There are Two Constitutions
I heard about a lot of that stuff but my friend is still living in his house since the bank tried to evict him 3 years ago. The sheriff said he won't do anything until he receives a court order. The judge won't give an order until the bank proves my friend to be a "defaulted debtor" and they(the bank) win the quiet title action we brought against them. The judge was so impressed with the bank lawyers that she set the next hearing for December. "Winning"
"Those unaware are unaware of being unaware."
"You can do anything you want if you can take the heat in court."
Well, I have access to a way to stop all foreclosures dead in their tracks. It can also stop any court actions, and court cases, garnishments etc. Its very new and is in the pilot mode right now, and will see very powerful results very soon. Every time we have gone into their kangaroo courts, we lost. No matter how good our paperwork was, it did not matter. We always lost no matter what until now. There is a group that has figured out how to become the beneficiary instead of the trustee (slave). Slaves have no rights and always lose but when you submit one letter that changes your position from the trustee (slave) to that of the beneficiary (King), amazing things happen. Those public servants are public servants again and they do what we direct them to do, or all those statutes that they were going to use against us, apply to them. Take a look: No one goes to court at all in this process.
For those that want to get started on a real education and learn more about the Gold Shield Alliance, it all began with Take a look at the quick start and anyone that wants to, can listen to the Monday recorded calls for a real awakening. Freedom Club USA is an education on the truth about bank fraud and they offer an Administrative Remedy (AR) and 90% of what is on their site is free. There are damages due to everyone who thought he or she got a home loan, a student loan, a credit line, or used credit cards. The truth shall set you free!
I would also like to add that the Common Law is returning to our republic:
6-26-13 Sheriff Association Has Established an International Common Law Court of Justice: Interview with Tom Murphy Leadership: Foreclosure Prevention Call- 6:00 PST
HISAdvocates has an interview this Wednesday night with the Sheriff's Association leadership Tom Murphy. Tom Murphy is working diligently to assist "The People" in having true ENFORCEMENT in unlawful foreclosure processes. The Sheriff's Association has now established an International Common Law Court of Justice which is based out of California! This is very exciting! They will take your court case (free of charge) and bring it before their fully seated grand jury to rule on it. Get More Information Here
If you haven't already heard, the People now have a tool to help the People. Please get your FREE account at account. Click here to reserve your spot for this Wed's call
Guests: Tom Murphy
Register Wednesday night on the call.
Karl Norman Meyers said:
Good points. I feel I don't need to be governed at all, but that corporation has police and a sheriff that will pull you over if you have a light bulb out and they will force you out of your home if you fail to pay them back the loan they never gave you. The sheriff is the one who will help the bankers steal your home from you because he works for the corporation. In these cases the fiction is very real. I have undeniable proof that no one ever got a home loan from a bank. We just think we got a loan because when we signed the promissory note at the title office, we got handed the keys at closing. There is no ledger sheet showing a draw down of any money at any bank related to any home loan. It is illegal for banks to loan credit. It is illegal for banks to lend their depositors money, so where did your so called loan come from? These banks do not have millions and millions of dollars sitting in their vaults. They barely have 6% on deposit if that. They sold our promissory note which created new credits that look like a loan, but the banks never loaned anyone a dime. And to see the sheriff's help the bankers evict families and veterans from their homes is disgusting, but the "fiction:" does this every day.
I'd love to see student "loans" addressed as the foreclosures are now. It's the same damned thing......pretend loans that actually put money onto the ledgers of those purporting to be loaning ANYTHING.
Karl Norman Meyers said:
Well, I have access to a way to stop all foreclosures dead in their tracks. It can also stop any court actions, and court cases, garnishments etc. Its very new and is in the pilot mode right now, and will see very powerful results very soon. Every time we have gone into their kangaroo courts, we lost. No matter how good our paperwork was, it did not matter. We always lost no matter what until now. There is a group that has figured out how to become the beneficiary instead of the trustee (slave). Slaves have no rights and always lose but when you submit one letter that changes your position from the trustee (slave) to that of the beneficiary (King), amazing things happen. Those public servants are public servants again and they do what we direct them to do, or all those statutes that they were going to use against us, apply to them. Take a look: No one goes to court at all in this process.
