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The quote "The fear of death makes a coward of us all"
William Shakespeare

For thousands of years the rulers of the world have used fear to enslave humanity. Only by threatening the masses have those at the top been able to enslave those at the bottom. In order for a man to be free he must overcome his fear of death and challenge the ruling class. A man can not become a slave without his consent. A man who is unwilling to fight for his freedom does not deserve to be free. 

Those that control government derive their power from the consent of the governed and when we refuse to comply with unjust laws we effectively withdrawing our consent.

Our society has been divided into a two classes. The first consists of the financial elite and the second class consists of their subjects. Those at the top control the wealth of the world and have made the rest of us their perpetual debt slaves.

A man whose life is governed by fear can never be free.

Thomas Jefferson wrote that governments derive their power from the consent of the governed, but if this were true the masses at the bottom would never consent to being the slaves of those at the top.It is obvious that the people at the bottom of the heap would never voluntarily give their consent to a tyrannical government if they were not first paralyzed by the fear of death..

Those at the top have successfully convinced that the Constitution was established to protect the protect the rights of the people. It has succeeded to protecting those at the top, but has failed to protect those of us at the bottom,

The men who signed the Constitutions and the states which ratified it, gave their consent, but have you every given the government your consent? Some way that when we vote and pay taxes we are giving our consent. Others way that when we obey the laws, we give our consent and still others would have us believe that our silence is consent.

Those in positions of power use the unjust laws and the threat of violence to control the people. In order to enslave us they must first instill fear into the hearts of the people. When men and women fear death, they accept slavery rather than fighting for their freedom.

Remember,everything Hitler did was lawful ans the German people's willingness to comply with unjust laws led to the death of millions. When a law is just, obey it, but when a law in unjust it is our duty to defy it,

At the Bundy Ranch a band of patriots assembled  to protest the abuse of power by the government. Very few of us would have had the courage to stand alone, but collectively we overcame our fear of death and sent a loud and clear message to the government that we could rather die free than to submit to tyranny.

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I believe the men of the revolutionary war knew all to well the reality of dying for freedom. We have not had that test in the united states since then.....the civil war comes close. I'm afraid that things will have to become worse before all people are willing to die for has to come to "our backs against the wall" for the masses to fight...when there's nothing to lose anymore...except your complete freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit to happiness.

Forget about fear of death, Americans today are fearful of their own shadow.  And let's not leave out ignorance.  The "bury your head in the sand" approach, seems to work well for my neighbors (with few exceptions).  And here is my response to that:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.  May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” - Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House on August 1, 1776.


I totally agree with your assessment of people being afraid to do anything.....Adam's speech says it all about the American people....everyone seems to pay lip service about their "rights," except they don't really know them. People have no idea what it means to have rights....they are not willing to give-up their wealth and it is is disgusting and I have no pity for them when the shots ring out against them.....they deserve it.

