Up until the election of 1860 the United States was a republic. When 7 of the Southern states seceded from the Union the Empire of the United States began to take shape. In the fall of 1863 President Lincoln declare martial law and suspended the Constitution. For the duration of the war he became the military dictator of the United States. With the suspension of the Constitution, all of the branches of government were vacated. Congress became an unauthorized body with no Constitutional authority. The United States had become a dictatorship.
Since the imposition of martial law in September of 1863 no subsequent man serving as the de facto President rescinded the declaration of martial law and every President since Lincoln has been a military dictator that was elected by the people. When the United States became a dictatorship it also became an empire. Instead of a Constitutional Republic we became an oligarchy of the financial elite.
A Municipal Corporation named the UNITED STATES was created by Congress in 1871. This corporation has been masquerading as our lawful government ever since. With the fraudulent ratification of the 14th amendment, we the people became Citizens of the UNITED STATES and subject to their jurisdiction. Without our knowledge were tricked into signing contracts with this corporation that waived our God given rights. These contracts obligated us to become unpaid employees of the corporate UNITED STATES.
We have been defrauded by those that we have elected to serve us. The question is how much fraud are you going to tolerate. The financial elite that are running the government created the corporation so that they could steal the wealth of the American people while masquerading as a legitimate government.
I'll repeat, one more time, the Republic has been re-inhabited. All you need to do is get registered and withdraw from the corporation. Reclaim your God given rights that are protected through the Republic version of the Constitution. As long as you stay attached to the Corporation, and its version of the constitution you will continue to be corporate slaves. Your choice, you can not fix the corporation. republicfortheunitedstates.org
eric bergman said:
Yes i didn't know that either but i guess the 13th amendment is the starting of it..not the original one!
Man, everything i have learned in school and things are being turned upside down by the truth its amazing how they have brainwashed people and this also goes for churches also you get some pastors who want to appease people and do a lot of pagan stuff in churches and they also use the Word of God to help promote
this crooked government. I think knowing the truth is the best way and really would want a pastor to tell me the truth even if it is hard to swallow! its amazing how the illuminatti got the political system in the US and
how they also got into the churches. Its a very dangerous situation because people lives and eternity are at stake. I think this crooked coporation of the US has its churches and they are spewing forth a lot
of lies and misleading people and now thinking they are using end time things for their purpose into scaring
people..they always use fear and intimidation for their purpose! this system is broken and the wheels are coming off fast and one of these days ..it will just fall apart, they can be crooked for so long before it explodes
in thier faces! But getting back to corporate US there are two systems Republic and Corporate, we are operating under corporate(international law) but i am trying to understand the money part it is confusing
they have so many twist and turns but all i know is the bankers get richer and richer and they and lawyers
are the problem. Rockefellers and especially Rothschilds are the world owners(they like to think they are)
and they are the head of the illuminatti Found out also that the court system is part of the Federal Reserve system also..all i can say in the end is Boy! are we in deep trouble! God HELP US!!!!
Thank you for an article that briefly sums up what happened to our Constitution during Lincoln's administration. Perfect to share with people who are not aware of the suspension of the Constitution.
Well said Wayne, but I've never seen this other constitution or the original 13th Amendment. I knew though that there was a lot I didn't like about the 13th Amendment , not to mention the 14th,16th,17th,20th, and so on. In terms of breaking free from the corporation I already have and you're right. I wouldn't trade away this freedom for anything they have to offer. I no longer use an SSN. I am no longer tied to the corporation but do not get ANY cooperation from the local just-us system when it comes to driving a car. A Summary Offense is the tool they use. Your "Resident" status establishes their "Jurisdiction" and from there its a fait de compli that you will comply or suffer the consequences. It starts when they describe you as a natural person, they cloud the issue and no one can decipher their maze. This is the real problem. The laws are undefined and unclear and should be declared void for vagueness. Read Lysander Spooner - No Treason
Wayne Bachmann said:
Apparently you people don't seem to understand that there are two Constitutions, one that our Founding Fathers drafted, and an almost identical one that the Corporation drafted in 1871 when they started running the country as a corporation. They omitted the original 13th Amendment, and slipped in what you know as the 13th Amendment (there must have been a valid strong reason for them to want to do that -fraudulently, without full disclosure, and without voting on it). I repeat; you cannot convert a corporation (for profit) into a Republic. Stop wasting your time!! Just simply register with the Republic. You will no longer be in the corporate jurisdiction for cops to have authority to write tickets in your behalf. You will no longer be subject to their statutes and codes. Statutes and codes only apply to corporate employees, which you are, until you extract yourself from the corporation. It is just that simple. As long as you remain corporate employees, you are subject to the IRS if you work for the Fed. govt. If you want to continue being corporate slaves, that is your business, but it seems to me that anyone who is exposed to freedom would want to break free of the corporate chains. republicfortheunitedstates.org, if you are interested.
