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In 1787 the people of the states were concerned that if they did not make significant changes in the Articles of Confederation, the government would collapse. They took it upon themselves to call for a Convention to amend the Articles of Confederation. After the people called for the convention, Congress jumped on the bandwagon and supported the plan.

Once again our government has become dysfunctional and is abusing the rights of the people it was created to protect The People are the ultimate source of the government's authority and it is up to us to hold our government accountable.

Our elected officials must obey the rules as specified in the Constitution or must face criminal prosecution if they refuse honor their oath.

The Union State's Assembly believes that Constitution and the lawful government of the United States no longer exist. When the elected officials abandoned the Constitution with the passage of unconstitutional legislation, the government lost its lawful authority to act in behalf of the people.

Congress is currently nothing more than a collection of lawyers, bankers and thieves that masquerade as public servants. They have no more authority than govern than any other crime syndicate.

We need to arrest all of the impostors who are pretending to represent us and prosecute them for their crimes. 


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This can not be done today - first the States must all Sign a Declaration of Independence to terminate the Current Constitution . . for the Constitution does not allow for a General Constitutional Convention - only a Article V amendment process.

     Mangus, I believe that the 1st and 9th Amendments would sanction such a convention.  I have not given up on the Article V Project/28th Amendment.  I did send emails to 40 Reps. in Michigan with the link and I did get a positive reply from 2 of them .   One Rep. did take the time to read the link and he mentioned to me  the difficulty factor in this route to amend the Constitution, he also said he had a lot on his plate right now and did not have time to pursue something like this, but if he was contacted by enough of his constituents he would.  The other Rep. said that he recently was getting more and more requests from his constituents for having this type of convention of the states.

Steve that is why we built such a large and complete research library . . it has pro and con and let all argue both sides of the coin . . what cannot be argued is that if we do nothing - America will be a PURE DEMOCRACY and then a Socialist government and then Rebellion or worse.

So, the legislators think their plate is full - they have no idea how full it will soon become when the interest rate rises again and they must pay the bills with real taken taxes . . ouch . . they will run for cover and in my opinion the only cover is the 28th Article V amendment . . 


There is no such critter as a CON CON . . here is the proof . .

Eagle forum, John Birch Society and PH all use extreme left Progressive Judges and Law Profs to make a false narrative. Ph has now after attacking the Article V Project to Restore liberty and our proposed 28th amendment is now saying we  the people need to REPEAL SOME RECENT AMENDMENTS . . No apology issued yet, but that is how they are.

Here is PH letter . . she is doing a 180* turn.

Well look who has now joined the ideas of a State Amendment to REPEAL . . but she has not yet found herself able to say which amendments need to be repealed.

She also now admits that we the people do not have any LIMITS [Constitutional] on the three branches of Government - they just ignore it so therefore it is not. Like a speed limit sign  . . if the police do not enforce the limits by holding violators responsible is there a speed limit? 

Restore The Constitution We Have By Learning What It Means!

By Publius Huldah

Our Constitution really was a 5000 Year Miracle.

The attached pdf chart illustrates the Miracle.  You can download it and print it out.

Rights come from God, and the purpose of civil governments is to secure the rights God gave us.

Accordingly, WE THE PEOPLE ordained and established the Constitution for the United States of America wherein wecreated the federal government. 

A “federal government” is an alliance of Sovereign States associated together in a “federation” with a national government to which is delegated supremacy over the States in specifically defined areas only.

These specifically defined areas are the “enumerated powers” WE delegated to the three branches of the national (“federal”) government.

The States and The People retained all other powers.

The pdf chart depicts the elegant simplicity of our Constitution; lists the few and defined powers WE delegated to the national government for the Country at Large; shows how the powers WE delegated to the national government secure specific God given rights; and shows the retention of all other powers by the States and The People.

Our Constitution isn’t broken!  Our Constitution isn’t outdated. The problem is that WE – who are “the natural guardians” of the Constitution – didn’t bother to learn it.  Since we didn’t bother to learn it, we elected representatives who also hadn’t bothered to learn it.  And so everyone ignores it.

And we abandoned the religious and moral foundation of our Constitution.

It is our own ignorance of our existing Constitution, and the collapse of religion and morality which have brought us to the brink of destruction.

Our Constitution doesn’t need “fixing”!  The only Amendments we need are to repeal some of the previous Amendments we got deceived into approving.

WE THE PEOPLE need “fixing”.  Restoration of our religious and moral foundation and our Constitution is the Answer to the Healing of our Land.

Let the Restoration begin with you.  Share this Article.  Print out the chart.  Study it.  Flesh it out with your own personal readings of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bible.  Have study groups in your home.  You can become a “guardian” of the Constitution. PH

September 1, 2013

Thank you for posting the links you did. I agree.

Well, I must say something needs to be done!  But we need to understand that the de-jure Congress adjourned prior to the Civil War and what followed was the Reconstruction Acts.  Since 1861 we have not had a de-jure government.  We only need to convene and fix the mess.  What we have running the show are for profit corporations.  All courts and each bureau, agency etc have D&B numbers and TAX ID numbers. They are running businesses by using a false persona.

