When a state of anarchy exists, martial law is declared and we become subjects of a military dictatorship. Anarchy is what happens when a people become totally disenchanted with their government. Anarchy creates a temporary vacuum. After the despotic government is overthrown and new government rushes in the fill the void. Often times the replacement government is worse than the one being replaced.

Often times those that want a new government are the ones that sow the seeds of anarchy. It is my belief that President Obama is deliberately trying to sabotage our country in order to create one that is based upon principles collectivism and human bondage. Those planning the destruction of our country are the same ones that will step forward with their plan for a New World Order.

If the people continue down the path he has laid our for us, it is just a matter of time before, he declares martial law and our Constitution the principles upon which our nation was founded will be meaningless. 

One of the strategies of those that seek to enslave us is to employ the principle of divide and conquer. They realize that as long as we continue to fight among ourselves, the real enemies of the people will be able to implement their agenda without opposition.

Those that love liberty need to unite behind a plan to take America back. As stated by Henry David Thoreau, "We must stop hacking at the branches of evil and strike at the root." The government is not the problem, it is the bankers and financial elite that lurk in the shadows that is our real enemy. Congress did not have the Constitutional right to grant a privately owned bank the authority to print our money and regulate its value. Until we force Congress to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 we will continue being debt slaves in a land that once was free.

narchy happens when a people become totally disenchanted with their government. Anarchy creates a temporary power vacuum. Once the despotic government is overthrown, a new government rushes in to fill the void. Sadly, it is not unusual that the replacement government is yet worse than that which was replaced, nor is it unusual to discover that those pushing for a change of government are the very ones who have sown the seeds of anarchy.

All evidence indicates that President Obama is deliberately sabotaging and subverting our form of government, that of a constitutional republic. At every level, we see evidence that this is taking place. Why? In order to create a system based upon the principles of collectivism and human bondage. It is my belief that he is not alone in this venture. Those planning the destruction of these United States of America are the same elitists who will step forward with their plan for a New World Order.

A strategy favored by those who seek to enslave us is that of 'divide and conquer'. For so long as we can be encouraged to fight among ourselves, we will be unable to focus on our true enemies. The distractions they provide us will enable them to continue to implement their agenda without opposition.

Those who occupy the seats of government are not our primary problem -- it is those who own them: the bankers and financial elite who govern from the shadows -- they are our real enemy. Congress had no right to grant a privately owned bank authority to (a) print our money and (b)regulate its value. Until we force Congress to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, we will continue our subsistence as debt slaves in a land that once was free.

If we the people continue down the path laid out for us, we have only a precious little time remaining to us before anarchy erupts and martial law is declared. With that declaration, our Constitution, and the principles upon which our nation was founded, will disappear into the shadows of history.

All who love Liberty must unite behind a plan to take back America. To quote Henry David Thoreau, "We must stop hacking at the branches of evil and strike at the root."

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As a follow on to that, I have learned through David Wilcock that in just one human DNA cell there are a thousand photons of light. We have about 9-10 trillion cells in our bodies, and when you do the math everyone has 9-10 quadrillion cells of light in their bodies. We are indeed beings of Light. Now here is some really good news from Sheldon Nidle from the Galactic Federation. Yes indeed we are not alone.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Prepare yourselves, for much is ready to happen! A profusion of events is to spring out suddenly from all directions and these events will transform your lives in many different ways.

Ummac Dan 2

3 Muluc, 12 Uo, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We come today with much to tell you! Your world continues to be a covert battlefield, with the dark cabal's minions hanging on grimly despite the ground being gained every day by the forces of the Light. This protracted operation is somewhat discouraging to those who have committed themselves to the Light and its ultimately inevitable victory. The dark retains control of most of the international monetary system that in any way deals with the US Federal Reserve and its numerous banking allies, although this grip is no longer what it once was. However, the Federal Reserve and its criminal, destructive practices is facing its nemesis: a key moment is approaching when this ill-intentioned and bankrupt banking fraternity will be required to make a payment in actual gold bullion which it does not possess. This default is to give the forces of Light the opportunity to defrock the Federal Reserve of its powers and force a public bankruptcy and legal takeover of this highly illegal entity. This event is shortly to manifest. The fall of the Federal Reserve signals the demise of the current de facto US regime.

In concert with this, a number of legal enforcement agencies are encircling various components of the US government and are anxiously awaiting the final set of documents authorizing the removal of what was once considered to be a truly omnipotent instrument of the dark. The movers and shakers in the economy who have long provided the resources to maintain the present government have either deserted the obviously sinking ship or are preparing to do so, throwing the dark cabal into an ever-deepening chasm of desperation. The conundrum for the dark is to find a way to save itself from imminent catastrophe without setting in motion events that would demolish their self-serving power-base. The true fragility of the US government is hidden behind a carefully woven tapestry of dark-controlled media spin, purporting to show 'business as usual' in all sectors of government and finance, but behind this facade lies a regime whose top members have international arrest warrants hanging over their heads. These warrants now only need the signature of a judge to take effect. And so we sit in abeyance, knowing that a process is underway which will shortly permit a whole new reality to arise.