Wayne Bachmann said:And I keep trying to tell you people that you are trying to fix a system that was never designed to be fixed. It is impossible to convert a corporation into a Republic. Wouldn't it be 100 times easier to simply abandon the corporation and register with the Republic that our Founding Fathers established. It has been re-inhabited. Why not take advantage of what has already been done, and help educate People about it, and build it?
Morton said:Good job Walter but I think if we don't start by repealing the 17th Amendment we're not going to get any of the rest. We need a balanced Constitutional approach to fixing what's wrong. This is the beauty of our Founder's foresight. They put in place methods to make positive change when there is enough cause to do such.
As far as Title 18, I believe SS 271, 272 is to what you refer. If our gov't is now too corrupt, we the people must fix it. Read the following;
Walter Myers said:Good article Keith. What we must do is gain control of government. To do so voters must come together around two truths. 1. Government was created to secure for us our unalienable RIGHTS to Life, Liberty, and an opportunity to pursue happiness. 2. Any government Act that has diminished or eliminated our ability to enjoy any of our RIGHTS is a criminal Act and those responsible for the Act and its perpetuation are guilty of crimes cited in Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code.
Thanks to you, voters wishing to unite in spirit and on actions of mutual interest now have an opportunity to do so. I suggest everyone releasing an email citing some aspect of our problem include the following.
Messages citing problems and an implied need to gain control of the Federal government in order to correct them - but which never offer a clue as to how we might do so - are a lost opportunity. Please consider including the following in your releases.
Peaceful options for gaining control of the Federal government are:
- elect a President and/or totally new Congress having the courage, knowledge and integrity to honor their oath of office.
- state action to restore the integrity of the common law grand jury and ballot boxes. (http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/JuryBoxIntegrity.htm and http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/BallotBoxIntegrityBill.htm)
- Repeal the 17th Amendment. (http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/17thAmendment.htm)
NOTE - Each option demands responsible state action! Getting it will require a team such as described at www.thecnc.org/Documents/1776.htm. A communications system to help patriots locate and communicate with others in their county and state is available at www.ConstitutionClubUSA.com. Go to it, click on county and states and register.
The alternatives to peacefully gaining control of our Federal government is for our law enforcement personnel (military and civilian) to honor their oath of office and/or formation of the militia authorized by Art. II of the Bill of Rights.
Please include these thoughts in your releases as helping to populate the communications system with a few million people will take everyone’s help.
The Constitutions are almost identical. In 1871, the only difference that I know of was the omission of the original 13th Amendment, and its replacement of the 13th Amendment which we have. They then started perverting the language with the use of upper/lower case letters, making a citizen the same as slave, and the Citizen similar to a Sovereign. Do an in depth study of the original 13th Amendment and you will find copies of old Constitutions that contain it, even the territory of Wyoming has it. There was a letter drafted prior to the ratification of the original 13th that says it was never ratified, and it was true. Why? Because the letter was written BEFORE it was ratified. A lot of people don't seem to recognize that distinction, because they are probably BAR attorneys and don't want evidence being presented that would convict them of committing treason. For those who don't know, BAR stands for British Accreditation Registry, and anyone registered with the BAR is an agent for the British Crown Temple, a secret society based in London. You will not find the meaning of BAR anywhere that I know of, except maybe in law school, because they don't want you knowing this information, BUT if you will do a reverse search on British Accreditation Registry, you will find it tied directly to the BAR. What is a SECRET SOCIETY doing at the head of this country and in -what is thought to be- the head of our court systems??? HMMMM. Is that not TREASON??? Now there are lots of differences between the two constitutions. Look at all the additional amendments, especially those that were never officially ratified.