For those that want to get started on a real education and learn more about the Gold Shield Alliance, it all began with Take a look at the quick start and anyone that wants to, can listen to the Monday recorded calls for a real awakening. Freedom Club USA is an education on the truth about bank fraud and they offer an Administrative Remedy (AR) and 90% of what is on their site is free. There are damages due to everyone who thought he or she got a home loan, a student loan, a credit line, or used credit cards. The truth shall set you free!
Right. Obama is not even from the United states . That has been proven . The international bankers are .
The legislative bodies of the States and the Fed Government are useless IDIOTS. Why do you say that as they are purported to be the most respected and honorable people in the country. I say that because : Who in their right mind would waste billions of dollars on senseless programs to research and quantify the sex life of worms, gnats, frogs, tobacco, long deceased bugs and animals of extinction. Who would allow the approve of the murder of over 56 million unborn babies. Who in their right mind would order the senseless murder of our military in foreign countries and pay their governments for the right to kill their people. Who in their right mind would spend TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS they do not have and which are decades beyond their ability to repay the loans. Who in their right minds would purposely waste millions on incarcerating the poor who may have less than a pound of marijuana in their possession, while taxing the landowner to stop growing tobacco, tax the manufacturer to make tobacco products, tax the people who smoke the cigarettes and then pay to save their lives due to the harmful effects of the tobacco use. Only in America do the hypocritical dorky legislators and politicians openly practice harmful and illegal acts in ruling the people. They pay them to commit a crime, tax them for committing the crime and tax them again to pay for the incarceration of the criminal.
Only in America is the criminal leadership element, THE LAW. The open subversive twisting of the wording of the law will bring this country to its knees while the uneducated and lazy citizen goes about his daily routine in a fog, completely oblivious to his destruction and and remains apathetic to his surroundings and lifestyle.
Not to negate your many fine points, but actually it would matter if Obama was from Mars or Nibiru or some such alien planet. I believe that if you go high enough in the hierarchy of the rulers of this planet, you will find individuals who have made a contract with some of the more evil space aliens, including those who are ruled by "the Prince of the Air".
There are definitely levels of rulership that are above Obama's pay grade, and levels of clearance that Obama does not have. Literally, there are certain things that Obama doesn't have a "need to know".
I believe that Obama is doing the best he can, given the limited amount of wiggle room that his bosses have given him. That is why I voted for him twice (while holding my nose).
My son even believes that some of the evil which Obama is doing is done with good intent, namely, to provoke the populace to action. He is being so blatantly unconstitutional for a constitutional scholar that Egyptian-style revolt is now on the agenda.
I will be accused of this-or-that for saying these things, but ponder them and see if they don't have the ring of truth!
stupidamerkin said:
That's why it wouldn't matter if Obama was from the planet Mars. This entire dog and pony show about his birth record is nothing more then a bigger fraud with the agenda to distract. The plot thickens and the hits just keep on coming.
Tell this to the millions that have been murdered, tortured, plundered, and destroyed so far in his reign. Tell this to the babies murdered everyday in this country as well as around the world. Tell this to the families that have been destroyed on every level around the world. When you and your family are ripped out of your home, murdered, tortured and locked away in a FEMA camp, you can thank Obama because he has good intentions. He is just another puppet like all the rest in the District of Criminals, but that's ok. I'm sure they all have good intentions. Are you from the planet Mars?This is total madness, but as I say, it is no measure of health to be normal and well adjusted in a profoundly sick and twisted society.
Keep drinking your Kool Aid and basking in the chem trails while eating your processed foods. I'm sure you have good intentions too.
In the mean time Mark Dice has some petitions for you to sign.
I am, living in the Twilight Zone.
Hi Don, just look at it this way. The UNITED STATES and those legislative bodies are working for the corporation called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA established in 1871 by the Act of 1871. What we think of as our "country" is not what is in those legislative bodies. Its a company like IBM, in business to make a profit, and the most profits are obtained in war. They took an oath of office but it was for the corporation, the constitution "of" the UNITED STATES instead of the oath of the constitution "for" the united States. Those legislative bodies ignore the people, because the people have no "standing". We have all checked the little box on the government forms that said "I am a UNITED STATES citizen. By doing that we all just made ourselves a corporation, just like the UNITED STATES. Corporations don't have rights, they have privileges. Corporations can't argue constitutional issues because they have no "standing". The CEO spends trillions of dollars on anything he wants because every dollar of debt benefits the owners of the Federal Reserve. They are mostly not even Americans and and collect 11% from every new dollar of debt created by the CEO and the corporate CONgress. Its a complete waste of time to write them or call them because they take their orders from the CEO. What is happening right now is a huge WAKE UP CALL. When the people find out that their votes never counted, and they have gone from sovereign, to slaves, they are given the keys to open the door of truth, which will set us all free.