We are putting the final touches on the Record to prove how they have usurped the de-jure Republic.  Hold on.....its coming very soon!

With the Record and with the Proper Character we can provide the lawful solution.

It is true the agents of the corporation have taken “the people's” money by way of taxes to pay their salaries even though they have no regard of taking human life and destroying the people who they were supposed to serve. We are being taxed without representation.

But reconvening a new constitution will come to be violated again!!!! 
We must stand our "post" and force them to work and follow from within chains that were written. If this were mandated we would not be in this mess. Do NOT remove the ROD they must endure. This is the solution and we have arrived. STAND YOUR POST..
The Complaint Forms and PSQ is the corrective action we must take. Or whatever form to remove them from their "jobs" (formerly offices).
Organic Laws on Citizens Arrest.... Let work on this.....
Ohio Revised Code  2935.09
citizens arrest
File those complaint forms, PSQ and on their bonds and remove them from office. Revoke the overload of redundant laws on the books and restore our Common Law that fall under the Maxims from God's word. 

There are many efforts now to ConCon and the like.  The current project gaining legs is the Convention of States project at where Georgia Senate Passes COS Application.

However, given the current angst and apathy of our electorate and their families, I feel this project too may disappoint.  In fact, it is my sense that until we find ways to empower and inform the electorate and their families to take charge of their own communities (local control to push back on nationalistic policies) all such 'fix Washington' efforts will disappoint. 

Washington will get 'fixed' when everyday Americans are informed, engaged and empowered. 

Just my opinion and observation based on speaking to over 850 activist groups over the past three years.

To all here is a 100% way to correct the LIMITS on the government - it is safe simple and sure . .

The why we need to act is here . .

Google the Article V Project or the 14th 16th 17th amendment to repeal - our library is in the top 5 every time. Even Michigan is using our research to argue a Article V call now in their legislature.


Read some of your writings. You seem to write quite a lot. With a lot of writing comes a lot of mistakes and typos. Do you proof read them? If so you should look them over again as you missed quite a few errors. Also people are WHO not THAT. I'm about tired of correcting that mistake. Not just you, but everyone seems to be making that mistake lately. 

That said, you seem like you've studied. Perhaps you wouldn't mind looking over one of mine? I will attach the file for you. See if you find any similarities to your writing. I believe your effort to form a new amendment is laudable. I believe the language needs work. If you would like some help let me know. 

Also as a quick mention, it seems your entire assumption about a CC or other action is a bit short sighted. If the people call for a convention, it is not necessarily automatic that it must follow any rules set about in the Constitution or otherwise. The people have a right to "alter or abolish" according to the Constitution, but are not in any way obligated to follow the exact rules for reformation. They can decide for themselves whether or not to use the current rules or make entirely new ones for remedy or redress. If they do not want to, they do not have to follow any of the previously agreed to conventional techniques or rules. They can simply abolish all previous actions and documents if they want. No?

So read my outline and let me know what you think. You can email me directly to for comments and feedback.



yes I have written many many many pieces over the years. I write and post as one would in a conversation . . . informal but with references. No I do not proof read as I write nor after as I am attempting to have a dialog and/conversation. 

I have done formal papers but I find them tight and confining . . simplicity and being honest in opinion is the key IMO.

I have done many formal debates over the many years but I now read and study searching for SIMPLE SOLUTIONS TO COMPLEX PROBLEMS. 

That is why the simple language of the Project 28th amendment to Restore Liberty is only 20 words long - why so short - many reason but here are some - proved method in the 21st amendment . . it repeals only so the lawyers can not twist the new language as they did with the 14th . . It does not open new doors for Congress and the Courts to explore.  . . it puts all three branches back under the LIMITS of Article I, II and III without clauses, expansions, case law precedent, and gives the powers of the 10th back to the States it takes the use of the Bill of Rights to beat up the States with Judicial legislation.

It is something that every American can read and to see how it restores the original design of the DUAL FEDERALISM governments. All Sovereign Republics with few Constitutional limits and unlimited powers to the States.

Thanks for the input Magnus,

But I find that in writing one must use all of the tools of grammar and writing punctuation to get their point across and be well understood. Things like Italics for quotes and Stare Decisis references and using bold to highlight a certain word or phrase are helpful and important. If you speak well then write well. Use all the same tools you would use to inform my eyes as you would use to inform my ears. As we cannot hear your meanings and inflections, we must see them. If you do not spell and punctuate properly for that purpose, your true meaning will get lost. It is not enough to assume we will know when one sentence ends and a new one begins, or that a cogent thought is automatically a cogent written piece.

You write well enough, but these dashes are too much and improper use of punctuation. And no more ... That is used to denote missing words, not the end of a sentence. Thanx

P.S. - Don't you think you should also add the 13th to that Amendment?

Also did you look over the file I sent you?


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