Morton said:
Well said Wayne, but I've never seen this other constitution or the original 13th Amendment. I knew though that there was a lot I didn't like about the 13th Amendment , not to mention the 14th,16th,17th,20th, and so on. In terms of breaking free from the corporation I already have and you're right. I wouldn't trade away this freedom for anything they have to offer. I no longer use an SSN. I am no longer tied to the corporation but do not get ANY cooperation from the local just-us system when it comes to driving a car. A Summary Offense is the tool they use. Your "Resident" status establishes their "Jurisdiction" and from there its a fait de compli that you will comply or suffer the consequences. It starts when they describe you as a natural person, they cloud the issue and no one can decipher their maze. This is the real problem. The laws are undefined and unclear and should be declared void for vagueness. Read Lysander Spooner - No Treason
Wayne Bachmann said:Apparently you people don't seem to understand that there are two Constitutions, one that our Founding Fathers drafted, and an almost identical one that the Corporation drafted in 1871 when they started running the country as a corporation. They omitted the original 13th Amendment, and slipped in what you know as the 13th Amendment (there must have been a valid strong reason for them to want to do that -fraudulently, without full disclosure, and without voting on it). I repeat; you cannot convert a corporation (for profit) into a Republic. Stop wasting your time!! Just simply register with the Republic. You will no longer be in the corporate jurisdiction for cops to have authority to write tickets in your behalf. You will no longer be subject to their statutes and codes. Statutes and codes only apply to corporate employees, which you are, until you extract yourself from the corporation. It is just that simple. As long as you remain corporate employees, you are subject to the IRS if you work for the Fed. govt. If you want to continue being corporate slaves, that is your business, but it seems to me that anyone who is exposed to freedom would want to break free of the corporate chains. republicfortheunitedstates.org, if you are interested.
Wayne Bachmann said:And I keep trying to tell you people that you are trying to fix a system that was never designed to be fixed. It is impossible to convert a corporation into a Republic. Wouldn't it be 100 times easier to simply abandon the corporation and register with the Republic that our Founding Fathers established. It has been re-inhabited. Why not take advantage of what has already been done, and help educate People about it, and build it?
Morton said:Good job Walter but I think if we don't start by repealing the 17th Amendment we're not going to get any of the rest. We need a balanced Constitutional approach to fixing what's wrong. This is the beauty of our Founder's foresight. They put in place methods to make positive change when there is enough cause to do such.
As far as Title 18, I believe SS 271, 272 is to what you refer. If our gov't is now too corrupt, we the people must fix it. Read the following;
Walter Myers said:Good article Keith. What we must do is gain control of government. To do so voters must come together around two truths. 1. Government was created to secure for us our unalienable RIGHTS to Life, Liberty, and an opportunity to pursue happiness. 2. Any government Act that has diminished or eliminated our ability to enjoy any of our RIGHTS is a criminal Act and those responsible for the Act and its perpetuation are guilty of crimes cited in Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code.
Thanks to you, voters wishing to unite in spirit and on actions of mutual interest now have an opportunity to do so. I suggest everyone releasing an email citing some aspect of our problem include the following.
Messages citing problems and an implied need to gain control of the Federal government in order to correct them - but which never offer a clue as to how we might do so - are a lost opportunity. Please consider including the following in your releases.
Peaceful options for gaining control of the Federal government are:
- elect a President and/or totally new Congress having the courage, knowledge and integrity to honor their oath of office.
- state action to restore the integrity of the common law grand jury and ballot boxes. (http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/JuryBoxIntegrity.htm and http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/BallotBoxIntegrityBill.htm)
- Repeal the 17th Amendment. (http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/17thAmendment.htm)
NOTE - Each option demands responsible state action! Getting it will require a team such as described at www.thecnc.org/Documents/1776.htm. A communications system to help patriots locate and communicate with others in their county and state is available at www.ConstitutionClubUSA.com. Go to it, click on county and states and register.
The alternatives to peacefully gaining control of our Federal government is for our law enforcement personnel (military and civilian) to honor their oath of office and/or formation of the militia authorized by Art. II of the Bill of Rights.
Please include these thoughts in your releases as helping to populate the communications system with a few million people will take everyone’s help.
There has been no death of our Constitutional Republic. If there had been the experiment would have failed and it hasn't yet. If Lincoln did away with Congress who did he call to have joint meetings with? ( there are some on record). What Lincoln did was save the Constitutional Republic and paid the ultimate price for it. No government official can suspend or do away with that which they did not give. All of our rights are endowed by our creator. We have elections and those serving can be removed as seen in Colorado.
