"We the people" created the government with the ratification of our Constitution. We are the employer and the elected officials are our employees. The Constitution is the rulebook that was created to govern the government. The Constitution tells the elected officials what they can do and prohibits them from doing anything that is not specifically delegated to them.
We were to be the master and our government and the elected officials were to be our servants.The government derives its power from the consent of the governed and that power can be lawfully revoked whenever, "We the People" feel that the government has exceeded its Constitutional authority.
As a parent do you need to ask your children permission before you take action. We were born free and independent and we don't need the permission or consent of our government to exercise rights that we granted to us by our Creator.
If the government officials refuse to hear our complaints, we have the authority to alter or abolish the government. We have the power to hold government officials accountable for violating their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
If you agree with me that the government has exceeded its lawful authority, the time has come for "We the People" to stand up and regain control. Individually we are weak, but collectively we are strong. The best way to repeal unjust laws is for the people to refuse to comply. I do not consent to tyranny and I will not ask permission from a crime syndicate to exercise my God given rights.
Because the US prints all the money they want/need it isn't possible to regain control by withholding taxes. Because the pigs refuse to enforce the laws on the political class, and the political class, in a quid pro quo, protects the pigs from the laws, the only reasonable way to regain control is through a proper application of the 2nd amendment. The aggressors set this standard and we are required to meet or exceed it if we ever hope to restore rule of law.
Dean Green
If the U.S. prints all the money want and need why do we suffer under a debt of around 75 trillion and the m1 money supply is around 11 Trillion?
Would you be kind enough to explain what you mean by the rule of law?
Because the fed creates the money but not the interest required to be paid back for the use of the money. The debt can never, I.E. impossible, be paid back.
When a corporation violates a law and damages members of the public the government often steps in, fines them, and KEEPS the money giving NOTHING to the victim. Government only cares about itself.
Besides, do you think they would print it for us?
Rule of law means the consistent and uniform application of the law in a purely egalitarian manner as the basis for any civilized society. The political class and it's henchmen, the cops, consistently apply the laws in an arbitrary and capricious way to the average person while they and theirs enjoy being treated as above the law. Look at prison demographics for the evidence of this fact.
If there were any good cops they would be arresting the bad cops, which simply only happens in high profile incidences requiring a sacrifice to public rage. Cops "observe and enforce" which means they would be arresting cops more than any other single group as cops observe other cops more than any other group in society.
Until pigs are held to at least the same standard as those who don't ENFORCE the laws the corruption and systemic lawlessness of government will get worse.
I am really confused, people of the Constitution Club make the statement that the US creates all the money they need and want. Then the turn around and say that the fed creates all the money but does not create the money to pay the interest. I can’t decide if the fed is the US or what?
Then some of the people of the Constitution Club say that free and independent States are what formed the federal government. A new entity was created by those thirteen countries. It was their property, their creation; and it still is to this day. The created cannot be greater than the creator.
Then others of the Constitution Club say the constitutional republic of free independent sovereign states that came into existence (1775-91), came to an end in 1865. That created can be greater than the creator. It seems it is time that we come to some kind of agreements. A house divided again its self cannot stand.
There seems to be general agreement on the fact that we the people have had an economic fraud placed on us. However, there doesn’t seem to be any real understand about just how that fraud really works or what we should do about it.
It seems to me that most people think that the idea pushed and funded by the gold dealers is the only solution and that is just using gold for our money will solve all there economic problems. However, no one seems to be able to articulate just how that could be accomplished.
Then there are some that believe that the government should create the money and spend it into circulation in to provide our transportation system in lieu of taxes. How to do this has been spelled out in detail. It seems it is time that we come to some kind of agreements. A house divided again its self cannot stand. There are many other thing we all need to come to agreement on.
It doesn’t take a majority to prevail it only takes a tireless united minority to accomplish their goals history has proven that.
A small number of united determined radicals can accomplish much. I think that we have to be united on the idea of being radicals. Being a radical is usually a bad thing, the Declaration of Independence says: "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed." People are accustomed to the 50 administrative units of the American corporate empire-called states. The 50 American states that we presently have did not create the federal government, the original 13 did and that experiment lasted until 1865. Men are reasonable creatures in a state of nature, they cooperate with each other, form voluntary associations, trade, barter, etc., but they still need government to protect their natural rights(life, liberty and property), which we do not have. Anyone who has had dealings with the poor in the United States knows things are not looking to good. As more and more people's middle class bubble is being burst, some serious questions are starting to be asked. Telling them the answer is to restore an ancient republic in North America is not the right answer. There is a time and place for radical changes, now is the time.
If telling them restore an ancient republic in North America is not the right answer. What do we tell them?
I wish I could whip out my manifesto with all the answers, but I can't, I'm still learning. It is constant work for me to stay with the freedom program, because there is so much confusion-for the Devil is the author of confusion. One of the things that I am doing is taking classes at Freedom University, I am half way through the program, it is really about ones spiritual growth, for it is for liberty that Christ has set us free.