As you can see, your world sits on the brink of transformation, which will not only bring in wholly new governance and redress the global balance of power; it is designed to utterly transform how your reality functions. A vast prosperity machine is ready now to manifest and lies at the heart of a complete makeover of your global banking and monetary systems. This, in turn, changes the very basis of global governance. You are to witness the downfall of the dark ones and the rise of de jure governance which restores your innate liberties and rights. These civic and spiritual requisites in truth enact what was intended to happen in the revolutions of the late 18th century; in effect, you are living through the completion of the revolution that was born in England and which rose to adulthood in the fields and townships of colonial America. These noble ideas have since traveled the globe and are presently maturing in this most-needed 'quiet revolution' of the early 21st century. But as befits this space-faring millennium, this revolution will expand to include your graduation to the next techno-spiritual level, beginning with the introduction of your spiritual and space families.


This means that the quarantine placed around you at the fall of Atlantis is to end, signaling your return to the level of wisdom of your fully conscious ancestors. Long ago in Lemuria, it was envisioned that you would become the guardian race for Gaia. But events conspired to arrange a detour for this lofty goal and the Anunnaki were allowed, for a predetermined time, to substitute this stewardship with the hijacking of Gaia's human population and the total ravaging of your world. This situation is now to be restored to its original intent. Our task is to reunite you with your Lemurian brethren who relocated to Inner Earth, and together you are to birth a new world! This will redress a lot of the damage to near-pristine levels and in this condition she can begin to prepare herself to reconfigure her 3-D surface. This is when her beloved surface humanity will go through their own DNA restoration as you are to change in conjunction with her. This is when you will go to your Inner Earth residences, which house your individual Light Chambers, and you and Gaia, together, will transform into your fully conscious Selves!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come before you with some very interesting news. The preliminary negotiations between the Light's legal teams and their dark counterparts are finished, and this ongoing struggle has entered a very critical stage. The documents authorizing the arrest and removal of top-level government personnel are issued and require only signatures. This is to happen shortly. The cabal's last desperate stratagems will fail, thus precipitating its defeat. The new hard currencies to be issued are at their global distribution points, and so the age of fiat money and the fiscal abuse that it inspires comes to a close. We are entering a time when prosperity for all is to be the norm and the old ways are to become horror stories, loved by none! You will see the renewal of all your stolen rights and papered-over innate freedoms which have long been grossly abused or denied you outright! Let us in Love celebrate this well-earned, miraculous turn of events!


Our primary mission is to guide humanity and teach you the hidden knowledge and wisdom which the dark has for so long kept from you. Step one is to begin a series of lessons showing you how each of us was introduced to the prime truths of Creation. These lessons will erase the falsehoods and voids which were placed into your major philosophical texts by the Anunnaki and their global minions. This first step will reacquaint you with the concept that each of you is a being of Light. Every living Soul has an innate knowledge of the energies that go into their makeup. Over the dark eons, you were browbeaten by doctrine that exhorted you to give up your innate power voluntarily to another. Now you are to cast off this profane creed and learn how to develop your God-given abilities and use them cooperatively among yourselves to solve creatively any problems that might come up, remembering at all times that you are all One; each one, divine aspects of the living spark of everlasting Life!

Prepare yourselves, for much is ready to happen! A profusion of events is to spring out suddenly from all directions and these events will transform your lives in many different ways. The part that we, understandably, are most interested in is the considerable spiritual training that you require. This can only take place in an atmosphere of freedom and ease, where we can easily manifest and provide the free and open teaching and supervision that you demand. Your Galactic Federation mentors will also prove to be very helpful but there are certain spiritual matters that fall into our particular areas of expertise. It is our job to move you away from centuries of dogma into the pure, spiritual bliss of divine truth. Ensconced in this heavenly Light, you are prepared for the ways of full consciousness. You are breathing in the clean air of Heaven and beholding the beauty of the Creator's awesome Brilliance!