It is true that there was no death to our Republic. Abraham Lincoln and his regime "abandoned" the Republic. The proof is in the fruit of their conduct. The Civil War violated the Constitution, and Thomas Jefferson said "The states joined voluntarily, therefore they have the right to secede." Abe Lincoln was a descendant of the Rothschilds, and they wanted America split north and south, with the Bank of England controlling the north, and the Bank of France controlling the south. Who owns both banks? The Rothschilds! It was his job to divide and conquer, but chose to force the states to stay together. The southern sates did not want to be held as the additional collateral for the extension of the loan that came due during Lincoln's Presidency.
Well Wayne all I can say is I have a good idea what I would like our gov't to do.
Here’s what I would like the federal government to do:
Morton said:
Well said Wayne, but I've never seen this other constitution or the original 13th Amendment. I knew though that there was a lot I didn't like about the 13th Amendment , not to mention the 14th,16th,17th,20th, and so on. In terms of breaking free from the corporation I already have and you're right. I wouldn't trade away this freedom for anything they have to offer. I no longer use an SSN. I am no longer tied to the corporation but do not get ANY cooperation from the local just-us system when it comes to driving a car. A Summary Offense is the tool they use. Your "Resident" status establishes their "Jurisdiction" and from there its a fait de compli that you will comply or suffer the consequences. It starts when they describe you as a natural person, they cloud the issue and no one can decipher their maze. This is the real problem. The laws are undefined and unclear and should be declared void for vagueness. Read Lysander Spooner - No Treason
Wayne Bachmann said:Apparently you people don't seem to understand that there are two Constitutions, one that our Founding Fathers drafted, and an almost identical one that the Corporation drafted in 1871 when they started running the country as a corporation. They omitted the original 13th Amendment, and slipped in what you know as the 13th Amendment (there must have been a valid strong reason for them to want to do that -fraudulently, without full disclosure, and without voting on it). I repeat; you cannot convert a corporation (for profit) into a Republic. Stop wasting your time!! Just simply register with the Republic. You will no longer be in the corporate jurisdiction for cops to have authority to write tickets in your behalf. You will no longer be subject to their statutes and codes. Statutes and codes only apply to corporate employees, which you are, until you extract yourself from the corporation. It is just that simple. As long as you remain corporate employees, you are subject to the IRS if you work for the Fed. govt. If you want to continue being corporate slaves, that is your business, but it seems to me that anyone who is exposed to freedom would want to break free of the corporate chains. republicfortheunitedstates.org, if you are interested.
Wayne Bachmann said:And I keep trying to tell you people that you are trying to fix a system that was never designed to be fixed. It is impossible to convert a corporation into a Republic. Wouldn't it be 100 times easier to simply abandon the corporation and register with the Republic that our Founding Fathers established. It has been re-inhabited. Why not take advantage of what has already been done, and help educate People about it, and build it?
Morton said:Good job Walter but I think if we don't start by repealing the 17th Amendment we're not going to get any of the rest. We need a balanced Constitutional approach to fixing what's wrong. This is the beauty of our Founder's foresight. They put in place methods to make positive change when there is enough cause to do such.
As far as Title 18, I believe SS 271, 272 is to what you refer. If our gov't is now too corrupt, we the people must fix it. Read the following;
Walter Myers said:Good article Keith. What we must do is gain control of government. To do so voters must come together around two truths. 1. Government was created to secure for us our unalienable RIGHTS to Life, Liberty, and an opportunity to pursue happiness. 2. Any government Act that has diminished or eliminated our ability to enjoy any of our RIGHTS is a criminal Act and those responsible for the Act and its perpetuation are guilty of crimes cited in Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code.
Thanks to you, voters wishing to unite in spirit and on actions of mutual interest now have an opportunity to do so. I suggest everyone releasing an email citing some aspect of our problem include the following.
Messages citing problems and an implied need to gain control of the Federal government in order to correct them - but which never offer a clue as to how we might do so - are a lost opportunity. Please consider including the following in your releases.
Peaceful options for gaining control of the Federal government are:
- elect a President and/or totally new Congress having the courage, knowledge and integrity to honor their oath of office.
- state action to restore the integrity of the common law grand jury and ballot boxes. (http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/JuryBoxIntegrity.htm and http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/BallotBoxIntegrityBill.htm)
- Repeal the 17th Amendment. (http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/17thAmendment.htm)
NOTE - Each option demands responsible state action! Getting it will require a team such as described at www.thecnc.org/Documents/1776.htm. A communications system to help patriots locate and communicate with others in their county and state is available at www.ConstitutionClubUSA.com. Go to it, click on county and states and register.