Don Kepus said:
The legislative bodies of the States and the Fed Government are useless IDIOTS. Why do you say that as they are purported to be the most respected and honorable people in the country. I say that because : Who in their right mind would waste billions of dollars on senseless programs to research and quantify the sex life of worms, gnats, frogs, tobacco, long deceased bugs and animals of extinction. Who would allow the approve of the murder of over 56 million unborn babies. Who in their right mind would order the senseless murder of our military in foreign countries and pay their governments for the right to kill their people. Who in their right mind would spend TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS they do not have and which are decades beyond their ability to repay the loans. Who in their right minds would purposely waste millions on incarcerating the poor who may have less than a pound of marijuana in their possession, while taxing the landowner to stop growing tobacco, tax the manufacturer to make tobacco products, tax the people who smoke the cigarettes and then pay to save their lives due to the harmful effects of the tobacco use. Only in America do the hypocritical dorky legislators and politicians openly practice harmful and illegal acts in ruling the people. They pay them to commit a crime, tax them for committing the crime and tax them again to pay for the incarceration of the criminal.
Only in America is the criminal leadership element, THE LAW. The open subversive twisting of the wording of the law will bring this country to its knees while the uneducated and lazy citizen goes about his daily routine in a fog, completely oblivious to his destruction and and remains apathetic to his surroundings and lifestyle.
As far as I am concerned, Barack Obama is the President of an International Corporation which is domiciled in the District of Columbia. He takes his orders from the stockholders of the corporation which just happen to be same folks that own and operate the Federal Reserve and the IRS. The members of Congress on the Members of the Corporate Board of Directors and they also take their orders from the stockholders. We vote the members of Congress in to office but they owe the allegiance to the bankers that get them elected and then re-elected. The three branches of government resemble a three ring circus where clowns pretend to be serving the best interests of the people.
I will add that with black box voting, we have not elected anyone to any office in the last few decades. We get the illusion that we are actually exercising our right as an American to elect our leaders, but in reality with black box voting we never elected anyone, and we also had to check that box that says - I am United States citizen in order to vote. If you don't check that box, you don't get to vote. I wrote the Secretary of State here in California and told them I was not a UNITED STATES citizen. I am a citizen of the republic of California and where do I vote? I got ignored of course.
The truth has come out and Obama is not a constitutional scholar. He never attended college. It was all made up so they could put him in that office as the CEO of the corporation. That is why several people that did attend the colleges he claimed to go to never saw him or heard of him. I have heard Obama say in his speeches that we have a democracy. Well, a constitutional scholar knows that we were given a republic, not a democracy, and he reads teleprompters very well. Yes, he is a puppet and doing a good job for the Zionist bankers that really run the show here in America.
John D. Hansen, Jr. said:
Not to negate your many fine points, but actually it would matter if Obama was from Mars or Nibiru or some such alien planet. I believe that if you go high enough in the hierarchy of the rulers of this planet, you will find individuals who have made a contract with some of the more evil space aliens, including those who are ruled by "the Prince of the Air".
There are definitely levels of rulership that are above Obama's pay grade, and levels of clearance that Obama does not have. Literally, there are certain things that Obama doesn't have a "need to know".
I believe that Obama is doing the best he can, given the limited amount of wiggle room that his bosses have given him. That is why I voted for him twice (while holding my nose).
My son even believes that some of the evil which Obama is doing is done with good intent, namely, to provoke the populace to action. He is being so blatantly unconstitutional for a constitutional scholar that Egyptian-style revolt is now on the agenda.
I will be accused of this-or-that for saying these things, but ponder them and see if they don't have the ring of truth!
stupidamerkin said:
That's why it wouldn't matter if Obama was from the planet Mars. This entire dog and pony show about his birth record is nothing more then a bigger fraud with the agenda to distract. The plot thickens and the hits just keep on coming.
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