Today, we tried to give you a glimpse of what is hard to put into words. The last horrible days of the dark's immense treacheries are nearly over. Glance around you and perceive the truth of what is about to occur. A new dawn and a new day is coming over the horizon. Above all, be proud of what you, collectively, have accomplished. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Dear Karl : About The Pope's Decree ; Dose the Pope's Decree mean that all debt will be fore given ? Such as an I.O.U. On a traffic ticket ? Karl ! I need to know if you can answer this question ? I need to go to court on October of 2013 ! And pay bail on a traffic ticket ! Will The Pope 's Decree remove all corporate debt ? Since a County Court House is a corporation ! Seem's to me ! This fit's in with The Pope's Decree ! Because these corporations will not be valid any more ! The corporation have know more power ! Wouldn't this be the case pertaining to court house's ? And wouldn't this relate to The Pope's Decree about eliminating the debt bestowed upon us via all corporation's ? So I need not worry about paying this court house debt ? Karl ! Could you please reply to this matter ! Thank's sincerely, Stephen C. Johnston
Karl! : I made the necessary correction's ! I don't know why when I hit the save bottom ! All the mistake's came back ! The corporation's have know more power ! I said corporation In stead of corporation's ! I Corrected the word court house twice ! To courthouse ! I corrected County Court house ! To county courthouse ! And I corrected be fore to before ! And I corrected court house debt ! To courthouse debt I don't know why my mistake's came back ! I tried to everything right ! I don't want to take the heat fore this ! Sincerely, Steve

Hey dude, I am not the guy with all those answers. My guess is that there will be good changes coming very soon but if you are a driver, and got a ticket, pay it.

You're probably right Karl,

 That is usually the cheapest way out, but you said a mouthful when you presented the exact scenario, "...if you are a driver...", that is the right thing to nail down. So, what if you are NOT a "driver"? Then what Karl? What if calling yourself a "driver" is the exact thing you shouldn't do? Then what Karl? Just curious.

Anarchy and Martial Law are Just Around the Corner

Posted by Keith Broaders on August 8, 2013 at 10:44am in Public Comments & Discussions

Anarchy happens when a people become totally disenchanted with their government. Anarchy creates a temporary power vacuum. Once the despotic government is overthrown, a new government rushes in to fill the void. Sadly, it is not unusual that the replacement government is yet worse than that which was replaced, nor is it unusual to discover that those pushing for a change of government are the very ones who have sown the seeds of anarchy.

All evidence indicates that President Obama is deliberately sabotaging and subverting our form of government, that of a constitutional republic. At every level, we see evidence that this is taking place. Why? In order to create a system based upon the principles of collectivism and human bondage. It is my belief that he is not alone in this venture. Those planning the destruction of these United States of America are the same elitists who will step forward with their plan for a New World Order.

A strategy favored by those who seek to enslave us is that of 'divide and conquer'. For so long as we can be encouraged to fight among ourselves, we will be unable to focus on our true enemies. The distractions they provide us will enable them to continue to implement their agenda without opposition.

Those who occupy the seats of government are not our primary problem -- it is those who own them: the bankers and financial elite who govern from the shadows -- they are our real enemy.  Congress had no right to grant a privately owned bank authority to (a) print our money and (b)regulate its value. Until we force Congress to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, we will continue our subsistence as debt slaves in a land that once was free.

If we the people continue down the path laid out for us, we have only a precious little time remaining to us before anarchy erupts and martial law is declared. With that declaration, our Constitution, and the principles upon which our nation was founded, will disappear into the shadows of history.

All who love Liberty must unite behind a plan to take back America. To quote Henry David Thoreau, "We must stop hacking at the branches of evil and strike at the root."

Couldn't have said it better myself Pat,

But I will bet I could have said it more simply in fewer words. You're just way too educated Pat. I wouldn't mind listening to you speak, but reading this oratory is challenging.

That said, you hit the nail on the head. Repeal the F.R.A. Period! Start there and then "Progress" "Forward". Get the pun?

Hey Morton, Thx for the compliment .. actually the core thoughts are those of Keith Broaders, but the 'oratory', as you say ... (some of the embellishments) .. well, those are probably mine.

On this particular theme, I happen to share Keith's stand, only more so. I've been helping him out with an editing project, and may have added a bit of my own emphasis to this piece here and there, but yea, you called it right .. I am over educated and perhaps just a tad more rad. IMHO, 'IT' needs to be taken down to the ground .. 'IT' being practically all of D.C. .. the three houses of government, the alphabet agencies, all the various state departments.  And it wouldn't hurt just to go ahead and give the land it sits on back to the states of MD and VA that donated it in the first place. The whole thing is irreparably corrupted and treasonous. It would be a breath of fresh air to just start it over in a new location and on the much, much smaller scale that the Constitution suggests. (The original Constitution .. not a new, 'enhanced' one that so many are beginning to push for by way of an Article V Convention).