The alternatives to peacefully gaining control of our Federal government is for our law enforcement personnel (military and civilian) to honor their oath of office and/or formation of the militia authorized by Art. II of the Bill of Rights.
Please include these thoughts in your releases as helping to populate the communications system with a few million people will take everyone’s help.
Your first line is the clue as to why we do not have the same concept/idea/desire. I am not a citizen/slave of the UNITED STATES. Obama has never been my president, and never will be. It is not my criminal corporation that is feigning to be a government, and never would have been, had there been full disclosure. It is a corporation feigning to be a government since the days of Abraham Lincoln, and I can prove it. I have copies of their corporate paperwork, registered in Delaware. The government is listed as a religious organization, if you can believe that, then there is the corporation for the IRS, and Land Acquisition, and several other sub-corporations. Why do you suppose there is a corporation for "Land Acquisition"??? HMMMM, (our land?). My lawfully elected President is currently being held in jail as a political prisoner (in this free? country). He has committed no crime, or act of violence against anyone (as I had not, when I was unjustly confined in the Harney County Jail(Oregon), and the Snohomish County Jail in Washington. After the injustices I have been through, they will never be able to convince me to re-join, regardless of the intimidation tactics or duress. I will never accept their chip. I refuse to pay anything to the IRS, and I reduce all other taxes to a bare minimum to keep from supporting this crooked corporation you belong to. I repeat, I do not contract with the IRS, and that is all those 1090s, 1099s, 1040s, are, just contracts. Unless you are employed by the Federal Government, you do not have to engage in commerce with the Federal Reserve. The Dept. of Justice(?) DOJ is not part of the government, but is the legal office for the Federal Reserve, and the IRS is their collection agency. The judge is not a judge, but a banker for the Federal Reserve, and can be found in courtrooms wearing big black MUUMUU dresses! As far as I am concerned, they are a laughing stock, and I would be embarrassed to be one. They are just feigning to be the captain of a ship (that is stuck on land), with the side of his ship being the railing with a little gate to walk through, that wont even keep waves out! I laugh at them! I have been on the ocean, worked on pipe laying barges on a diving crew. They are an absolute disgrace to the maritime lifestyle. They are not captains of any ship, regardless what they claim, just a bunch of phonies, and I refuse to recognize them with an ounce of authority. They have none, just like Ham, in the Bible, who stole Noah's priesthood garments, after getting him drunk. If you steal something from someone, it does not legitimize the possession of what you stole. That is where the Pharaohs got their supposed authority. Ham stole Noah's priesthood garments, Congress created a corporation to run the country under, and made their version of the Constitution, omitting the original 13th Amendment, slipping in the 13thth Amendment that you are familiar with, so (hopefully) nobody would notice, and didn't until it was discovered about 15 years ago. We now have proof of what has happened as it is in several old States Constitution, as well as the Constitution for the Wyoming Territory. BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry", and anyone registered with the BAR is an agent for the British Crown Temple, a secret society, based in London. The American BAR is run through the Middle temple, the Canadian BAR, through the Outer Temple, European BAR through a different temple I don't recall the name of. What is a foreign secret society in charge of our political and court systems for??? Is that not a crime of treason?? Do you think our Founding Fathers weren't aware of what would happen? Ben Franklin was an Esquire, a Title of Nobility. Do you suppose that is why he never held office? He knew of the corruption involved if People/people were allowed to hold public office who were receiving benefits or honors from other countries. A woman asked him what kind of a government have you given us? His reply; "A Republic, if you can keep it." Hamilton didn't even let the ink dry before he and his buddies in big govt. set about to undermine the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln was the first President to violate it, and had no business running for President, except to humble the wickedness that the country was bringing on the Mormon Pioneers, as well as others. Anyone who accepts the chip, will sorely regret it, as referred to in Revelations. I refuse to be a part of your government.
How did you end up being the author of my letter? That's funny!