Yes, we often blame leaders, but the truth is - it is the order-followers who do the damage. Hitler probably didn't kill a single Jew, but he arranged for 6,000,000 to be killed and every German or non-Jew who helped them as well. It's that national/federal disease that destroys freedom every time and 6,000 years of history and America was none the wiser. I think the people in this country, for the most part, would not stand by and allow ONE type of person to be persecuted. That's why the demons leading the way are setting up several different paths of persecution. Who would follow instructions to harm other human beings? The sheeple who turn on their own kind and become cannibals, traitors, and tattle-tells hoping for some benefit that never comes their way.Those who follow the programming and are deceived beyond their God-given senses.
The Truth is that ALL of the POWER comes from the bottom up. We do not need anyone or anything to tell us this. If we wake up for one second, we will see it and we will know that WE ARE THE POWER, WE THE PEOPLE, ARE THE POWER. The corporations control the government and we the people feed them both (through purchasing their goods and through paying taxes).
All we need is the same patience and long-term planning the evil people have. WE create our own businesses and industries and we purchase from those that we are part-owners in and have a vested interest in the cost and supply and demand. We starve the crooks out of business. We take their employees into our plants IN AMERICA. We stop putting toxins in our own food and water.
Okay, so it's not just that. First, we have to dismantle the Federal Government - it is a disease that has infected and will destroy this country and the world. It is expanding and it must be shrunk! ObamaCare will probably be the wake-up call but only after many are harmed and destroyed.  Second, we revoke (or expire out) ALL EXECUTIVE ORDERS and we reign back in our government. Anyone who tries to block these two things from happening in handled by our Military who now works for US, WE THE PEOPLE and no longer works for the Commander in Chief. In fact, the new Commander in Chief is the guy who spoke out against this Administration and was removed, that "man/general" is now the Interim President of the United States of America and Washington, D.C. is now under the control of the United States Military - sons and daughters of American families. All soldiers are called back home to protect their country and no longer be used as pawns for a political satire to rule (or bully) the world.  Full investigations take place to find out who is responsible for this recent (past 30 year) agenda to destroy America and they are held accountable (look for the first ones to take flight out of the country). Regardless, our military will go fetch them and they will face trial here. America will be strong again; we will have jobs again. China will be pissed because their products will cease, but they will have their debt paid by the assets of the thieves who have stolen and sold out this country to China. China will be granted shares in our companies (no more than 1/3) to pay off debt and the increase/decrease is their interest. All countries who owe us money, will have to pay their debts as well so that we may pay ours.
With all companies owned by the employees our products and services will be of high quality and the profit will be equally divided so that there is not a few pigs consuming everything. Those who work will get the benefits according to what they put into the company. Boards run organizations all the time, it's no different for manufacturing, servicing, or governing. No pay to be on Boards, it's an honor and part of our "give-back" and contribution and it doesn't hurt our resume either.
In this country we believe in and honor God/Creator. Anyone who doesn't like it, is free to leave or reap the benefits and believe whatever they want. Our military belongs to us and we are not to be used to harass, intimidate or control any other nation except for true humanitarian rights which require a jury and a trial of peers to grant permission. Our entire judicial system is no longer under the federal government, but state government and the Constitution. All laws are removed except for the Constitution. Each case is based on its own merits and not case law.
And, this is just made up by a silly girl. I'm sure there are many men and women who are truly intelligent and creative enough to correct these issues and inspire a people to overthrow tyranny without a single drop of blood being spilled.
People are more afraid of being right about the condition of the world today than they are of death. That's my opinion. They want to stay in denial and hope it will get better somehow. No solutions have been laid that are truly easy and inspiring to follow. More fighting, more war, more division, more he said-she said, more us-versus-them, it's just more of the same. 
All it would take is one true leader like Martin Luther King Jr. to come out and say a few speeches and a few good Generals (or next in line to take over if the generals are bad) to take the military and say to America - WE BELONG TO YOU, NOT A MAN OR A SYSTEM, BUT TO THE PEOPLE! They go arrest everyone high up in the government and we hold trials until we find out who is for America and who is against America and reshape from there with new paradigms not based on MONEY, but on FREEDOM AND TRUTH = The Constitution.



I totally agree with what you are saying.....I believe the true message was hy-jacked from the word...go. It's the natural law and one's individual connection through the things that you mentioned that tells us the creator exists.

I agree...where did gravity come from? It is the natural law...the creator. Common sense has been over run by EGO.....I, ME , MINE. I think George Harrison had a song about that.

Oh, yeah. Judy Wood makes a good argument about directed energy weapons. I think she may be on to something as it applies to the towers coming down on 911. As far as a creator, you can feel it in your soul that there's a God.

Have you won the lottery yet? I think that may be in order......Amazing story....glad to hear you lived to tell.

What you describe is a gambling problem. If I play, it's usually a couple of bucks a month....I like the cheap dream. You mention a doubt you've seen Kitchen nightmares? It's too bad that sound like a positive Veteran....I'm pretty positive as well even though we've been taken over by psychopaths.

That's a at a time. $24,800 is a ton of money for 1974. I remain positive because I know these tyrants will lose in the end.

Those holes are from some type of weapon.


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