I have been saying this for months that Obama will create a situation using his own thugs just like the Boston Tea Party dressed like Indians,he will use his hoodlums at a tea party rally or gathering of conservatives to start some kind of situation,and then he will send in his armored vehicles and the national police (Gestapo) to put it down.In order to make sure it doesn't happen again he will declare a state of emergency and martial law.No more elections.

Frank has the best position on the entire page.

Frank Keennemur
If we go by our constitution when we rebuild our government we will be far ahead of what we are now. we have to have a starting point and our constitution is it. It worked for over a hundred and fifty years. I do not see why it will not continue to work.
Aug 8, 2013"----

Frank is correct but not specific. Specifically we must use Article V and logically, properly prepare to do it.

I read these things mentioned.

Anarchy, martial law

One world gov

The pope

September 1, 100 years after creation of fed reserve

Arrests imminent


D. Wilcock

We are beings of light.

Anarchy happens after martial law fails.
One world gov is WTO, operating now, supplanting natural resource, labor location, needs with false oil economy. As we relinquish direct living skills for corporate we proportionately become enslaved.

The NWO is a secret version of the WTO that desks in long term development and planning with our tax dollars. The black budget is laundered through war them funneled into the NWO which is a secret, alternative social infrastructure wedded to the MIC.

The pope is a now a Jesuit because the Church of Rome was taken over by them in around 1730 including all global banking which the Jesuits mastered as the warrior priests of church after the Templars were banished.

The 100 year mark for the fed reserve is arbitrary but coinciding with numerous things in human development related to unconcious groupings of people controlled by their various historical beliefs and activities.

The other day info from a KGB agent OD'ing OB as a KGB agent, having substantial evidence of various forms, circumstantially explaining very well all the inequities of OB's past. This was from the NESARA site.

The notion of "beings of light" has substance defined by David Wilcock relating to the pineal glands control over a great deal of our psyche as well as physiology. Wilcock neglects solar numerology and anthropological data that indicates specific practices of solar observance and states of mind. Wilcock allows no dissent on his forum so I never registered.

It is technically accurate that we are beings of light because our primordial origins in the realm of genetics, DNA first reacted to light and came into being.

Meanwhile the genera of the species, called "American" needs to use its natural law, societal capacity of free speech to assert, agree, accept, understand that the purpose of free speech is to assure that information vital to survival is shared and understood.

When we do this, the mechanisms of primordial instincts comprising natural law resonate creating conditions sensed by genes, turning their cell production on and off, (epigenetics) directing the cells our brains and bodies are made of.

Not to mention that doing so in any public fashion on a large scale makes citizens "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts". Through our defining the purpose of free speech en masse, we enable full constitutional intent to an Article V convention through conventions conducted in 3/4 of the states.

Please read the documents concerning the requirement for the ending of the Civil War.  There has been no peace treaty signed as required so we are still under military law and are considered enemy combatants.   Just do the research because that will explain how we have lost this nation and with the abolishment of the original 13th amendment we have turned this over to the BAR association and those crooks.

Me personally I want a peaceful resolution.  The realitiy of the situation is that's what our founding fathers wanted also......Look how that went.  So I say this with a clear conscious that I have done everything I can and am still fighting, but I welcome the fall of the democracy of this corrupt government and the 2nd AR that will follow

I find we are in complete agreement on everything.  No peace treaty, the ROE, Leiber code still controls covertly under the pretense of constitutionality.  A fraud.

I can see the peaceful, lawful resolution/revolution.  Jefferson saw it.  Lincoln saw it before the war, but the money of England wanted the war for numerous reasons, some, history does not record.  

Article V is that revolution.  It is intellectual, spiritual and constitutional all at once when done properly producing amendment of full constitutional intent.  It exists in our hearts and mind in the same place our blind trust and love for this social contract defining a pinnacle of potential of human civilization.  It does not cognitively exist in the village square, some call the television.  It is unseen in our newspapers directly.  It is an invisible line the liars on the daily news avoid crossing.  The line speaks to a betrayal of our species, of mindless embrace in a confused, inadequate spasm of indulgence by default living in the wake of faceless fear.

The opposite is a human agreement that also happens to be a prime constitutional intent.  By making this agreement we can initiate a series of agreements that lead to an evolved political environment enabled by preparatory amendment to Article V.

The 1871 constitution, with no peace treaty, over the victorius military is the military we have today.  They do not know this.  If that was not true, very few soldiers would be willing to die for the nation.  Our soldiers are abused, conditioned to fear their command more than they understand and love the constitution they take and oath to defend from a domestic enemy.

We, the people are the only ones that can address that fear, and our understanding of these factors openly shared, and the soldiers ultimate defense of the constitution from a domestic enemy lies in the fully legal act of an application for an order of inquiry to determine the status of the military command over the soldier as fully lawful by virtue of being commanded by a constitutional civil authority.



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