Keith Broaders said:
Your first line is the clue as to why we do not have the same concept/idea/desire. I am not a citizen/slave of the UNITED STATES. Obama has never been my president, and never will be. It is not my criminal corporation that is feigning to be a government, and never would have been, had there been full disclosure. It is a corporation feigning to be a government since the days of Abraham Lincoln, and I can prove it. I have copies of their corporate paperwork, registered in Delaware. The government is listed as a religious organization, if you can believe that, then there is the corporation for the IRS, and Land Acquisition, and several other sub-corporations. Why do you suppose there is a corporation for "Land Acquisition"??? HMMMM, (our land?). My lawfully elected President is currently being held in jail as a political prisoner (in this free? country). He has committed no crime, or act of violence against anyone (as I had not, when I was unjustly confined in the Harney County Jail(Oregon), and the Snohomish County Jail in Washington. After the injustices I have been through, they will never be able to convince me to re-join, regardless of the intimidation tactics or duress. I will never accept their chip. I refuse to pay anything to the IRS, and I reduce all other taxes to a bare minimum to keep from supporting this crooked corporation you belong to. I repeat, I do not contract with the IRS, and that is all those 1090s, 1099s, 1040s, are, just contracts. Unless you are employed by the Federal Government, you do not have to engage in commerce with the Federal Reserve. The Dept. of Justice(?) DOJ is not part of the government, but is the legal office for the Federal Reserve, and the IRS is their collection agency. The judge is not a judge, but a banker for the Federal Reserve, and can be found in courtrooms wearing big black MUUMUU dresses! As far as I am concerned, they are a laughing stock, and I would be embarrassed to be one. They are just feigning to be the captain of a ship (that is stuck on land), with the side of his ship being the railing with a little gate to walk through, that wont even keep waves out! I laugh at them! I have been on the ocean, worked on pipe laying barges on a diving crew. They are an absolute disgrace to the maritime lifestyle. They are not captains of any ship, regardless what they claim, just a bunch of phonies, and I refuse to recognize them with an ounce of authority. They have none, just like Ham, in the Bible, who stole Noah's priesthood garments, after getting him drunk. If you steal something from someone, it does not legitimize the possession of what you stole. That is where the Pharaohs got their supposed authority. Ham stole Noah's priesthood garments, Congress created a corporation to run the country under, and made their version of the Constitution, omitting the original 13th Amendment, slipping in the 13thth Amendment that you are familiar with, so (hopefully) nobody would notice, and didn't until it was discovered about 15 years ago. We now have proof of what has happened as it is in several old States Constitution, as well as the Constitution for the Wyoming Territory. BAR stands for "British Accreditation Registry", and anyone registered with the BAR is an agent for the British Crown Temple, a secret society, based in London. The American BAR is run through the Middle temple, the Canadian BAR, through the Outer Temple, European BAR through a different temple I don't recall the name of. What is a foreign secret society in charge of our political and court systems for??? Is that not a crime of treason?? Do you think our Founding Fathers weren't aware of what would happen? Ben Franklin was an Esquire, a Title of Nobility. Do you suppose that is why he never held office? He knew of the corruption involved if People/people were allowed to hold public office who were receiving benefits or honors from other countries. A woman asked him what kind of a government have you given us? His reply; "A Republic, if you can keep it." Hamilton didn't even let the ink dry before he and his buddies in big govt. set about to undermine the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln was the first President to violate it, and had no business running for President, except to humble the wickedness that the country was bringing on the Mormon Pioneers, as well as others. Anyone who accepts the chip, will sorely regret it, as referred to in Revelations. I refuse to be a part of your government.
Martial law ended with the civil war. Obama cannot be Impeached because it takes 2/3 of the Senate (Jury) to find him guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Even if we take the Senate in 2014 it would be a miracle
if we get 2/3. I think the current President is guilty of many crimes but this is a political problem that can only
be cured in the voting booth. I do think we will prevail in 2016 because the American people will have had enough of Obamacare as well as all the rest of his shenanigans, especially a failed economic experiment that has failed in every Socialist economic system in history. We are Americans we will dig our way out when he is gone. The only thing that could stop us in 2016 is Hillary!!!
Got news for you, Gregory. President Grant re-activated Martial Law, and it is still in force to this day. It was never deactivated after Grant re-activated it. It just hasn't been enforced.
You will not solve any problems by voting. That is a corporate activity, and corporations can never be converted into a Republic. It is impossible.
Electing is a Republic activity, and if you are interested in registering with the Republic that Abraham Lincoln abandoned, which was re-inhabited in November of 2010, go to republicfortheunitedstates.org.. We are getting ready for our second elections in this November, if you are interested in being a part of history. Once you get registered, you will no longer be in the corporate jurisdiction, if you also choose to sever yourself from adhesion contracts.
© 2025 Created by Keith Broaders.
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