I repeat, It’s time we try to come we come to some kind of agreements. A house divided again its self cannot stand. It is either that the people living in the first 13 Colonies (states) got together and agree to form a union of states and adopted a written document called a constitution that was to be the law of the land. Wherein the states gave up certain rights and gave the union of states (the federal government) a few very limited powers. From that day forth everyone who worked in/for that union was to take an oath to uphold the rules set forth in that written agreement. The rules set forth in that agreement could not be changed without a written agreement adopted by at least 2/3 of all the states.
That written agreement came to an end in 1865 and a new federal goverment was established as some sort of corporation. It has to be one or the other both cannot be true.
A corporation is a separate legal entity that is owned by stockholders. Anyone who operates a business, alone or with others, may incorporate. This is also true for anyone or any group engaged in religious, civil, non-profit or charitable endeavors. To my knowledge there is only four types of corporations.
A General Corporation, A general corporation may have an unlimited number of stockholders that, due to the separate legal nature of the corporation, are protected from the creditors of the business.
A Close Corporation, In most states where they are recognized, close corporations are limited to 30 to 50 stockholders.
An S Corporation it has the same basic advantages and disadvantages of general or close corporation with the added benefit of the special tax provisions.
LLCs, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) were first introduced in the United States by the state of Wyoming in 1977
All Corporations have the same basic advantages and disadvantages of general or close corporation.
If are new government is a corporation what kind of corporation is it? It can’t be a LLC because they did not exist until 1977. It can’t be a S Corporation because by it doesn’t need a tax break from the IRs. Every entity government or business has to have some rules that govern how it is to run. What are the rules that govern new corporate government? How many stockholders does corporation have? Who are the stockholders? The questions could go on and on.
If the 1787-1790 old government has ended then Article V can’t be used to amend what don’t exist. The first amendment can’t be used to claim the right to free speech. The second amendment can’t be used to claim our right to have a gun. This can go on and on.
Let’s take a vote to decide which one of these two are true and we will all support the concept that has the most votes or we will agree to resign from the Constitution Club. I vote for number 1, the government of 1787-1791 is still in force and we have the right to kill the traders that currently run our government.
There is no surer and no subtler way to destroy the existing basis of every society than to debauch that society’s money system. That process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which very few people seem able and/or willing to understand. The only way a money system can be debauched to change the money from an evidence of wealth to an evidence of debt. That has clearly happened in here in the States united and we are seeing the entire basis of our society being destroyed.
If all the bank loans were paid no one would have a bank deposit. There would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. We are completely dependent on commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the banks create amply synthetic money we think we a prosperous; but in reality we are just collectively deeper into debt. When the banks pull back the money supply, forecloses start and the people lose the homes, cars, businesses and we see lots of signs that declares this is bank owned property.
When one gets a complete grasp of the tragic absurdity of our almost hopeless position it is almost incredible. The banking problem is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon.
It there is no surer and no subtler way to destroy the existing basis of society than to debauch (means to corrupt) the money by changing from an evident of wealth to an evident of interest bearing debt. The surest way to restore the basis of society is to restore you money to a debt-free wealth representing money.
President Kennedy attempted to clean up the currency, when he signed Executive Order 10001 on June 4th 1963, a few months later he was assassinated. Or was he assassinated? Det. Mark Fuhrer, I mean Fuhrman, of the O.J. Simpson trial doesn't think so, he wrote a book entitled: A Simple Act of Murder: November 22, 1963 where he tries to prove his lone gunman theory, Fuhrman's testimony cannot be considered credible. So who assassinated Kennedy? The actual person who fired the shot that blew Kennedy's head clean off was James Sutton, who later changed his name to James Fields. He was a chauffeur for Chicago mobsters who did occasional hit jobs, he is the man standing by the railroad tracks holding the briefcase. I'm sure you have seen the picture. No doubt someone within the US Government was complicit in Kennedy's murder, the SOP of the Secret Service in how they positioned the motorcycles around the President was changed, so Sutton would have a clean shot at the President. After Kennedy was dead, the local authorities said that they had power under the 10th Amendment to keep the President for an autopsy, the FEDS said no and whisked the President away. Salmon P. Chase was right when he said the 10th Amendment died when Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia.
we are the stockholders, my birth certificate has MIDWEST BANK outside the frilly border in the lower left.
yes Steve you are correct. Im really going to tip this upside down for a moment. First folks need to read Money Mechanics which explains the fractional reserve system. imagine The FED has $1.00 Federal reserve note it printed and trades the Treasury for a $1.00 Bond. Here is the problem and where slavery comes in. do you think the FED is doing this for $0.00 in interest. nope. so there is only $1.00 federal reserve note in print but the Treasury owes $1.00 plus .10cents. But wait, how do you pay the interst if it does not exist? Trap number one. Trap number two is they are taking the loans out in your name and keeping the money and the IRS is taxing you to pay the debt in which the truth exists that IT IS YOUR LABOR GRANTED TO YOU BY GOD IN WHICH THEY ARE FORCING YOU TO EXCHANGE YOUR LABOR THROUGH EMPLOYMENT AND TAXATION. Your God given will power has been highjacked through our nations dumbing down over the last two centuries. Steve you are right it is constant work and hard to explain on the fly without refering to the books and such. but God will persevere through us with Christ in our hearts to lead the way.
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