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This website was created to bring together all of the liberty minded radio hosts all across the nations.To goal is to unite our listeners into a coalition whose collective voice will be heard loud a clear.

A secondary purpose of the website is to assist one another growing our individual audiences while promoting one another and the message of individual liberty and personal responsibility.All of the freedom oriented radio shows will be posted on the Constitution Club Website

The coalition of liberty minded radio hosts will promote the growth of county websites in each of the over 3,000 counties in America. Our goal will be to have a local radio show broadcasting weekly in every county across the land. This project is the brain child of Carl Swennson.

Individually, we are weak, but collectively we can become an irresistible force which can literally move mountains. The voice of individual radio shows are but a whisper, but our collective voice will be a shout heard from sea to shining sea.
Please share this message with every talk show host you know so that we can create a coalition of hundreds of liberty minded patriots who love America and are dedicated to promoted the restoration of principles upon which our nation was founded.

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These are some of the best videos I have ever seen just like the ones I find on the Constitution Club and thought I would share them. They are less than 5 min each and there are 5 question quizzes at the end.  or here

I have never heard Dennis Pager before but really appreciate his honest tell it like it is attitude. Here is the link the above originated from. I am anxious to find time to get into the "idesign (know your liberty series)" It is listed in this link

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did and are sharing with everyone.


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