was because of "Climate Change". All the history and scholarly works we have ever read, including, for example, Will Durant, is useless, now--according to these pseudo-scientists, scholars, etc. I also, found another channel trying to re-write history regarding the colonies and the bearing of arms. All of a sudden anyone can say anything without documentation. It's all survey; pre-calculated. Michelle Obama recently told students at a graduation that they should report family members if they say things that are "politically-incorrect". Is America becoming afraid to be shocked? This is like a new kind of culture shock--FORCED.
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